Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Part 15

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[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 34. DODECATHEON MEADIA.

(One-sixth natural size.)]

The flowers much resemble the Cyclamen, but they are only about one-fourth the size; the calyx is five-parted; the corolla has five stout petals inserted in the tube of calyx; they are well reflexed and rather twisted; their colour is purplish-lilac, but at the base of the petals there is a rich blending of maroon and yellow. The seed organs are very long, compact, and pointed, giving the appearance of shooting stars. The flowers are arranged in fine cl.u.s.ters on a scape more than a foot high, each flower having a rather long, wiry, and gracefully bending pedicel; all of them spring from one centre. The leaves are radical, oblong, smooth, dented, and wavy, about 8in. long and nearly 3in. broad.

_D. M. albiflorum_ I do not grow, but from what I remember of it, it differs from the above only in being less vigorous and in having white flowers.

_D. M. elegans_.--Shorter and broader in leaf, and roundly toothed; flower stems shorter, umbels more numerously flowered, bloom deeper in colour.

_D. M. giganteum_ has a very large leaf, much larger than the typical form of the species, and of a pale green colour, and in all other respects it is larger, being also more than a week earlier in flower.

Flowering period, April to June.

Dondia Epipactis.


This is a little gem, perhaps rather overdone with too many big names; still, this choice, hardy, herbaceous perennial is worth knowing by all its t.i.tles. Never more than 6in. high, its singular flowers are very attractive; they spring from the ground almost abruptly, are greenish-yellow and leafy in appearance--in fact, what at first sight might seem to be the petals are really but whorled bracts, which embrace the tiny umbels of flowers. Soon after the flowers the leaves begin to appear, unfolding like many of the anemones, each one springing from the root only; they also are of a peculiar colour and shape, being three-lobed and finely notched.

It will stand any amount of rough weather, always having a fresh appearance when above ground. It forms a choice specimen for pot culture in cold frames or amongst select rock plants; it should be grown in mostly vegetable mould, as peat or leaf mould, and have a moist position. Not only is it a slow-growing subject, but it is impatient of being disturbed; its propagation should therefore only be undertaken in the case of strong and healthy clumps, which are best divided before growth commences in February.

Flowering period, April and May.

Doronic.u.m Caucasic.u.m.


The specific name denotes sufficiently whence this comes. It is hardy, herbaceous, and perennial, and one of those plants which deserves to be in every garden; its general appearance is that of a tender plant, from the pale but fine delicate green of its foliage, a somewhat uncommon shade for so early a season. It begins to flower in March in a warm situation in the garden, when only a few inches high, and it goes on growing and flowering until summer, when it is nearly 2ft. high. A glance at Fig. 35 will give a fair idea of its habit.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 35. DORONIc.u.m CAUCASIc.u.m.

(One-third natural size.)]

The flowers, which are bright yellow, are 2in. across, produced one at a time, though the leafy stems are well supplied with buds in various stages of development. The leaves, besides being so rich in colour, are of handsome forms, being variously shaped, some having long stalks, others none; all are finely toothed and heart-shaped; the radical ones come well out and form a good base, from which the flower stems rise, and they in their turn serve to display the richly veined and ample foliage which clasps them to near their tops. Although this species is not a very old plant in English gardens, it belongs to a genus, several species of which are very "old-fas.h.i.+oned," and, consequently, it shares the esteem in which such subjects are held at the present time.

If left alone, after being planted in fairly good soil, it will soon grow to a bold specimen. Plants three years old are 2ft. across; rockwork or ordinary borders are alike suitable for it, but if planted on the former, it should be of a bold character, so as to harmonise. I have observed that neither grubs nor slugs seem to meddle with this plant, which is certainly a rare recommendation. Its propagation may be carried out at almost any time.

Flowering period, March to July.

Echinacea Purpurea.



In the autumn season one is almost confined to Composites, but in this subject there is, at any rate, a change, as regards colour. Yellows are indispensable, but then predominate too strongly. The flower under notice is a peculiar purple with greenish-white shadings. This will doubtless sound undesirable, but when the flower is seen it can hardly fail to be appreciated. It is much admired; in fact it is stately, sombre, and richly beautiful--not only an "old-fas.h.i.+oned" flower, but an old inhabitant of English gardens, coming, as it did, from North America in the year 1699. In every way the plant is distinct; it does not produce many flowers, but they individually last for several weeks, and their metallic appearance is a fitting symbol of their durability. They begin to expand in the early part of September, and well-established plants will have bloom until cut off by frost.

The flowers are borne at the height of 2ft. to 3ft., and are produced singly on very thick, rigid stalks, long, nearly nude, grooved, furnished with numerous short, bristle-like hairs, and gradually thickening up to the involucrum of the flower. Said involucrum is composed of numerous small leaves, a distinguis.h.i.+ng trait from its nearest relative genus _Rudbeckia_. The receptacle or main body of the flower is very bulky; the ray is fully 4in. across, the florets being short for so large a ray; they are set somewhat apart, slightly reflexed, plaited, and rolled at the edges, colour reddish-purple, paling off at the tips to a greyish-green; the disk is very large, rather flat, and furnished with spine-like scales, whence the name _Echinacea_, derived from _echinus_ (a hedgehog). In smelling this flower contact should therefore be avoided; it is rather forbidding; the disk has changeable hues of red, chocolate, and green. The leaves of the root are oval, some nearly heart-shaped, unevenly toothed, having long channelled stalks; those of the stems are lance-shaped, distinctly toothed, of stouter substance, short stalked, and, like those of the root, distinctly nerved, very rough on both sides, and during September quickly changes to a dark, dull, purple colour. The habit of the plant is rather "dumpy;" being spare of foliage, thick and straight in the stems, which are drum-stick like; it is for all that a pleasing subject when in flower; I consider the blooms too stiff for cutting, more especially as they face upwards.

Unlike many species of its order, it is somewhat fickle. I have lost many plants of it; it likes neither shade nor too much moisture; latterly I have found it to do well in a sunny situation, in deep rich loam and vegetable soil mixed. If planted with other ray flowers it forms a fine contrast, and when once it has found suitable quarters the more seldom it is disturbed the better. It may be propagated by division, which may be more safely done after growth has fairly started in spring, or it may be done at the sacrifice of the flowers in late summer or early autumn, before growth or root action has ceased.

Flowering period, September to end of October.

Edraianthus Dalmaticus.

_Nat. Ord._ CAMPANULACEae.

A rare and beautiful alpine species, from Dalmatia and Switzerland. At the end of July it is one of the most distinct and charming flowers in the rock garden, where it not only finds a happy home, but, by its neat and peculiar habit, proves a decorative subject of much merit. This desirable plant (see Fig. 36) is quite hardy in this climate, being herbaceous and perennial; it has, however, the reputation of being difficult to manage, but, like numerous other things, when once its requirements and enemies are found out, the former supplied and protection from the latter afforded, it proves of easy management. In some instances these conditions may, though stated in such few words, prove comprehensive; but in this case it is not so. The position and soil it most seems to enjoy may be readily afforded in any garden, as we shall shortly see; but, so far as my experience goes, the slugs are its most persistent enemies. Especially when in flower do they make long journeys to reach it; they go over sand and ashes with impunity, and often the beautiful tufts of bloom are all grazed off in one night. I had occasion to fetch in from the garden the specimen now before me, and, when brought into the gaslight, a large slug was found in the midst of the foliage, and a smaller one inside one of the bell flowers. The "catch and kill 'em" process is doubtless the surest remedy, and three hours after sunset seems to be the time of their strongest muster. Not only does this plant suffer from slugs when in flower, but perhaps equally as much when in its dormant state, especially if the winter is mild; then I have noticed the somewhat prominent crowns eaten entirely off, and it is not unlikely that this plant has come to have the name of a fickle grower, from being the favourite prey of slugs.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 36. EDRAIANTHUS DALMATICUS.

(One-half natural size.)]

It is not more than 4in. high under any conditions in this climate, and more often only 3in. in height. From the thrift-like tufts of foliage there radiates a set of stout round flower stalks, which are 3in. to 4in. long, and rest on the ground; the large heads of flowers are erect; the stalks are red, and furnished with short stout hairs and short foliage, the latter becoming sere long before the bloom fades. The crowded heads of "bells" are of pale purple colour, in the style of the bell-flower; they are an inch in length, the corolla being somewhat deeply divided; eight to twelve form the terminal cl.u.s.ter, and they have a fleshy calyx, with very long and persistent segments; the lower part can scarcely be seen for the ample and somewhat peculiar bract which closely embraces the whole cl.u.s.ter; said bract springs from the much thickened stalk and is composed of half leaf and half scale-like forms, arranged in two or more circles; the scales feather off with the leaf-like appendage, the latter being reflexed, but the whole is furnished with spines. The foliage of a well-grown specimen is arranged in tufts, the whole having a gra.s.s-like appearance. The leaves are 2in.

to 4in. long, rough and hairy on the upper side, smooth and s.h.i.+ning underneath, the edges having rather long hairs their whole length; the main root is long, thick, and somewhat woody.

To grow this plant well, it requires a good deep loam for its long roots, and a surfacing of grit will be of benefit, as the crowns should be clear of the damp loam. This elevation of the crowns is natural to the plant, and should be provided for. The position cannot well be too exposed, provided the deep searching roots can find plenty of moisture.

On rockwork this subject may be planted with considerable effect. If put between large stones in upright positions, the plant will show its pretty form to advantage. The spoke-like flower stalks, radiating from the rich dark green tufts of foliage, are very pleasing. It may be propagated by offsets from strong and healthy plants. Care should be taken not only to have all the roots possible with each crown, but the young stock should be carefully established in pots before planting in the open. Shade and careful watering will be needful; too much of the latter will render rot inevitable. Soon as the flowering period is past is the best time to divide the roots, which should not be done too severely.

Flowering period, July and August.

Epigaea Repens.


A hardy evergreen creeper, long since imported into this country from North America (1736), but only within the last few years has it won much favour. At the present time it is much sought after. It has the reputation of being a ticklish subject to grow. Many have had it and lost it, and those who still retain a specimen are loth to mutilate it for increase. This may to some extent account for the present demand for and difficulty experienced in obtaining it. For the last three years, hard as the seasons have been within that time, its flowers have been produced in great abundance on my specimen.

Usually it flowers in this climate in April, but when winter has continued open and genial, its blooms are produced as early as the middle of March, and they are in their full beauty in early April. They are white, delicately tinged with pink, of much substance and wax-like appearance. They are small, not unlike in form the lilac flower, but rather more open at the corolla and shorter in the tube. They are arranged in one-sided, elongated bunches, which rest on the ground, the blossoms peeping through the foliage. I must not omit to mention perhaps the most desirable property of this species--viz., the perfume of its flowers, which is strong, aromatic, and refres.h.i.+ng. The leaves are cordate, ovate, and entire, nearly 2in. long, slightly drawn or wrinkled, and covered with stiffish hairs. They are arranged on proc.u.mbent branches, all, like the flowers, facing upwards. To see the cl.u.s.ters of waxy flowers these branches must be raised, when it will be seen that the flower stalks issue from the axils of the leaves all along the branches. In a cut state the flowers are more than useful; they are, from their delicious, scent, a great treat. The plant is a suitable companion to the ledums, kalmias, gaultherias, and other genera of its own order.

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