The Younger Edda Part 24

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SKOL. The wolf that pursues the sun.

SKRYMER. The name a.s.sumed by Utgard-Loke; a giant.

SKULD. The norn of the future.

SLEIPNER. Odin's eight-footed steed.

SLID. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

SLIDRUGTANNE. Frey's boar.

SNOTRA. One of the asynjes.

SOKMIMER. A giant slain by Odin.

SOKVABEK. A mansion, where Odin and Saga quaff from golden beakers.

SOL. Daughter of Mundilfare.

SON. One of the vessels containing the poetic mead.

SORLE. Son of Jonaker and Gudrun; avenges the death of Svanhild.

SUDRE. A dwarf.

SUN. Identical with Sol.

SURT. Guards Muspelheim. A fire-giant in Ragnarok.

SUTTUNG. The giant possessing the poetic mead.

SVADE. A giant.

SVADILFARE. A horse, the sire of Sleipner.

SVAFNER. A serpent under Ygdrasil.

SVANHILD. Daughter of Sigurd and Gudrun.

SVARIN. A dwarf.

SVARTALFAHEIM. The home of the swarthy elves.

SVARTHOFDE. The ancestor of all enchanters.

SVASUD. The name of a giant; father of summer.

SVIAGRIS. A ring demanded by the berserks for Rolf Krake.

SVID. A name of Odin.

SVIDAR. A name of Odin.

SVIDR. A name of Odin.

SVIDRE. A name of Odin.

SVIDRIR. A name of Odin.

SVIDUR. A name of Odin.

SVIPDAG. The betrothed of Menglad.

SVIPOL. A name of Odin.

SVOL. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

SVOLNE. A name of Odin.

SYLG. A stream flowing from Hvergelmer.

SYN. A minor G.o.ddess.

SYR. A name of Freyja.

TANGNJOST. } Thor's goats.

TANGRISNER. } THEK. A dwarf; also a name of Odin.

THJALFE. The name of Thor's man-servant.

THJa.s.sE. A giant; the father of Njord's wife, Skade.

THJODNUMA. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

THOK. Loke in the disguise of a woman.

THOL. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

THOR. Son of Odin and Fjorgyn. The G.o.d of thunder.

THORIN. A dwarf.

THORN. A giant.

THRIDE. A name of Odin.

THRO. A dwarf; also a name of Odin.

THROIN. A dwarf.

THROR. A name of Odin.

THRUD. A valkyrie.

THUD. A name of Odin.

THUL. A stream flowing from Hvergelmer.

THUND. A name of Odin.

THVITE. A stone used in chaining the Fenris-wolf.

THYN. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

TYR. The one-armed G.o.d of war.

UD. A name of Odin.

UKKO. The G.o.d of thunder in Tshudic mythology.

UKKO-THOR. A name for Thor.

ULLER. Son of Sif and step-son of Thor.

URD. The norn of the past.

UTGARD. The abode of the giant Utgard-Loke.

UTGARD-LOKE. A giant visited by Thor; identical with Skrymer.

VAFTHRUDNER. A giant visited by Odin.

VAFUD. A name of Odin.

VAFURLOGE. The bickering flame surrounding Brynhild on Hindfell.

VAK. A name of Odin.

VALASKJALF. One of Odin's dwellings.

VALE. Brother of Balder; kills Hoder.

VALFATHER. A name of Odin.

VALHAL. The hall to which Odin invites those slain in battle.

VANADIS. A name of Freyja.

VANAHEIM. The home of the vans.

VAR. The G.o.ddess of betrothals and marriages.

VARTARE. The thread with which the mouth of Loke was sewed together.

VASAD. The grandfather of Winter.

VE. A brother of Odin. (Odin, Vile and Ve).

VEDFOLNER. A hawk in Ygdrasil.

VEGSVIN. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

VEGTAM. A name of Odin.

VERATYR. A name of Odin.

VERDANDE. The norn of the present.

VESTRE. A dwarf.

VID. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

VIDAR. Son of Odin and the giantess Grid.

VIDBLAIN. The third heaven.

VIDFIN. The father of Bil and Hjuke.

VIDOLF. The ancestor of the valas.

VIDRER. A name of Odin.

VIDUR. A name of Odin.

VIG. A dwarf.

VIGRID. The field of battle where the G.o.ds and the hosts of Surt meet in Ragnarok.

VILE. Brother of Odin and Ve.

VILMEIDE. The ancestor of all wizards.

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