Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Part 32

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[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 65. MUSCARI BOTRYOIDES.

(One-eighth natural size.)]

_M. b. alba_ varies only in the colour of its flowers; the white is somewhat creamy for a time; it becomes much clearer after a few days, and remains in perfection for two weeks in ordinary weather. This is a charming variety; grown by the side of the different blues its beauty is enhanced. It is very effective as a cut flower, though rather stiff, but if sparingly used it is attractive for bouquets, whilst for a b.u.t.tonhole one or two spikes answer admirably.

Flowering period, March to May.

Muscari Racemosum.

_Nat. Ord._ LILIACEae.

This is the commonest species, and although very pleasing, suffers by a comparison with the above blue kind, being more dwarf and the flowers less bright. The best time to transplant the bulbs is when the tops have died off, and the choicer sorts of these, as well as all other bulbs whose foliage dies off early in summer, should have something to mark their situation when in their dormant state.

Cultivation and flowering period, as for _M. botryoides_.

Narcissus Minor.


A very beautiful and effective spring flower. Though a native of Spain, it proves one of the hardiest denizens of our gardens; it is not often met with, but it has been cultivated in this country since 1629. It was well known in Parkinson's time. Not merely is it a species due to bloom early, but it does so, no matter how severe the weather may be, in March, and the flowers are freely produced. We could hardly have more severe weather than we had in March, 1883, when the snow was sometimes several inches deep and the frost as much as 17deg. to 23deg. Still this little Daffodil continued to push up its golden blossoms, so that in the latter half of the month, it formed one of the most pleasing of the hardy flowers of the spring garden. Its blue-green leaves are densely grown, and being only 4in. high and somewhat rigid, they not only form a rich setting for the bright blossom which scarcely tops them, but they support the flowers, which have a drooping habit. Later on, however, they lift their fair faces and look out sideways, but whether seen in profile or otherwise, they are alike charming.

I do not remember ever to have seen or heard this flower described as finely scented; as a matter of fact, it is deliciously so. The odour is aromatic and mace-like. If the bloom is cut when in its prime and quite dry, a few heads will scent a fair-sized room. Of course, all the species of the genus (as implied by the generic name) exhale an odour, and some kinds a very fragrant one, whilst others are said to be injurious; but the spicy smell of this can scarcely be otherwise than acceptable, and it must always be a desirable feature in a flower suitable for cutting, and more especially in a winter and spring flower.

From its dwarfness this Daffodil is very liable to be soiled; either of three plans may be adopted to prevent this: Plant on gra.s.s; top-dress in January with longish litter, which by the blooming time will have a washed and not very objectionable appearance; or, lastly, let the patches grow broad and thick, when their own foliage will keep down the mud, excepting at the sides. I find the litter method to answer well for scores of things for a similar purpose.

Flowers are produced on slender scapes, 3in. to 4in. long, singly, from the long membranous spatha; they are 1in. across the expanded perianth, and about the same length; the six divisions are rather longer than the tube, and of a pale yellow or lemon colour; the crown or nectary is campanulate, longer than the petal-like divisions, lobed, fringed, and of a deep yellow colour. The leaves are strap-shaped, stout and glaucous, and about the same length as the scapes.

This plant is in no way particular as to soil, provided it is well drained. It enjoys, however, partial shade and liberal top-dressings of manure. It increases fast by offsets, and, if desirable, the bulbs may be lifted the third year for division, after the tops have died off in late summer.

Flowering period, March and April.

Nierembergia Rivularis.


This alpine plant comes from La Plata; when well grown (and it easily may be) it is a gem--hardy, herbaceous, and perennial. It has a most pleasing habit; from its ma.s.s of root-like stems which run very near the surface, it sends up a dense carpet of short-stalked leaves, which in July become studded over with large and chaste white flowers; though it rarely exceeds 4in. in height, it is very attractive.

The flowers are 1in. across, of a variously tinted white, sometimes with pink and sometimes with purplish-grey inside the corolla. The outside is yellowish-green; the five lobes of the corolla are arranged cup-fas.h.i.+on, having four distinct ribs or nerves and wavy margins, the inner bases being richly tinted with lemon-yellow; what appears at first sight to be the flower-stalk, 2in. to 3in. long, is really a long round tube, very narrow for so large a flower; it is of even thickness all its length. The calyx nearly touches the earth; it is also tubular and five-cleft. The leaves are from less than an inch to 3in. long, somewhat spoon-shaped or sub-spathulate and entire, smooth, and very soft to the touch.

It thrives in a light soil, but it should not be dry. Moisture and a little shade are the chief conditions required by this lovely creeper, and where bare places exist, which are otherwise suitable, nothing more pleasing could well be planted; in dips or the more moist parts of rockwork, it may be grown with capital effect, but the patches should be broad. It also forms a good surfacing subject for leggy plants or shrubs. Lilies not only appear to more advantage when carpeted with the short dense foliage of this creeper, but their roots are kept more cool and moist by it, and there are many similar cases in which it will prove equally useful. It is easily propagated by division of the roots after the leaves have died off, but I have found spring much the better time, just as the new growth is pus.h.i.+ng.

Flowering period, July and August.

Oenothera Speciosa.


A hardy and beautiful perennial species from North America; it is aptly named, as the flowers are not only large but numerous (see Fig. 66). The plant has a gay appearance for many weeks. As a garden flower, it is one of those happy subjects which may be allowed to grow in any odd corner, no matter what quality the soil may be, and full exposure or a little shade is equally suitable. No matter where it grows in the garden, it is a showy and pleasing flower, which, if plucked, is found to have the delicate smell of the sweet pea. It grows 18in. high, is herb-like in the foliage, and very distinct from other species, more especially as regards its slender stems and somewhat large and irregular foliage.

The flowers are a satiny white, delicately nerved, and nearly 3in.

across; the four petals are a pleasing yellowish-green at the bases; when fully expanded they form a cross, being clear of each other; they become tinted with rose when they begin to fade. The leaves are of various sizes, sometimes spotted, lance-shaped, toothed, and attenuated at the base. The general habit of the plant is erect, but it is often proc.u.mbent; it has, from its slender stems, a light appearance, and for one evening's use the sprays are very useful in a cut state.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 66. OENOTHERA SPECIOSA.

(One-sixth natural size.)]

It propagates itself freely by its root runners near the surface. These roots may be transplanted in early spring, and they will flower the same year.

Flowering period, June to August.

Oenothera Taraxacifolia.


From the great beauty of the flowers of this plant, it has not only become widely distributed, but a great favourite, considering that it was so recently introduced into this country as 1825; it came from Peru.

Fortunately this charming exotic proves perfectly hardy in our climate; it is also herbaceous and perennial. No garden ought to be without so easily grown a flower, and though its foliage much resembles that of the common dandelion, a fine ma.s.s of it proves no mean setting for the large white flowers which spring from the midst of it. Another pleasing feature in connection with the flowers is that for a day they are pure white, after which they partly close and turn to a scarcely less beautiful delicate flesh tint. This colour and the half closed form are retained for several days; it exhales a sweet odour, about which there is a peculiarity. When newly opened--the first night--while the flowers are white, they will be found to have a grateful scent like tea roses; but if the older and coloured blooms are tried, they will be found to have the refres.h.i.+ng smell of almonds.

There is yet another curious trait about this lovely flower--it has a long stalk-like tube, which may be called the flower stalk, as, so to speak, it has no other, and the lower part--it being 4in. to 6in.

long--is inclined to squareness, but near the top it becomes round and widens into the divisions of the calyx, being, in fact, the tube or undivided part of the calyx. Let the reader carefully examine this interesting flower. First pluck it with all its length of stem or tube (it may be 6in. long); with a small knife or needle split it upwards, and there will be exposed the style of a corresponding length. The tube and segments of the calyx are of a pale green colour, segments an inch or more long, finely pointed; the four petals are large, nearly round, and overlapping each other, forming a corolla more than 3in. across; they are satiny in appearance, and transparent, beautifully veined or nerved, the nerves having delicate green bas.e.m.e.nts, from which spring stamens of a like colour, but with anthers in. long, evenly balanced, and furnished with lemon-yellow pollen. The leaves are herb-like, and, as the common name implies, like the leaves of the dandelion, similar in size, but more cut or lobed. The plant, however, varies materially from the dandelion, in having stems which push out all round the crown, growing to a considerable length, and resting on the ground.

This plant cannot well be grown in too large quant.i.ties, where there is plenty of room; it produces flowers for a long time, and they are highly serviceable for cutting purposes, though lasting only a short time. It cannot well be planted wrong as regards position, as it will thrive anywhere, providing the soil is enriched, it being a gross feeder; it should not, however, be planted where it will be likely to overgrow smaller and less rampant subjects. On the whole, it is one of those plants which afford a maximum of pleasure for a minimum of care, and needs no special culture--in fact, takes care of itself. Its propagation is simple, and may be carried out either by division of the old roots or by transplanting the self-sown seedlings into their blooming quarters, during March or April.

Flowering period, June to August.

Omphalodes Verna.

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