Aviation Engines Part 10

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_Reversing Carburetors_

"Yet another way is to turn the carburetors round, so that the float chambers are behind the jets, and so come below them when the tail is on the ground, thus cutting off the gasoline low down in the jets. There seems to be no particular mechanical difficulty about this, though I must confess that I did not note very carefully whether the reversal of the float chambers would make them foul any other fittings on the engine. It has been argued, however, that doing this would starve the engine of gasoline when climbing at a steep angle, as the gasoline would then be lowered in the jets and need more suction to get into the cylinders. This is rather a pretty point of amateur motor mechanics to discuss, for, obviously, when the same engine is used as a 'pusher' instead of a tractor, the jets are in front of the floats, and there seems to be no falling off in power.

_Starvation of Mixture_

"Moreover, the higher a machine goes the lower is the atmospheric pressure, and, consequently, the less is the amount of air sucked in at each induction stroke. This means, of course, that with the gasoline supply the mixture at high alt.i.tudes is too rich, so that, in order to get precisely the right mixture when very high up, it is necessary to reduce the gasoline supply by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g down the needle valve between the tank and the carburetor--at least, that has been the experience of various high-flying pilots. No doubt something might be done in the way of forced air feed to compensate for reduced atmospheric pressure, but it remains to be proved whether the extra weight of mechanism involved would pay for the extra power obtained. Variable compression might do something, also, to even things up, but here, also, weight of mechanism has to be considered.

"In any case, at present, the higher one goes the more the power of the engine is reduced, for less air means a less volume of mixture per cylinder, and as the petrol feed has to be starved to suit the smaller amount of air available, this means further loss of power. I do not know whether anyone has evolved a carburetor which automatically starves the gasoline feed when high up, but it seems possible that when an airplane is sagging about 'up against the ceiling'--as a French pilot described the absolute limit of climb for his particular machine--it might be a good thing to have the jets in front of the float chamber, for then a certain amount of automatic starvation would take place.

"When a machine is right up at its limiting height, and the pilot is doing his best to make it go higher still, it is probably flying with its tail as low as the pilot dares to let it go, and the lateral and longitudinal controls are on the verge of vanis.h.i.+ng, so that if the carburetor jets are behind the float chambers there is bound to be an over-rich mixture in any case. There is even a possibility of a careless or ignorant pilot carrying on in this tail-down position till one set of cylinders cuts out altogether, in which case the carburetor feeding that set may flood over, just as if the machine were on the ground, and the whole thing may catch fire. Whereas, with the jets in front of the floats, though the mixture may starve a trifle, there is, at any rate, no danger of fire through climbing with the tail down.

_A Diving Danger_

"On the other hand, in a 'pusher' with this type of engine, if the jets are in their normal position--which is in front of the floats--there is danger of fire in a dive. That is to say, if the pilot throttles right down, or switches off and relies on air pressure on his propeller to start the engine again, so that the gasoline is flooding over out of the jets instead of being sucked into the engine, there may be flooding over the magnetos if the dive is very steep and prolonged. In any case, a long dive will mean a certain amount of flooding, and, probably, a good deal of choking and spitting by the engine before it gets rid of the over-rich mixture and picks up steady firing again.

Which may indicate to young pilots that it is not good to come down too low under such circ.u.mstances, trusting entirely to their engines to pick up at once and get going before they hit the ground.

"On the whole, it seems that it might be better practice to set the carburetors thwartwise of engines, for then jets and floats would always be at approximately the same level, no matter what the longitudinal position of the machine, and it is never long enough in one position at a big lateral angle to raise any serious carburetor troubles. Car manufacturers who dive cheerfully into the troubled waters of aero-engine designs are a trifle apt to forget that their engines are put into positions on airplanes which would be positively indecent in a motor car.

An angle of 1 in 10 is the exception on a car, but it is common on an airplane, and no one ever heard of a car going down a hill of 10 to 1--which is not quite a vertical dive. Therefore, there is every excuse for a well-designed and properly brought-up carburetor misbehaving itself in an aeroplane.

"It seems, then, that it is up to the manufacturers to produce better carburetors--say, with the jet central with the float.

But it also behooves the user to show ordinary common sense in handling the material at present available, and not to make a practice of burning up $25,000 worth or so of airplane just because he is too lazy to turn off his gasoline, or to have the tail of his machine lifted up while he is tinkering with his engines."


The modern float feed carburetor is a delicate and nicely balanced appliance that requires a certain amount of attention and care in order to obtain the best results. The adjustments can only be made by one possessing an intelligent knowledge of carburetor construction and must never be made unless the reason for changing the old adjustment is understood. Before altering the adjustment of the leading forms of carburetors, a few hints regarding the quality to be obtained in the mixture should be given some consideration, as if these are properly understood this knowledge will prove of great a.s.sistance in adjusting the vaporizer to give a good working proportion of fuel and air. There is some question regarding the best mixture proportions and it is estimated that gas will be explosive in which the proportions of fuel vapor and air will vary from one part of the former to a wide range included between four and eighteen parts of the latter. A one to four mixture is much too rich, while the one in eighteen is much too lean to provide positive ignition.

A rich mixture should be avoided because the excessive fuel used will deposit carbon and will soot the cylinder walls, combustion chamber interior, piston top and valves and also tend to overheat the motor. A rich mixture will also seriously interfere with flexible control of the engine, as it will choke up on low throttle and run well on open throttle when the full amount of gas is needed. A rich mixture may be quickly discovered by black smoke issuing from the m.u.f.fler, the exhaust gas having a very pungent odor. If the mixture contains a surplus of air there will be popping sounds in the carburetor, which is commonly termed "blowing back." To adjust a carburetor is not a difficult matter when the purpose of the various control members is understood. The first thing to do in adjusting a carburetor is to start the motor and to r.e.t.a.r.d the sparking lever so the motor will run slowly leaving the throttle about half open. In order to ascertain if the mixture is too rich cut down the gasoline flow gradually by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g down the needle valve until the motor commences to run irregularly or misfire. Close the needle valves as far as possible without having the engine come to a stop, and after having found the minimum amount of fuel gradually unscrew the adjusting valve until you arrive at the point where the engine develops its highest speed. When this adjustment is secured the lock nut is screwed in place so the needle valve will keep the adjustment. The next point to look out for is regulation of the auxiliary air supply on those types of carburetors where an adjustable air valve is provided. This is done by advancing the spark lever and opening the throttle. The air valve is first opened or the spring tension reduced to a point where the engine misfires or pops back in the carburetor. When the point of maximum air supply the engine will run on is thus determined, the air valve spring may be tightened by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g in on the regulating screw until the point is reached where an appreciable speeding up of the engine is noticed. If both fuel and air valves are set right, it will be possible to accelerate the engine speed uniformly without interfering with regularity of engine operation by moving the throttle lever or accelerator pedal from its closed to its wide open position, this being done with the spark lever advanced. All types of carburetors do not have the same means of adjustment; in fact, some adjust only with the gasoline regulating needle; others must have a complete change of spray nozzles; while in others the mixture proportions may be varied only by adjustment of the quant.i.ty of entering air. Changing the float level is effective in some carburetors, but this should never be done unless it is certain that the level is not correct.

Full instructions for locating carburetion troubles will be given in proper sequence.

It is a fact well known to experienced repairmen and motorists that atmospheric conditions have much to do with carburetor action. It is often observed that a motor seems to develop more power at night than during the day, a circ.u.mstance which is attributed to the presence of more moisture in the cooler night air. Likewise, taking a motor from sea level to an alt.i.tude of 10,000 feet involves using rarefied air in the engine cylinders and atmospheric pressures ranging from 14.7 pounds at sea level to 10.1 pounds per square inch at the high alt.i.tude. All carburetors will require some adjustment in the course of any material change from one level to another. Great changes of alt.i.tude also have a marked effect on the cooling system of an airplane. Water boils at 212 degrees F. only at sea level. At an alt.i.tude of 10,000 feet it will boil at a temperature nineteen degrees lower, or 193 degrees F.

In high alt.i.tudes the reduced atmospheric pressure, for 5,000 feet or higher than sea level, results in not enough air reaching the mixture, so that either the auxiliary air opening has to be increased, or the gasoline in the mixture cut down. If the user is to be continually at high alt.i.tudes he should immediately purchase either a larger dome or a smaller strangling tube, mentioning the size carburetor that is at present in use and the type of motor that it is on, including details as to the bore and stroke. The smaller strangling tube makes an increased suction at the spray nozzle; the air will have to be readjusted to meet it and you can use more auxiliary air, which is necessary. The effect on the motor without a smaller strangling tube is a perceptible sluggishness and failure to speed up to its normal crank-shaft revolutions, as well as failure to give power. It means that about one-third of the regular speed is cut out. The reduced atmospheric pressure reduces the power of the explosion, in that there is not the same quant.i.ty of oxygen in the combustion chamber as at sea level; to increase the amount taken in, you must also increase the gasoline speed, which is done by an increased suction through the smaller strangling aperture. Some forms of carburetors are affected more than others by changes of alt.i.tude, which explains why the Zenith is so widely employed for airplane engine use. The compensating nozzle construction is not influenced as much by changes of alt.i.tude as the simpler nozzle types are.


Early Ignition Systems--Electrical Ignition Best--Fundamentals of Magnetism Outlined--Forms of Magneto--Zones of Magnetic Influence--How Magnets are Made--Electricity and Magnetism Related--Basic Principles of Magneto Action--Essential Parts of Magneto and Functions--Transformer Coil Systems--True High Tension Type--The Berling Magneto--Timing and Care--The Dixie Magneto--Spark Plug Design and Application--Two-Spark Ignition-- Special Airplane Plug.


One of the most important auxiliary groups of the gasoline engine comprising the airplane power plant and one absolutely necessary to insure engine action is the ignition system or the method employed of kindling the compressed gas in the cylinder to produce an explosion and useful power. The ignition system has been fully as well developed as other parts of the engine, and at the present time practically all ignition systems follow principles which have become standard through wide acceptance.

During the early stages of development of the gasoline engine various methods of exploding the charge of combustible gas in the cylinder were employed. On some of the earliest engines a flame burned close to the cylinder head, and at the proper time for ignition a slide or valve moved to provide an opening which permitted the flame to ignite the gas back of the piston. This system was practical only on the primitive form of gas engines in which the charge was not compressed before ignition.

Later, when it was found desirable to compress the gas a certain degree before exploding it, an incandescent platinum tube in the combustion chamber, which was kept in a heated condition by a flame burning in it, exploded the gas. The naked flame was not suitable in this application because when the slide was opened to provide communication between the flame and the gas the compressed charge escaped from the cylinder with enough pressure to blow out the flame at times and thus cause irregular ignition. When the flame was housed in a platinum tube it was protected from the direct action of the gas, and as long as the tube was maintained at the proper point of incandescence regular ignition was obtained.

Some engineers utilized the property of gases firing themselves if compressed to a sufficient degree, while others depended upon the heat stored in the cylinder-head to fire the highly compressed gas. None of these methods were practical in their application to motor car engines because they did not permit flexible engine action which is so desirable. At the present time, electrical ignition systems in which the compressed gas is exploded by the heating value of the minute electric arc or spark in the cylinder are standard, and the general practice seems to be toward the use of mechanical producers of electricity rather than chemical batteries.


Two general forms of electrical ignition systems may be used, the most popular being that in which a current of electricity under high tension is made to leap a gap or air s.p.a.ce between the points of the sparking plug screwed into the cylinder. The other form, which has been almost entirely abandoned in automobile and which was never used with airplane engine practice, but which is still used to some extent on marine engines, is called the low-tension system because current of low voltage is used and the spark is produced by moving electrodes in the combustion chamber.

The essential elements of any electrical ignition system, either high or low tension, are: First, a simple and practical method of current production; second, suitable timing apparatus to cause the spark to occur at the right point in the cycle of engine action; third, suitable wiring and other apparatus to convey the current produced by the generator to the sparking member in the cylinder.

The various appliances necessary to secure prompt ignition of the compressed gases should be described in some detail because of the importance of the ignition system. It is patent that the scope of a work of this character does not permit one to go fully into the theory and principles of operation of all appliances which may be used in connection with gasoline motor ignition, but at the same time it is important that the elementary principles be considered to some extent in order that the reader should have a proper understanding of the very essential ignition apparatus. The first point considered will be the common methods of generating the electricity, then the appliances to utilize it and produce the required spark in the cylinder. Inasmuch as magneto ignition is universally used in connection with airplane engine ignition it will not be necessary to consider battery ignition systems.


To properly understand the phenomena and forces involved in the generation of electrical energy by mechanical means it is necessary to become familiar with some of the elementary principles of magnetism and its relation to electricity. The following matter can be read with profit by those who are not familiar with the subject. Most persons know that magnetism exists in certain substances, but many are not able to grasp the terms used in describing the operation of various electrical devices because of not possessing a knowledge of the basic facts upon which the action of such apparatus is based.

Magnetism is a property possessed by certain substances and is manifested by the ability to attract and repel other materials susceptible to its effects. When this phenomenon is manifested by a conductor or wire through which a current of electricity is flowing it is termed "electro-magnetism." Magnetism and electricity are closely related, each being capable of producing the other. Practically all of the phenomena manifested by materials which possess magnetic qualities naturally can be easily reproduced by pa.s.sing a current of electricity through a body which, when not under electrical influence, is not a magnetic substance. Only certain substances show magnetic properties, these being iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys.

The earliest known substance possessing magnetic properties was a stone first found in Asia Minor. It was called the lodestone or leading stone, because of its tendency, if arranged so it could be moved freely, of pointing one particular portion toward the north. The compa.s.s of the ancient Chinese mariners was a piece of this material, now known to be iron ore, suspended by a light thread or floated on a cork in some liquid so one end would point toward the north magnetic pole of the earth. The reason that this stone was magnetic was hard to define for a time, until it was learned that the earth was one huge magnet and that the iron ore, being particularly susceptible, absorbed and retained some of this magnetism.

Most of us are familiar with some of the properties of the magnet because of the extensive sale and use of small horseshoe magnets as toys. As they only cost a few pennies every one has owned one at some time or other and has experimented with various materials to see if they would be attracted. Small pieces of iron or steel were quickly attracted to the magnet and adhered to the pole pieces when brought within the zone of magnetic influence. It was soon learned that bra.s.s, copper, tin or zinc were not affected by the magnet. A simple experiment that serves to ill.u.s.trate magnetic attraction of several substances is shown at A, Fig. 57. In this, several b.a.l.l.s are hung from a standard or support, one of these being of iron, another of steel. When a magnet is brought near either of these they will be attracted toward it, while the others will remain indifferent to the magnetic force. Experimenters soon learned that of the common metals only iron or steel were magnetic.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 57.--Some Simple Experiments to Demonstrate Various Magnetic Phenomena and Clearly Outline Effects of Magnetism and Various Forms of Magnets.]

If the ordinary bar or horseshoe magnet be carefully examined, one end will be found to be marked N. This indicates the north pole, while the other end is not usually marked and is the south pole. If the north pole of one magnet is brought near the south pole of another, a strong attraction will exist between them, this depending upon the size of the magnets used and the air gap separating the poles. If the south pole of one magnet is brought close to the end of the same polarity of the other there will be a p.r.o.nounced repulsion of like force. These facts are easily proved by the simple experiment outlined at B, Fig. 57. A magnet will only attract or influence a substance having similar qualities. The like poles of magnets will repel each other because of the obvious impossibility of uniting two influences or forces of practically equal strength but flowing in opposite directions. The unlike poles of magnets attract each other because the force is flowing in the same direction.

The flow of magnetism is through the magnet from south to north and the circuit is completed by the flow of magnetic influence through the air gap or metal armature bridging it from the north to the south pole.


Magnets are commonly made in two forms, either in the shape of a bar or horseshoe. These two forms are made in two types, simple or compound.

The latter are composed of a number of magnets of the same form united so the ends of like polarity are laced together, and such a construction will be more efficient and have more strength than a simple magnet of the same weight. The two common forms of simple and compound magnets are shown at C, Fig. 57. The zone in which a magnetic influence occurs is called the magnetic field, and this force can be graphically shown by means of imaginary lines, which are termed "lines of force." As will be seen from the diagram at D, Fig. 57, the lines show the direction of action of the magnetic force and also show its strength, as they are closer together and more numerous when the intensity of the magnetic field is at its maximum. A simple method of demonstrating the presence of the force is to lay a piece of thin paper over the pole pieces of either a bar or horseshoe magnet and sprinkle fine iron filings on it.

The particles of metal arrange themselves in very much the manner shown in the ill.u.s.trations and prove that the magnetic field actually exists.

The form of magnet used will materially affect the size and area of the magnetic field. It will be noted that the field will be concentrated to a greater extent with the horseshoe form because of the proximity of the poles. It should be understood that these lines have no actual existence, but are imaginary and a.s.sumed to exist only to show the way the magnetic field is distributed. The magnetic influence is always greater at the poles than at the center, and that is why a horseshoe or U-form magnet is used in practically all magnetos or dynamos. This greater attraction at the poles can be clearly demonstrated by sprinkling iron filings on bar and U magnets, as outlined at E, Fig. 57.

A large ma.s.s gathers at the pole pieces, gradually tapering down toward the point where the attraction is least.

From the diagrams it will be seen that the flow of magnetism is from one pole to the other by means of curved paths between them. This circuit is completed by the magnetism flowing from one pole to the other through the magnet, and as this flow is continued as long as the body remains magnetic it const.i.tutes a magnetic circuit. If this flow were temporarily interrupted by means of a conductor of electricity moving through the field there would be a current of electricity induced in the conductor every time it cut the lines of force. There are three kinds of magnetic circuits. A non-magnetic circuit is one in which the magnetic influence completes its circuit through some substance not susceptible to the force. A closed magnetic circuit is one in which the influence completes its circuit through some magnetic material which bridges the gap between the poles. A compound circuit is that in which the magnetic influence through magnetic substances and non-magnetic substances in order to complete its circuit.


Magnetism may be produced in two ways, by contact or induction. If a piece of steel is rubbed on a magnet it will be found a magnet when removed, having a north and south pole and all of the properties found in the energizing magnet. This is magnetizing by contact. A piece of steel will retain the magnetism imparted to it for a considerable length of time, and the influence that remains is known as residual magnetism.

This property may be increased by alloying the steel with tungsten and hardening it before it is magnetized. Any material that will retain its magnetic influence after removal from the source of magnetism is known as a permanent magnet. If a piece of iron or steel is brought into the magnetic field of a powerful magnet it becomes a magnet without actual contact with the energizer. This is magnetizing by magnetic induction.

If a powerful electric current flows through an insulated conductor wound around a piece of iron or steel it will make a magnet of it. This is magnetizing by electro-magnetic induction. A magnet made in this manner is termed an electro-magnet and usually the metal is of such a nature that it will not retain its magnetism when the current ceases to flow around it. Steel is used in all cases where permanent magnets are required, while soft iron is employed in all cases where an intermittent magnetic action is desired. Magneto field magnets are always made of tungsten steel alloy, so treated that it will retain its magnetism for lengthy periods.

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