A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 42

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+Cheken+, _v._ to choke, suffocate, MD, Prompt., SkD. See NED (s.v.


+Cheker+, _sb._ exchequer, PP; see +Escheker+.

+Cheld+, _adj._ cold, S2; see +Cold+.

+Chelde+, _sb._ cold, PP.

+Chelden+, _v._ to grow cold, S; +kelde+, MD.--AS. _cealdian_.

+Chele+, _sb._ chill, S, S2; see +Chil+.

+Chele+, _sb._ throat, fur made up from the fur about the marten's throat, S; +cheole+, MD; +ch.e.l.le+, MD.--AS. _ceole_, the throat; cp.

OHG. _chela_ (G. _kehle_). See +Merthes-chele+. [[error for 'Methes-chele']]

+Ch.e.l.le+, _sb._ bowl, incense-vessel, S.--AS. _ciella_ (_cylle_), a vessel for drinking; cp. OHG. _ch.e.l.la_.

+Chemys+, _sb._ chief mansion, JD; see +Chymmys+.

+Chene+; see +Chyne+.

+Cheosen+; see +Chesen+.

+Chepe+, _sb._ bargain, business, MD; +cheap+, S. _Phr._: +good chepe+, cheap, MD; +gret chep+, plenty, cheapness, MD; +to good cheep+, too cheaply, G.--AS. _ceap_, business, purchase, price, also, cattle; Icel.

_kaup_, bargain; cp. OHG. _kouf_ (Otfrid).

+Chepe+, _sb._ Cheapside, S3, P.

+Chepen+, _v._ to transact business, buy or sell, MD, S; +chepet+, _pp._, S.--AS. _ceapian_, to bargain.

+Cheping+, _sb._ market, W; +chepynge+, S2, P.--AS. _ceapung_, trade, commerce.

+Chepmon+; see +Chapman+.

+Cher+, _adj._ dear, PP; +chere+, MD. _Phr._: +cher ouer+, careful of, PP.--OF. _cher_; Lat. _carum_.

+Cherarchy+, _sb._ an a.s.sembly of holy rulers, a hierarchy, S3; +yerarchy+, SkD (p. 810).--OF. _hierarchie_; Gr. ?e?a???a; cp. It.

_gerarchia_, a hierarchy of angels (Florio).

+Cherche+, _sb._ church, S2, C3; see +Chirche+. [[Addition]]

+Chere+, _sb._ a time, S; see +Cherre+.

+Chere+, _sb._ face, friendly welcome, S, MD, S2, S3, C3, G, C2; +chiere+, S3; +cheare+, S3; +cheere+, G; +cher+, S2; +cheer+, W; +cheres+, _pl._, wry faces, S.--AF. _chere_, countenance, OF. _chere_, head (Roland); Low Lat. _cara_, the face, head; Gr. ???a; see Ducange.

Cp. E. _cheer_.

+Cheren+, _v._ to make good cheer, to make glad, MD, Prompt., S.

+Cheriche+, _v._ to cherish, PP; +cheryce+, C2.--OF. _cherir_ (pr.

p. _cherissant_).

+Cherissing+, _sb._ cheris.h.i.+ng, PP.

+Cherl+, _sb._ peasant, S, S2, C2, C3; +chorle+, Prompt.; +churle+, Voc.--AS. _ceorl_; cp. MHG. _kerl_. Cf. +Carl+.

+Cherliche+, _adv._ dearly, fondly, PP; +cherli+, S2. See +Cher+.

+Cherre+, _sb._ a turn, s.p.a.ce of time, business, affair, job, MD; +chere+, S; +char+, MD; +ch.o.r.e+, SkD (p. 792).--AS. _cerr_ (_cirr_, _cyrr_); cp. OHG. _cher_.

+Cherren+, _v._ to turn, MD; +chearre+, S; +churren+, S; +charen+, S; +cherde+, _pt. pl._, S.--AS. _cerran_ (_cirran_); cp. OHG. _keren_ (Otfrid).

+Cherte+, _sb._ charity, MD: friends.h.i.+p, S3.--OF. _cherte_; Lat.

_caritatem_. Cf. +Charitee+.

+Cherubim+, _sb. pl._ cherubim; +cherubym+, W2 (Ps. 17. 12); +cherubin+, S2; +cherubyn+, H.--Church Lat. _cherubim_ (Vulg.); Heb. _cherubim_, pl.

of _cherub_. Cp. OF. _cherubins_, PS. 17. 10.

+Chervelle+, _sb._ chervil, PP; +cherefelle+, Alph.; +chiruylles+, _pl._, PP.--AS. _caerfille_, (Voc.); Lat. _caerifolium_; Gr. ?a???f?????; cp. OF. _cerfueil_ (Cotg.).

+Chery+, _sb._ cherry, Voc.; +chere+, Voc.--OF. _cerise_; Late Lat.

_cerasea_, adj. from _cerasum_, cherry; from Gr. ???as??, cherry-tree; see Diez. Cf. +Chiries+.

+Chesbolle+, _sb._ a small onion, poppy-head, Voc.; +chesebolle+, HD; +chessebolle+, HD; +chespolle+, Voc.

+Chese+, _sb._ cheese, MD, Voc., S (18. 643); +schese+, Voc.; +caese+, S.--OMerc. _cese_ (OET), AS. _c?se_; Lat. _caseus_.

+Chesen+, _v._ to choose, S, S2, C2, C3, G; +cheosen+, S, S2, MD; +ches+, _imp. s._, S2; +chees+, C3; +choyss+, S3; +cheas+, _pt. s._, S; +ches+, MD, S2; +chees+, MD, S2, C2, C3; +chesit+ (_weak_), S3; +curen+, _pl._, MD; +cusen+, S; +icoren+, _pp._, S; +ychose+, PP; +cosan+, S.--AS. _ceosan_, pt. _ceas_ (pl. _curon_), pp. _coren_.

+Chesible+, _sb._ chasuble, P; +chesibylle+, Voc.; +chesyble+, Palsg.; +chesypyl+, Voc.; +chesypylle+, Prompt.--OF. *_chasible_, cp. Church Lat. _casibula_, _casubula_ (OF. _chasuble_); from _casula_, a sacerdotal vestment, from Lat. _casa_, a cottage.

+Chesoun+, _sb._ cause, account, MD; +chesun+, S2, H; +cheson+, H. See +Achesoun+.

+Chest+, _sb._ jangling, strife, MD, P; +cheast+, MD; +cheaste+, MD; +cheste+, G, S; +cheestis+, _pl._, W.--AS. _ceast_.

+Chest+, _sb._ chest, ark, coffin, PP, MD; +chaest+, MD; +caeste+, _dat._, S. Cf. +Kist+.

+Chesten+, _sb._ chestnut-tree, Manip.; +chesteyn+, C, MD; +cheston+, Voc.--AF. _chestaine_, OF. _chastaigne_; Lat. _castanea_; from Gr.


+Chesten-tre+, _sb._ chestnut-tree, MD; +chestantre+, Voc.

+Chesun+, _sb._ cause, occasion, account, S2, H; see +Chesoun+.

+Chesunabile+, _adj._ open to an accusation, H.

+Cheen+, _sb. pl._ countries, S; see +Cue+.

+Cheuaunce+, _sb._ gain, profit, MD.

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