A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 49

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_convenant_, agreeing, befitting, also, a covenant, pr. p. of _convenir_; Lat. _convenire_. See +Couenaunt+.

+Conandly+, _adv._ befittingly, S3.

+Conceipt+, _sb._ imagination, fancy, idea, MD, S3; +conceit+, C3; +conceits+, _pl._, fantastic patterns, S3.

+Conceiven+, _v._ to comprise, to conceive, to imagine, MD; +conceyue+, PP.--OF. _concevoir_; Lat. _concipere_.

+Conduit+, _sb._ guidance, a conduit, MD; +condut+, MD; +condite+, MD; +conduyte+, S3; +cundyth+, Voc.; +condeth+, MD; +kundites+, _pl._, S3.--OF. _conduit_ (Bartsch); Lat. _conductum_, from _conducere_.

+Confessen+, _v._ to confess, to receive a confession, MD.--AF.

_confesser_; from Lat. _confessus_, pp. of _conefiteor_.

+Confessor+, _sb._ a confessor of Christianity before the heathen, a hearer of confessions, MD, S; +cunfessurs+, _pl._, S.--AF.

_confessor_; Church Lat. _confessorem_.

+Confiture+, _sb._ an apothecary's mixture, C3.--OF. _confiture_ (Cotg.); Late Lat. _confectura_.

+Confort+, _sb._ comfort, C3, C, PP.--AF. _confort_.

+Conforten+, _v._ to strengthen, comfort, MD, C, P; +counforte+, S2, PP.--AF. _conforter_; Late Lat. _confortare_; Lat. _con_ + _fortis_, strong.

+Confounden+, _v._ to bring to confusion, C3; +confoundet+, _pp._, PP.--AF. _confoundre_; Lat. _confundere_.

+Confus+, _pp._ put to confusion, C3, C, PP.--AF. _confus_, pp.; Lat.


+Congie+, _v._ to bid farewell to, dismiss, get rid of, PP; +congeye+, PP, MD; +cunge+, PP.--OF. _congier_, to dismiss, from _congie_, _c.u.mgiet_; Late Lat. _commiatum_, Lat. _commeatum_, permission to go.

+Conisantes+, _sb. pl._ badges, S3; see +Cognisaunce+.

+Conjecten+, _v._ to guess, suppose, MD, S3.--Lat. _conjectare_.

+Coniectere+, _sb._ diviner, W2.

+Conjoignen+, _v._ to conjoin, MD; +coniunit+, _pp._, S3.--From OF.

_conjoignant_, pr. p. of _conjoindre_; Lat. _conjungere_.

+Con-ioyninge+, _sb._ conjoining, C3.

+Conne+, _v._ to know, to be able, S2, S3; see +Kunnen+.

+Conne+, _v._ to test, examine, con, C2, P; +kun+, H; +cunnien+, SkD.--AS. _cunnian_, to try to know.

+Conning+, _sb._ science, skill, C2, C3; +konning+, C2; +coninge+, S2; +kunnyng+, W.

+Conning+, _adj._ skilful, C2.

+Conningly+, _adv._ skilfully, C2.

+Conrey+, _sb._ division of troops, also provision, MD; +conrai+, S2.--OF. _cunrei_ (_conroi_), equipage, arrangement, a division of troops (Bartsch); It. _corredo_, equipage, paraphernalia (Florio); Low Lat. _corredium_, _conredium_, equipage, provision, entertainment (Ducange); _con_ + _redium_, a word of Teut. origin.

+Conseil+, _sb._ counsel, S, S2, C2; +counseil+, G, C; +consail+, PP.--OF. _conseil_; Lat. _consilium_.

+Conseili+, _v._ to advise, S2; +conseille+, PP.--OF. _conseillier_.

+Constable+, _sb._ constable, warden, officer, C3, PP; +conestable+, MD; +cunstable+, PP; +cunestable+, S.--OF. _conestable_; Late Lat. _comes stabuli_, see Brachet.

+Constablesse+, _sb._ constable's wife, S2, C3.

+Constance+, _sb._ constancy, C2, MD.--OF. _constance_ (Cotg.); Lat.


+Constorie+, _sb._ an ecclesiastical court, PP, S2; +consistorie+, PP, CM.--Church Lat. _consistorium_, a place of a.s.sembly, from Lat.

_consistere_, to stand together.

+Contek+, _sb._ strife, contention, C, G, H, MD, CM; contumely, MD; +contak+, MD; +conteke+, HD; +conteck+, HD, ND; +contakt+, HD.--AF.


+Conteken+, _v._ to strive, MD.

+Contekour+, _sb._ one who quarrels, HD.

+Contenance+, _sb._ look, gesture, outward appearance, encouragement, favour, MD, S2, C2; +contenaunce+, PP, C3; +c.u.n.tenaunce+, S2; +countenance+, S3; +continaunce+, G.--OF. _contenance_; Late Lat.

_continentia_, mien.

+Contesse+; see +Countesse+.

+Contrarie+, _adj._ contrary, C2, C3.--AF. _contrarie_ (OF.

_contraire_); Lat. _contrarium_.

+Contrarien+, _v._ to oppose, C2.--OF. _contrarier_; Late Lat.


+Contree+, _sb._ country, MD, C2, C3; +contre+, MD, C; +contreie+, S2; +contreye+, S2; +c.u.n.tre+, S2, MD, C; +contrai+, S2, MD.--OF. _contree_ (AF. _c.u.n.tree_), Prov. _contrada_; Late Lat. _contrata_, from Lat.

_contra_, see SkD.

+Control+, _sb._ restrictive authority, Sh.--OF. _contre-role_, _contre-rolle_, a duplicate roll, used for verification, see Brachet, Cotg. (s.v. _controlle_).

+Control+, _v._ to restrain, check, Sh.

+Controller+, _sb._ superintendent, overseer of accounts, Sh.; +comptroller+, S3.

+Controven+, _v._ to contrive, MD, PP; +controeven+, MD, S2; +contreven+, PP; +contriven+, MD.--AF. _controver_; _con_ + OF.

_trover_, to find, compose poetry; Low Lat. _tropare_, from _tropus_, a song, lit. a trope, turn of speech; Gr. t??p??, a turn.

+Conventiculis+, _sb. pl._ a.s.semblies, W2.

+Conveyen+, _v._ to accompany, also to bring, MD.--AF. _cunveier_; Late Lat. _conviare_, to accompany.

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