A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 44

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+Chrisolyte+, _sb._ chrysolite, 3; +crysolyt+, SkD.--Lat. _chrysolithus_ (Vulg.); Gr. ???s??????, 'gold stone.'

+Chronique+, _sb._ chronicle, C; see +Cronique+.

+Churren+, _v._ to turn, S; see +Cherren+.

+Chymmys+, _sb._ chief mansion, S3; +chemys+, JD.--OF. _chef_ + _mes_ (Bartsch.), _chefmois_, chief manor house (Cotg.); Late Lat. _capmansum_ (acc.); see Ducange (s.v. _caput mansi_). See +Cheef+.

+Chymney+, _sb._ furnace, W; see +Chimney+.

+Chynchis+, _sb. pl._ n.i.g.g.ards, H; see +Chinche+.

+Chyne+, _sb._ c.h.i.n.k, fissure, W2; +chenes+, _pl._, S2, MD; +chynnes+, S3.--AS. _cinu_.

+Chynnyng+, _sb._ c.h.i.n.k, S3.

+Chyp+, _v._ to chip, S3. See +Choppen+.

+Chyrmen+, _v._ to chirp, S3; see +Chirmen+.

+Chysly+, _adv._ choicely, S2; see +Choisly+.

+Chyssell+, _sb._ chisel, S3; see +Chisel+.

+Ciclatun+, _sb._ a costly silk texture, S; +ciclatoun+, MD, C2; +siclatoun+, MD; +ciclatuns+, _pl._, S.--OF. _ciclatun_ in Roland (cp.

Icel. _siklatun_); cp. Arab. _siqlat_, a fine cloth.

+Cipres+, _sb._ cypress, MD; +ciprees+, C2; +cypres+, Palsg.; +cipresse+, MD.--OF. _cypres_; Lat. _cupressus_, _cyparissus_; Gr.


+Circe+, _sb._ church, S, Voc.; see +Chirche+.

+Circe-wican+, _sb. dat._ church-dwelling, S.

+Cisterne+, _sb._ cistern, Joseph's pit, MD, Cath.; +sisterne+, MD; +sesterne+, Prompt.--Lat. _cisterna_, (Vulg.).

+Cisternesse+, _sb._ Joseph's pit, S.

+Citee+, _sb._ city, MD, C2, C3; +cyte+, MD; +syte+, Prompt.; +scite+, S; +citee+, MD, C2, C3; +cite+, S, S2, Cath.--AF. _cite_, OF. _citet_; Lat. _ciuitatem_, a community of citizens.

+Citesein+, _sb._ citizen, MD; +citeseyn+, W (Acts 22. 26); +cytezeyne+, Prompt.--AF. _citeseyn_, _citezein_: Prov. _ciutadan_, _ciptadan_; Late Lat. *_civitadanum_.

+Citiner+, _sb._ citizen, JD; +cyttenere+, Voc.

+Citole+, _sb._ cithern, C, MD, CM; +cytole+, Voc.--AF. _citole_, OF.

_cytholle_ (= Lat. _cithara_), Ps. 56. 8; cp. Low Lat. _citola_, (Voc.); Lat. _cithara_; Gr. ?????a, also ???a???; cp. Chaldee _qitharos_, Dan.

3. 5. See +Giterne+.

+Citolerer+, _sb._ a player on the cithern; +cytolerer+, Voc.

+Citrinacioun+, _sb._ the turning to the colour of citron (in alchemy), C3, CM.

+Citrine+, _adj._ citron-coloured, MD.--OF. _citrin_; Lat. _citrinus_.

+Citur+, _sb._ citron-tree, MD. _Comb._: +cytyr-tre+, Prompt.; +citur tree+, MD.--OF. _citre_; Lat. _citrum_ (acc.).

+Clam+, _adj._ sticky, H, MD.

+Clam+, _pt. s._ climbed, S2; +clamb+, C2; see +Climben+.

+Clanlych+, _adv._ purely, S2; see +Clene+.

+Clappen+, _v._ to make a noise like the clapper of a mill, MD, Palsg.; to chatter, C2, C3.--Icel. _klappa_.

+Clapping+, _sb._ chatter, idle talk, C2.

+Clapsen+, _v._ to clasp, C, CM; see +Claspen+.

+Claret+, _sb._ a spiced wine, MD, Prompt. +clare+, MD; +clarre+, C, MD; +clarry+, MD.--OF. _claret_ (AF. _clare_); Late Lat. _claretum_ and _claratum_. See +Clere+.

+Clarifien+, _v._ to glorify, MD, W, H (Ps. 19, 1).--OF. _clarifier_; Lat. _clarificare_ (Vulg.).

+Clarioun+, _sb._ clarion, C, MD; +claryone+, Prompt.--OF. _clarion_ (F.

_clairon_). See +Clere+.

+Clarre+, _sb._ a spiced wine, C, CM; see +Claret+.

+Claspen+, _v._ to clasp, Palsg.; +clapsen+, C, CM.

+Clauster+, _sb._ cloister, MD; +closter+, MD; +claustres+, _pl._, S2.--Lat. _claustrum_ (_clostrum_), whence Icel. _klaustr_, AS.

_cl.u.s.ter_. Cf. +Cloister+.

+Claver+, _sb._ clover, _trifolium_, Voc., MD; +clavyr+, S3; +clovere+, Voc.--AS. _clafre_ (OET.), also _clfre_, (Voc.); cp. Dan. _klover_.

+Claw+, _sb._ hoof, Voc.; +clau+, Voc.; +clawwess+, _pl._, S; +cluvis+, S3; +clawes+, claws of bird, C2.--AS. _clawu_, hoof; cp. Icel. _klauf_, see Weigand (s.v. _klaue_).

+Clawen+, _v._ to scratch, stroke, MD; +clowe+, to scratch, PP. _Phr._: +to claw the back+, to flatter, S3. _Comb._: +claw-back+, _sb._ flatterer, sycophant, Cotg. (s.v. _flateur_).

+Cleche+, _sb._ hook, MD; +cleek+, HD.

+Clechen+, _v._ to seize, MD, HD; +cleke+, MD; +cleikis+, _pr. s._, S3; +clahte+, _pt. s._, MD; +claucht+, _pp._, MD.

+Cled+, _pt. s._ clothed, S3; see +Clothen+.

+Clee+, _sb._ hoof, W2.--AS. _cleo_. See +Claw+.

+Clef+, _pt. s._ split, S2; see +Cleuen+.

+Clei+, _sb._ clay, W2, MD; +cley+, Prompt.; W (John 9. 6), Voc.--AS.


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