The Alembic Plot Part 21

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"How do you feel, Captain?"

"Mmm?" Cortin opened her eyes, to see Odeon and Chang standing over her. "Not bad--it's done?"

"It is done. The procedure went quite well. You feel no pain?"

"Only the usual in my back. No sensation where you were working."

Chang gave them a thumbs-up, smiling. "Precisely as it should be; you are fully healed, and the algetin has worn off. You are again capable of intercourse, and I believe enjoyably so. Though it may take you a few times to become accustomed to the different sensations."

Cortin licked her lips apprehensively, sitting up but keeping herself covered with the sheet. Mike had said it'd be an order of magnitude better, Sis said it should be enjoyable, and she trusted them implicitly--so why in G.o.d's name was she suddenly so apprehensive at the prospect of something she'd enjoyed so much before? Her last experience had been horrible, granted, so maybe the apprehension was normal . . . She forced herself to calm. None of her people would hurt her, she knew that; at worst, she'd have no feeling. No physical feeling, she corrected herself. Making love with Enforcement men had always been fun, and usually gave her a comfortable, cherished feeling whether she climaxed or not. She'd still have that, which was something to cling to. A big something.

"There are some things you should know before beginning," Chang said.

"While you are again capable of arousal, you must understand it will not be the same; you will have to make allowances."

Cortin nodded. "I understand. Can you be more specific?"

"I found it necessary to provide muscular support for the replacement,"

Chang said. "I attempted to tie the necessary relaxation into the arousal mechanism, but I am a medic, not a surgeon; I do not know if I was successful. Should arousal not relax those muscles sufficiently to permit penetration, you will have to do so consciously."

"I think I can manage that, if I have to. What about climax?"

Chang shrugged, smiling regretfully. "You will have to tell me," she said. "You are not physiologically equipped for such, yet my studies tell me it is as much a mental as a physical phenomenon, so I cannot say you will not experience it."

"That's all I can ask," Cortin said. "I owe you, Sis; what can I do for you?"

Chang smiled. "You owe me nothing, Captain; restoring your ability to function is reward enough. And I have news of my own. You are not the only one to be restored; my prayers have been answered."

Cortin laughed, her apprehension dissolved in the nun's evident pleasure. "Wonderful! When? Who'd you celebrate it with?"

"Last night. No one as yet, not with a patient under my care and myself the only available medic."

"In which case it's a good thing I don't need medical care any longer,"

Cortin said with a grin. Then she turned to Odeon. "Where are the rest, Mike?"

"Tiny's outside playing gardener; the rest are up at the Manor visiting Prince Edward's security troops. We thought it would be a good idea to let you check yourself out without a crowd."

"I appreciate the consideration, but my team's not a crowd." Cortin c.o.c.ked an eye at him. "Since I know you wouldn't pull rank for a personal matter, were you the one to stay because we were lovers before?"

"That did make him the reasonable choice," Chang said equably.

"And Sis has more than a pa.s.sing interest in Tiny," Odeon said.

"Then I'd suggest she invite him in," Cortin said. "While she does--any news?"

She meant professional, not personal, Odeon knew; he shook his head.

"Nothing worth mentioning. The Brothers are still laying low, and aside from confirming what you found out about the Shannons, Ivan says the Detention Center Inquisitors have been drawing blanks."

"What about the one we brought with us?"

"Dave and Ivan teamed up on him, but unless you count some entertainment, they didn't get anything useful."

"Blast! Not wis.h.i.+ng anyone anything bad, but I'll be glad when this stalemate breaks."

"You aren't the only one," Odeon agreed emphatically. "Morale's as good as you could expect, maybe a little better, but everyone's itching for some action." He made a wry face. "Group therapy can only do so much, even when you've got a bunch of compatible enthusiasts. Which we definitely do, even with you out of action."

"Good." Most Enforcement men were heteros.e.xual whenever possible, to Cortin's gratification, but had no hesitation in enjoying each other rather than doing without; if they weren't compatible, morale suffered.

"n.o.body's getting shorted or exploited?"

"No. Everything's as smooth as we could hope for, and everyone's looking forward to having you join in."

"I plan to," Cortin said, then turned to Chang, who had come back in with Pritchett. "Unless you'd recommend otherwise?"

"As I said, you are fully healed," the medic said. "I see no reason to hesitate, even with our misnamed Tiny."

"Well endowed?" Cortin asked Odeon, grinning. She'd never seen her communications specialist naked, to her disappointment; in Middletown he'd used the Elysian Gardens, and here, she'd been unconscious.

"Nicely in proportion, at any rate," Odeon replied with an answering grin. "And his stamina's nothing to sneeze at, either--he gave me a ride yesterday evening you wouldn't believe."

The big man grinned. "You flatter me--and I love it."

"No flattery intended," Odeon said, straight-faced. "Just doing my duty, keeping the CO informed. Of course, I imagine she'll see for herself here shortly."

"If not," Chang said, "I will be most disappointed. When I was praying for a normal trooper's s.e.xual att.i.tude and abilities, I did not realize the strength of the drive I was praying for. I confess I am finding it difficult to keep my hands to myself."

"Why try, then?" Cortin asked. "Neither of you is on duty, there aren't any civs around, and Tiny looks willing enough."

"More than willing," Pritchett said, extending his hand to the medic.

"I need a shower first; care to join me?"

"That sounds most enjoyable."

"Attractive couple, aren't they?" Odeon asked appreciatively as the pair disappeared into the bathroom.

"Very," Cortin agreed. "Sis deserved a miracle if anyone did, and Tiny'll be good for her." She let the sheet drop--and found out why Odeon was wearing a robe at this time of day; he was naked. And, she thought with satisfaction, as beautifully and excitingly male as she remembered.

Odeon looked at her, afraid that what he'd learned of her early that morning would block his normal reaction to her. To his considerable relief, he discovered it didn't; if anything, it made her more desirable. The remembered taste of her milk sent a surge of thrilling warmth through him, focusing in his loins.

Cortin grinned at her second's fast arousal, holding out her arms as she felt half-familiar, half-strange sensations in her belly. "It's nice to have a dependable second--especially one who's properly respectful."

Odeon glanced down, smiling at her familiar banter. "Yes, ma'am. The Academy did stress respect for one's superior officers, and the importance of a proper stance of attention."

They lay for awhile when it ended, catching their breath, then Odeon withdrew, caressing her affectionately. "You seemed to enjoy that--and it's the best I've ever had."

"Enjoy?" Cortin looked at him, trying to sort out her feelings.

"That's . . . I don't know. Too weak a word." She smiled at him, a bit tentatively. "Mike . . . it was like climaxing, the whole time--and when you did, it was . . ." She hesitated, searching for words, then gave it up as hopeless. Even a poet would have trouble describing what she'd felt! "I can't describe it, except that it was like being filled with liquid fire--and I'm still tingling from it."

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