Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 6

Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous -

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_Castaneous_, chestnut color.

_Ceraceous_, wax-like.

_Channelled_, hollowed out like a gutter.

_Chlorosis_, loss of color.

_Cilia_, marginal hair-like processes.

_Ciliate_, fringed with hair-like processes.

_Cinerous_, ash-colored.

_Circinate_, rounded.

_Clathrate_, latticed.

_Clavate_, club-shaped, gradually thickened upward.

_Close_, packed closely side by side; also styled crowded.

_Columella_, a sterile tissue rising column-like in the midst of the capillitium, serving as a point of insertion for the threads which connect it with the peridium in the form of a net-work.

_Concentric_, having a common center, as a series of rings one within another.

_Connate_, united by growing, as when two or more caps become united.

_Concolored_, of a uniform color.

_Confervoid_, from the finely branched threads.

_Continuous_, without a break, of a surface which is not cracked, or of one part which runs into another without interruption.

_Cordate_, heart-shaped.

_Coriaceous_, of a leathery texture.

_Corrugated_, drawn into wrinkles or folds.

_Corticated_, furnished with a bark-like covering.

_Cortina_, a partial veil formed not of continuous tissue but of slender threads, which in certain mushrooms when young unite the stem with the margin of the cap. This membrane remains later as a filamentous ring on the stem, or threads hanging to the margin of cap. Applied to the peculiar veil of the Cortinarias.

_Cratera_, a cup-shaped receptacle.

_Crenate_, _crenulate_, notched at the edge, the notches blunt or rounded, not sharp as in a serrated edge, serratures convex.

_Cribrose_, pierced with holes.

_Cryptogamia_, applied to the division of nonflowering plants.

_Cupreous_, copper-colored.

_Cuspidate_, with a sharp, spear-like point.

_Cyathiform_, cup-shaped.

_Cystidia_, sterile cells of the hymenium, generally larger than the basidia cells, with which they are found.

_Deciduous_, temporary falling off.

_Decurrent_, as when the gills of a mushroom are prolonged down the stem.

_Dehiscent_, a closed organ opening of itself at maturity, or when it has attained a certain development.

_Deliquescent_, relating to mushrooms which at maturity become liquid.

_Dentate_, toothed, with concave serratures.

_Denticulate_, finely dentate.

_Dermini_, brown or rust colored spores.

_Determinate_, ending definitely; having a distinctly defined outline.

_Diaphanous_, transparent.

_Dichotomous_, paired by twos; regularly forked.

_Dimidiate_, applied to some gills of mushrooms which reach only halfway to the stem.

_Disciform_, of a circular, flat form.

_Dissepiments_, dividing walls.

_Distant_, applied to gills which have a wide distance between them.

_Divaricate_, separating at an obtuse angle.

_Echinate_, furnished with stiff bristles.

_Echinulate_, with minute bristles.

_Effused_, spread over without regular form.

_Elongate_, lengthened.

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