Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Part 23

Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers -

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This is a native species, distinct, ornamental, and evergreen. Its name may, with some, prevent its being planted in the pleasure garden, but its foetid odour is not perceptible unless sought for. It is mostly found wild in this country in chalky districts, and it occurs largely in the southern parts of Europe. Though poisonous, it is a valuable herb.

Its value as a garden subject consists in its dark evergreen foliage, good habit, and handsome panicles of bloom. The latter is produced under cultivation in mid-winter. It never fails to flower then if the position is a sheltered one. In its wild state the flowers appear in March. It belongs to that section of the h.e.l.lebores which have leafy stems and many flowers; its grows 2ft. high, and never seems to rest, but goes on making new leaves throughout winter.

The flowers are produced in cl.u.s.ters larger than a man's hand, and are of a green colour, the sepals edged with brown, which turns to a purplish tint; they are nearly an inch across, well cupped, and mostly hang bell-fas.h.i.+on; the leaves are much smaller than those of most h.e.l.lebores, pedate, smooth, of stout substance and dark green colour; the divisions of the leaves are narrow and numerous. The foliage is persistent, and keeps green until after the new has appeared; it bends downwards in a pleasing manner, and the leafy stems have a palm-like appearance. These, when topped with panicles of flowers, though they be green ones, are worthy objects for any garden. It is a suitable plant for mixing with deciduous shrubs; bold specimens of it enliven such borders by their s.h.i.+ning greenery, and they are of greatest service when most needed, for in such sheltered quarters they are pretty sure to flower during winter; and the summer shade, if not too dense, will prove more beneficial to them than otherwise.

Cultivation, ordinary garden soil.

Flowering period, December to April.

h.e.l.leborus Guttatus.


This is one of the newer species or varieties; its main distinction is well implied by the specific name. The flowers are fully 2in. across, and white; the sepals are spotted with purple; the petals are more constant than in some species, and of a rich green colour; flowers are produced on stems having the floral leaf; the buds are a greenish white, but very beautiful. The foliage is smaller than that of most kinds; the leaves are radical, rather short-stalked, pedate, and divisions narrow; they are of a leathery substance and a dark green colour. This is a free bloomer, a fact which, together with those of its winter-blooming habit and distinct flowers, renders it a valuable acquisition to the open garden. Either cut or growing, it is very lasting.

Cultivation, as for _H. Abchasicus_.

Flowering period, January to March.

h.e.l.leborus Niger.


A hardy, herbaceous perennial. It came from Austria in 1597. In favoured situations it proves evergreen; there is nothing black to be seen about a growing plant, and it has often puzzled its admirers as to the cause of its specific name, which is in reference to the black roots of a year or more old. It would appear, moreover, that this is not the true "Black h.e.l.lebore" of the ancients (see remarks under _H. Orientalis_). This "old-fas.h.i.+oned" flower is becoming more and more valued. That it is a flower of the first quality is not saying much, compared with what might be said for it; and, perhaps, no plant under cultivation is capable of more improvement by proper treatment (see Fig. 48). Soil, position, and tillage may all be made to bear with marked effect on this plant, as regards size and colour of flowers and season of bloom. We took its most used common name--Christmas Rose--from the Dutch, who called it Christmas Herb, or Christ's Herb, "because it flowereth about the birth of our Lord Iesus Christ," and we can easily imagine that its beautiful form would suggest the other part of its compound name, "rose." In sheltered parts, where the soil is deep and rich, specimens will grow a foot high and begin to bloom in December, continuing until March.

The individual flowers last a long time in perfection, either on the plant or in a cut state; they vary somewhat in their colour, some being more brown on the outer side of the sepals, and others much suffused with pink; but under gla.s.s, whether in the shape of a bell gla.s.s in the open garden, or a greenhouse, they mature to a pure white; their form is somewhat like that of a single rose, but may be more properly compared to a flower of its own order--the single paeonia. It is composed of five sepals, and is 2in. to 3in. across, being white or rose-coloured; these sepals form a corolla-like calyx; the petals are very short and tubular, nestling down amongst the ta.s.sel-like bunch of stamens; the flowers are produced on stout leafless scapes, having one or two bracteae; for the most part the flowers are in ones or pairs, but sometimes there may be seen three, and even four, on a scape. The leaves are radical, having stout, round stalks; they are large and pedate in shape, stout, and of leathery substance. The habit of the plant is neat, growing into rounded tufts.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 48. h.e.l.lEBORUS NIGER.

(One-quarter natural size.)]

In suitable quarters it proves a quick grower, whilst in ungenial situations it will hardly increase, though it is seldom killed. As it happens that its flowers are produced at a most unfavourable time for keeping them clean, they should be covered with some kind of gla.s.s shelters, or, where the soil is retentive, the roots may be lifted with large b.a.l.l.s of earth to them, and be placed in a cool greenhouse well up to the light. It would, however, be a mistake to adopt this plan where the soil is loose, and during the lifting operation will fall from the roots; and it is also a mistake to expect flowers from newly-planted roots. Where its fine bloom is required at Christmas, good roots should have been planted fully a year previously. Doubtless many an amateur will herein recognise his failing point when expecting Christmas Roses from roots planted only a month before, and sometimes less. True, the buds are there, and fine ones, too, perhaps, but the plants, unless transferred with a good ball, suffer a check which it will take at least a year to outgrow. It is a good plan to grow this flower in good-sized pots, which should be plunged in a shady part of the garden all the year, with the exception of the blooming period; but even with pots well grown and showing plenty of buds, the mistake is often made of suddenly placing them in heat, immediately over hot pipes or flues, the heat from which shrivels the buds and foliage too. Though the h.e.l.lebores are amongst our best flowers for forcing, it should be done gently in an atmosphere constantly kept humid.

As a cut bloom, the Christmas Rose vies with the eucharis and pancratium. For vase work, or used about the person, it is a flower that wins the greatest admiration, and it is no unusual thing for cut flowers to last indoors quite a fortnight.

_H. n. angustifolius_ (narrow-leaved h.e.l.lebore) has smaller flowers than the type. The divisions of the leaves or leaflets are narrower, whence its name. The foliage is of a pale or apple green, whereas that of the type is very dark. It was introduced in the same year as its reputed parent. As a foliage plant it is very handsome, the leaves bending gracefully, and the whole specimen having a neat appearance.

_H. n. maximus_ is the largest Christmas Rose, and is a truly grand variety; the flowers are 4in. and 5in. across. The ill.u.s.tration (Fig.

49) is one-fourth natural size. The scapes are very stout, and produce several flowers, which are held well above the foliage; like those of the type, they, too, are tinted with a pink colour, which away when the flowers are a week or so old. The foliage is remarkably bold, having thick, round, and beautifully marked stalks. Well-established specimens have a shrub-like effect, being nearly 2ft. high, and richly furnished to the ground. The half-blown buds of this variety are exquisitely beautiful, and vary somewhat in form according to their age; some resemble a nearly blown tulip, and others a rosebud. As b.u.t.tonholes, backed with a frond of maidenhair, they are charming. A whole scape, having one fully-blown flower and several buds, is the most perfect and beautiful decoration imaginable for a lady's hair. This variety is at its best in the month of December, being a little earlier than the typical form.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 49. h.e.l.lEBORUS NIGER MAXIMUS.

(One-quarter natural size.)]

All these kinds should be grown in moist and rather shady quarters; under trees not too densely foliaged will suit them; the soil should be a deep rich loam. I may mention that all my h.e.l.lebores are grown under "nurses," _i.e._, suitable small trees. I use walnut. About eighteen species and varieties are planted under six small trees, 4ft. high. The reasons why I use walnut are, that they leaf late in spring and lose their leaves early in autumn, so affording the greater amount of light during the flowering time of the h.e.l.lebores, and screening them in summer from the sun with their ample but not over thick foliage; a cut under the trees once a year with a sharp spade keeps them dwarf and prevents their making too many strong roots. Without saying that h.e.l.lebores should be grown in this way, it will serve to show how they may be conveniently shaded. Nothing could well look more happy under such treatment, and, once properly planted, they give no further trouble than a mulching of rotten manure in spring, when all the kinds have finished flowering. Christmas Roses are easily raised from seed, provided it is sown as soon as ripe, but plants so raised are two or three years before they flower. The quicker method of increase is by division of the roots. This can only be done successfully when the old stock is in robust health. Pieces of roots taken from old and unhealthy specimens will remain in the ground for twelve months as immovable as stones, whereas the least bits of clean young growths will form nice blooming plants the first year.

Flowering period, December to March.

h.e.l.leborus Odorus.


Like all the h.e.l.lebores, excepting the white-flowered _H. niger_ and its varieties, this has, until very recently, been much neglected, notwithstanding that its name implies the rare and desirable quality of a sweet odour; moreover, it is of easy culture, very hardy, and a free bloomer. It is a native of Hungary, and was introduced to English gardens in 1817. It is like _H. purpurascens_, only its flowers are green; it even more strongly resembles our native _H. viridis_. All its foliage is renewed annually. It belongs to the section having stems few-flowered, forked, and bearing floral leaves. It grows 9in. to 12in.


The flowers are green, small, nodding, and scented. The sepals are nearly round, and overlap each other. The flowers are produced at long intervals on the twice-branched, stout, pale green stems; they are supported by prettily-cut leaves, having lance-shaped segments, finely serrated, also having large stipules. The radical leaves are palmate, covered with a fine down on the under surface. The segments are oblong, undivided, and at the base quite entire, but finely toothed near the top. The bloom lasts a long time, either cut or in the growing state.

There is nothing very distinct to the eye about this species, but it is to be commended for the sweetness of its flowers.

Like other h.e.l.lebores, it should be grown in a shady place, where there is a good depth of rich sandy loam. Propagated by division of healthy stock at almost any period.

Flowering period, February to March.

h.e.l.leborus Olympicus.


This comes from a Grecian habitat, as the specific name denotes; still it is perfectly hardy in this climate, and it deserves a place in every garden. It is not so old in English gardens as some kinds, and may not be much known; at any rate, it is seldom met with; but, from the fact of its coming into bloom in the first month of the year, and having finely-formed purple flowers, it is a desirable companion to the white Christmas Rose; it is variously stated to have white and purple flowers, both statements being authorised; they are produced in spare cl.u.s.ters on stems a foot high; the buds are charming objects, of a ruddy-brown colour, and the size of a big filbert; they are rather close together, and supported by a "cut floral leaf." The leaves are well divided and almost palm-shaped, the leaflets being ovate and toothed. It is a free grower, and never fails to bloom well too.

Cultivation and flowering period, the same as with _H. niger_.

h.e.l.leborus Orientalis.


Sometimes also called the Lenten Rose, as it may often be seen in flower during Lent, though it is no uncommon thing for it to bloom in January in favoured situations and mild winters. This is a very old species which has long been known to botanists, but it has only recently been introduced into this country. It is a native of the Levant, is plentiful on mountains and near Thessalonica and Constantinople. It has gone under the name of _H. officinalis_, and as such was, as it still is, the shop h.e.l.lebore of the East. As a garden flower it is to be recommended as one of the best of the genus; the colour is often a fine rose variously tinted, and the blooms are of good size. It is, however, a species respecting which there is still considerable misconception. One authority says the leaves die off and again appear with the flowers; another it with the group "leaves not annually dying"; then one says, "the greenish-white blossoms are tinted at the margin with purple"; another, that the flowers are "rose-coloured"; whilst botanical descriptions, usually so taunting to the florist as regards blossom-colour, are no exceptions in this case. "Sepals oval, coloured,"

does not point out very clearly the information desired. Many of the species of h.e.l.lebore are known to produce flowers varying more or less in colour; and we also know that an individual blossom, during the long period in which the sepals keep good, often changes its tints and colours, but we are scarcely prepared to hear that a species has greenish-white flowers, whilst we have always seen a rosy or rosy-purple one produced. Still, the information from another source, that _H.

orientalis_ is a species intermediate between _H. niger_ and _H.

viridis_, would seem to favour the greenish-white as the typical colour; be that as it may, it is most likely that the more desirable rosy-flowered variety will prevail in flower gardens, that being the general recognised colour of the type, and moreover, one which renders it pleasingly distinct in the whole genus. There are hybrid kinds which have been raised from this species crossed with _H. viridis_ and, perhaps, others, and some of them have greenish-white flowers; but they should not be confounded with the species under notice. These varieties have received such names as _H. orientalis elegans_, _H. o.

viridescens_, and _H. o. punctatus_. If hybrids are to be honoured with specific names, it will require much care to avoid confusion, and it is just possible that some such causes have led to the various descriptions above referred to. The type under notice is fairly distinct, and the amateur having a slight acquaintance with the h.e.l.lebore family will have little difficulty in making it out.

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