A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe Part 18

A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe -

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Microcosmic salt dissolves it in the flame of oxidation, to a clear yellow bead, which loses its color when cold. In the reduction flame, when the bead is highly saturated, a violet-brown color is produced.

In presence of the oxides of iron, the reactions are like those of niobic acid. With carbonate of soda, the reactions are similar to those of niobic acid. By heating with nitrate of cobalt, it yields a light grey infusible ma.s.s.

(_g._) _t.i.tanium_ (Ti).--This metal occurs occasionally in the slags of iron works, in the metallic state, as small cubical crystals of a red color. It is a very hard metal, and very infusible. t.i.tanic acid occurs in nature crystallized in _anatase_, _arkansite_, _brookite_, and _rutile_. t.i.tanium is harder than agate, entirely infusible, and loses only a little of its l.u.s.tre, which can be regained by fusion with borax. It does not melt with carbonate of soda, borax, or microcosmic salt, and is insoluble in every acid except the hydrofluoric. By ignition with saltpetre it is converted into t.i.tanic acid, which combines with the pota.s.sium, forming the t.i.tanate of pota.s.sium.

_t.i.tanic Acid_ (TiO^{2}) is white, insoluble, and, when heated, it appears yellow while hot, but resumes upon cooling its white color.

Borax dissolves it in the oxidation flame to a clear yellow bead, which when cool is colorless. When overcharged, or heated with the intermitting flame, it is enamel-white after being cooled. In the reduction flame, the bead appears yellow, if the acid exists in small quant.i.ty, but if more be added, then it is of an orange, or dark yellow, or even brown. The saturated bead, when heated intermittingly, appears when cold of an enamelled blue. By addition of the acid, and by heating the bead on charcoal in the reduction flame, it becomes dark yellow while hot, but dark blue, or black and opaque when cold.

This bead appears, when heated intermittingly, of a light blue, and when cold, enamelled.

Microcosmic salt fuses with it in the oxidation flame to a clear colorless bead, which appears yellow only in the presence of a quant.i.ty of t.i.tanic acid, though by cooling it loses its color. In the reduction flame this bead exhibits a yellow color when hot, but is red while cooling, and when cold of a beautiful bluish-violet. If the bead is overcharged, the color becomes so dark that the bead appears opaque, though not presenting an enamel appearance. By heating the bead again in the oxidation flame the color disappears. The addition of some tin promotes the reduction. If the t.i.tanic acid contains oxide of iron, or if some is added, the bead appears, when cold, brownish-yellow, or brownish-red.

By fusion with carbonate of soda, t.i.tanic acid is dissolved with effervescence to a clear dark yellow bead, which crystallizes by cooling, whereby so much heat is eliminated, that the bead, at the instant of its crystallization, glows with great brightness. A reduction to a metal cannot, however, be effected. By ignition with a solution of nitrate of cobalt in the oxidation flame, it yields an infusible yellowish-green ma.s.s.

(_h._) _Uranium_ (U).--This rare metal occurs in the form of protoxide along with other oxides, in the mineral _pitch-blende_; as peroxide in _uranite_ and _uran-mica_, a.s.sociated with phosphoric acid and lime.

In the metallic state it presents the appearance of a dark grey ma.s.s, which is infusible, and remains unchanged when under water, or when exposed to dry air, but, when heated in the oxidation flame, it becomes oxidized, with lively sparkling, to a dark green ma.s.s, composed of the protoxide and peroxide.

The _protoxide of uranium_ (UO) is black, uncrystalline, or forms a brown powder. When exposed to heat it is converted partially into peroxide, when it has a dark green color.

The _peroxide of uranium_ (U^{2}O^{3}) is of an orange color, while its hydrate is of a fine yellow color, and in the form of a powder.

The salts are yellow.

By heating it in the oxidation flame, it acquires a dark green color, and is partly reduced to protoxide. In the reduction flame it presents a black appearance, and is there completely reduced to protoxide.

Borax dissolves it in the oxidation flame to a clear dark yellow bead, which is colorless when cold, if the metal is not present in great quant.i.ty. If more of the metal, or peroxide, be added, the bead changes to orange when hot, and light yellow when cold. When heated with the intermittent flame, it requires a large quant.i.ty of the peroxide to produce an enamel appearance in the cooled bead.

In the flame of reduction the bead becomes of a dirty green color, being partly reduced to protoxide, and appears, with a certain degree of saturation, black, when heated intermittingly, but never enamelled.

The bead appears on charcoal, and with the addition of tin, of a dark green color.

It fuses with microcosmic salt in the oxidation flame to a clear yellow bead, which is greenish-yellow when cold. In the reduction flame it produces a beautiful green bead, which increases when cold.

When fused upon charcoal with the addition of tin, its color is darker. Carbonate of soda does not dissolve it, although with a very small portion of soda it gives indications of fusion, but with still more of the soda it forms a yellow, or light-brown ma.s.s, which is absorbed by the charcoal, but it is not reduced to the metallic state.

(_i._) _Vanadium_ (V).--This very rare mineral is found in small quant.i.ty in iron-ores, in Sweden, and as vanadic acid in a few rare minerals. The metal presents the appearance of an iron-grey powder, and sometimes that of a silver-white ma.s.s. It is not oxidized either by air or water, and is infusible.

_Vanadic Acid_ (VO^{3}) fuses upon platinum foil to a deep orange liquid, which becomes crystalline after cooling. When fused upon charcoal, one part of it is absorbed, while the rest remains upon the charcoal and is reduced to protoxide similar in appearance to graphite.

A small portion of it fuses with borax in the oxidation flame to a clear colorless bead, which appears, with the addition of more vanadic acid, of a yellow color, but changes to green when cold.

In the reduction flame the bead is brown while hot, but changes, upon cooling, to a beautiful sapphire-green. At the moment of crystallization, and at a degree of heat by which at daylight no glowing of the heated ma.s.s is visible it begins to glow again. The glow spreads from the periphery to the centre of the ma.s.s, and is caused by the heat liberated by the sudden crystallization of the ma.s.s. It now exhibits an orange color, and is composed of needle crystals in a compact ma.s.s.

Microcosmic salt and vanadic acid fuse in the oxidation flame to a dark yellow bead which, upon cooling, loses much of its color.

In the reduction flame the bead is brown while hot, but, upon cooling, acquires a beautiful green color.

Vanadic acid fuses with carbonate of soda upon charcoal, and is absorbed.

(_k._) _Chromium_ (Cr) occurs in the metallic state only in a very small quant.i.ty in meteoric iron, but is frequently found in union with oxygen, as oxide in chrome iron ore, and as chromic acid in some lead ores.

In the metallic state it is of a light grey color, with but little metallic l.u.s.tre, very hard, and not very fusible. Acids do not act upon it, except the hydrofluoric; fused with nitre, it forms chromate of It is unaltered in the blowpipe flame.

_Sesquioxide of Chromium_ (Cr^{2}O^{3}).--This oxide forms black crystals of great hardness, and is sometimes seen as a green powder.

Its hydrate (Cr^{2}O^{3} + 6HO) is of a bluish-grey color. It forms with acids two of isomeric salts, some of which are of a green color, and the others violet-red or amethyst. The neutral and soluble salts have an acid reaction upon blue litmus paper, and are decomposed by ignition.

Sesquioxide of chromium in the oxidation and reduction flames is unchangable. When exposed to heat, the hydrate loses its water, and gives a peculiarly beautiful flame. In the oxidation flame borax dissolves the sesquioxide of chromium slowly to a yellow bead (chromic acid) which is yellowish green when cold. Upon the addition of more of the oxide, the bead is dark red while hot, but changes to green as it becomes cold.

In the reduction flame the bead is of a beautiful green color, both while hot and when cold. It is here distinguished from vanadic acid, which gives a brownish or yellow bead while hot.

With microcosmic salt it fuses in the oxidation flame to a clear yellow bead, which appears, as it cools, of a dirty-green, color, but upon being cool is of a fine green color. If there be a superabundance of the oxide, so that the microcosmic salt cannot dissolve it, the bead swells up, and is converted into a foamy ma.s.s, in consequence of the development of gases.

In the reduction flame it fuses to a fine green bead. The addition of a little tin renders the green still deeper.

Sesquioxide of chromium fuses with carbonate of soda upon platinum foil to a brown or yellow bead, which, upon cooling, appears of a lighter color and transparent (chromate of sodium).

When fused with soda upon charcoal, the soda is absorbed, and the green oxide is left upon it, but is never reduced to the metallic state.

_Chromic Acid_ (CrO^{3}) crystallizes in the form of deep ruby red needles. It is decomposed into sesquioxide and oxygen when heated.

This decomposition is attended with a very lively emission of light, but this is not the case if the chromic acid has been attained by the cooperation of an aqueous solution, unless the reduction is effected in the vapor of ammonia. Before the blowpipe chromic acid produces the same reactions as the sesquioxide.

(_l._) _Manganese_ (Mn).--This metal occurs in considerable abundance, as oxides, less frequently as salts, and sometimes in combination with sulphur and a.r.s.enic. It is found in plants, and with them into the animal body. In the metallic state, it is found frequently in cast iron and steel. It is a hard, brittle metal, fusible with difficulty, and of a light grey color. It tarnishes upon exposure to the air and under water, and falls into a powder.

_Protoxide of Manganese_ exists as a green powder; as hydrate separated by caustic alkalies, it is white, but oxidizes very speedily upon exposure to the air. The protoxide is the base of the salts of manganese. These salts, which are soluble in water, are decomposed when heated in the presence of the air--except the sulphate (MnO, SO^{3}), but if the latter is exposed to ignition for awhile, it then ceases to be soluble in water, or at least only sparingly so.

_Sesquioxide of Manganese_ (Mn^{2}O^{3}) Occurs very sparingly in nature as small black crystals (_Braunite_) which give, when ground, a brown powder. When prepared by chemical process, it is in the form of a black powder. The hydrate occurs sometimes in nature as black crystals (_manganite_). By digestion with acids, it is dissolved into salts of the protoxide. With hydrochloric acid, it yields chlorine.

The _prot-sesquioxide of manganese_ (MnO + Mn^{2}O^{3}) occurs sometimes in black _crystals_ (_hausmannite_). Prepared artificially, it is in the form of a brown powder.

_Peroxide of Manganese_ (MnO^{2}) occurs in considerable abundance as a soft black amorphous ma.s.s, or crystallized as pyrolusite, also reniform and fibrous. It is deprived of a part of its oxygen when exposed to ignition. It eliminates a considerable quant.i.ty of chlorine from hydrochloric acid, and is thereby converted into chloride of manganese (ClMn).

Most of the manganese compounds which occur in nature yield water when heated in a gla.s.s tube closed at one end. The sesquioxide and peroxide give out oxygen when strongly heated, which can be readily detected by the increased glow which it causes, if a piece of lighted wood or paper is brought to the mouth of the tube. The residue left in the tube is a brown ma.s.s (MnO + Mn^{2}O^{3}).

When exposed to ignition with free access of air, all manganese oxides are converted into (MnO + Mn^{2}O^{3}), but without fusion. Such, at least, is the statement of some of the German chemists, although it will admit perhaps of further investigation.

Manganese oxides fuse with borax in the oxidation flame to a clear and intensely colored bead, of a violet hue while hot, but changing to red as it cools. If a considerable quant.i.ty of the oxide is added, the bead acquires a color so dark as to become opaque. If such be the case, we have to press it flat, by which its proper color will become manifest.

In the reduction flame the bead is colorless. A very dark colored bead must be fused upon charcoal with the addition of some tin. The bead must be cooled very suddenly, for if it cools too slowly, it then has time to oxidize again. This may be effected by pus.h.i.+ng it off the platinum wire, or the charcoal, and pressing it flat with the forceps.

The oxides of manganese fuse with microcosmic salt in the oxidation flame, to a clear brownish-violet bead, which appears reddish-violet while cooling. This bead does not become opaque when overcharged with manganese. As long as it is kept in fusion a continued boiling or effervescence takes place, produced by the expulsion of oxygen, in consequence of the fact that the microcosmic salt cannot dissolve much sesquioxide, while the rest is reduced to protoxide, is re-oxidated, and instantly again reduced. If the manganese is present in such a minute quant.i.ty as not to perceptibly tinge the bead, the color may be made to appear by the contact of a crystal of nitre while hot. The bead foams up upon the addition of the nitre, and the foam appears, after cooling, of a rose-red or violet color. In the reduction flame the bead sometimes becomes colorless.

The oxides of manganese fuse with carbonate of soda upon platinum foil or wire, to a clear green bead, which appears bluish-green and partially opaque when cold (manganate of soda NaO + MnO^{3}). A very minute trace of manganese will produce this green color. The oxides of manganese cannot be reduced upon charcoal with carbonate of soda before the blowpipe. The soda is absorbed, and (MnO + Mn^{2}O^{3}) is left.


The oxides of this group are reduced to the metallic state when fused with carbonate of soda upon charcoal in the reduction flame. Metals when thus reduced form powders, are not fusible or volatile in the blowpipe flame, but they are attracted by the magnet.

Furthermore, these oxides are not dissolved by carbonate of soda in the oxidation flame, but they produce colored beads with borax and microcosmic salt.

(_a._) _Iron._--It occurs in great abundance in nature. It is found in several places in America in the metallic state, and it likewise occurs in the same state in meteors. It occurs chiefly as the oxide (red hemat.i.te, brown hemat.i.te, magnetic oxide, etc.), and frequently in combination with sulphur. Iron also forms a const.i.tuent of the blood.

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