Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 22

Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous -

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Inocybe Fries.

Hebeloma Fries.

Flammula Fries.

Naucoria Fries.

Pluteolus Fries.

Galera Fries.

Tubaria Worth. Smith.

Crepidotus Fries.

Cortinarius Fries.

Paxillus Fries.

_Melanosporae_ (spores black, dark-brown or purplish-brown), combining the attributes of both the Coprinarii and the Pratelli of Fries.


Chitonia Fries.

Agaricus Linn.

Pilosace Fries.

Stropharia Fries.

Hypholoma Fries.

Psilocybe Fries.

Deconica Worth. Smith.

Psathyra Fries.

Bolbitius Fries.

Coprinus Pers.

Panaeolus Fries.

Annellaria Karsh.

Psathyrella Fries.

Gomphidius Fries.

Anthracophyllum Ces.

Montagnites Fries.

II.--POLYPORACEae (Polyporei).


Boletus Dill.

Strobilomyces Berkeley.

Boletinus Kalchbr.

Gyrodon Opatowski.

Fistulina Bull.

Polyporus Mich.

Fomes Fries.

Polystictus Fries.

Poria Pers.

Trametes Fries.

Hexagonia Fries.

Daedalea Pers.

Myriadoporus Peck.

Ceriomyces Corda.

Bresadolia Speg.

Cyclomyces Kunz.

Favolus Fries.

Gloeoporus Mont.

Laschia Fries.

Merulius Hall.

Theleporus Fries.

Porothelium Fries.

Solenia Hoffm.

III.--HYDNACEae (Hydnei).


Hydnum Linn.

Caldesiella Lace.

Hericium Pers.

Tremellodon Pers.

Sistotrema Pers.

Irpex Fries.

Radulum Fries.

Plebia Fries.

Lopharia K. & M. Ow.

Grandinia Fries.

Grammothele B. & C.

Odontia Pers.

Kneiffia Fries.

Mucronella Fries.

IV.--THELEPHORACEae (Theleph.o.r.ei).


Craterellus Fries.

Hypolyssus Pers.

Thelephora Ehrh.

Cladoderris Pers.

Beccariella Ces.

Stereum Pers.

Hymenochaete Lev.

Skepperia Berk.

Corticium Fries.

Peniophora Cooke.

Coniophora D. C.

Michenera B. & C.

Matula Ma.s.s.

Hypochnus Fries.


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About Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous Part 22 novel

You're reading Student's Hand-book of Mushrooms of America, Edible and Poisonous by Author(s): Thomas Taylor. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 587 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.