A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 37

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+Buuen+, _prep._ and _adv._ above, S; +buue+, S; +boue+, MD; +bufon+, S.--AS. _be-ufan_.

+Buxum+, _adj._ obedient, ready, willing, courteous, PP; +boxum+, S2, PP; +buxom+, CM; +buhsum+, S. See +Bowen+.

+Buxumliche+, _adv._ obediently, PP; +boxumly+, S2; +buxomly+, C2.

+Buxumnesse+, _sb._ obedience, PP; +buxomnes+, P; +boxumnes+, S2.

+By-+, _prefix_. See +Bi-+ words.

+By+, +Bi+, _prep._ by, at, according to, S, S2, with regard to, PP, S, S2, S3; +bie+, S; +be+ S, S2. _Phr._: +by and by+, _adv._ immediately, S3; in order, separately, C, Prompt., MD.

+By+, _v._ to dwell, build, C2; see +Biggen+.

+Bye+, _v._ to buy, S2; +by+, C3; see +Biggen+. [[Addition]]

+Byggyng+, _sb._ building, S2.

+By?e+; see +Bei?+.


+C-+; see also under +K+.

+Caas+, _sb._ case, circ.u.mstance, chance, C; +kas+, S2; +ca.s.s+, S3; +cas+, S2, C2.--AF. _cas_; Lat. _casum_ (acc.), a fall, from _cadere_, to fall.

+Caas+, _sb._ case, quiver, C; see

+Caban+, _sb._ hut, small room, MD, PP; +cabin+, MD.--OF. _cabane_; cp.

Low Lat. _cabanna_, _capanna_; see Brachet.

+Cabine+, _sb._ a shed made of boughs, Cotg. (s.v. _cabane_); +cabin+, small enclosed place, Sh.

+Cabinet+, _sb._ small shed, arbour, S3.--OF. _cabinet_, an arbour in a garden, Cotg.; cp. It. _cabinetto_ (Florio).

+Cacchen+, _v._ to catch, to chase, MD, C3, P; +katchen+, MD; +kecchen+, MD; +chacche+, S2; +chacen+, MD; +chaci+, MD; +caucht+, S3; +cacces+, _pr. s._, S2; +cahte+, _pt. s._, MD; +ca?te+, S2; +caughte+, C2; +cau?t+, MD; +cought+, MD; +caght+, MD; +cahten+, _pl._, MD; +kei?t+, MD; +caht+, _pp._ MD; +kau?t+, W2.--OF. _cachier_, _cacier_ (also _chacier_, _cha.s.ser_); Late Lat. _captiare_, from Lat. _captare_, freq.

of _capere_, to take, to hold; see Constans.

+Cache-pol+, _sb._ a tax-gatherer, constable, bailiff, MD, PP; +cahchpolle+, Prompt.; +catchepollis+, _pl._, W.--AF. _cacchepole_, OF.

_chacepol_, _cha.s.sipole_; cp. Low Lat. _cachepollus_, _cacepollus_, _chacepollus_, _cha.s.sipullus_. The form _cacepollus_ is met with in the _Leges Ethelredi_, see Schmid and Ducange. The word probably meant at first the officer who collected from the tenant the fowls (_pullos_) paid as rent.

+Cacherel+, _sb._ an inferior officer of justice, MD; +kachereles+, _pl._, S2.--OF. _cacherel_; cp. Low Lat. _cacherellus_.

+Caese+; see +Chese+.

+Caeste+, _sb. dat._ chest, S; see +Chest+.

+Caf+, _sb._ chaff, H; see +Chaf+.

+Caitif+, _adj._ and _sb._ captive, miserable wretch, MD, W, C3, H; +caytif+, C2; +caytiue+, P; +caitifes+, _pl._, S3; +caytiues+, S3; +kaytefes+, S2.--AF. _caitif_; Prov. _captiu_; Lat. _captiuum_ (acc.); see Brachet (s.v. _chetif_).

+Caitifte+, _sb._ wretchedness, S2, W, W2, H; +caytefte+, S2.--OF.

_caitivete_; Lat. _captiuitatem_.

+Calabre+, _sb._ Calabrian fur, P, S2 (p. 200); NQ. (5. 12. 232); +calabere+, P (_n_). _Comb._: +calaber amyse+, a person wearing an amice trimmed with calabre, P (_n_).

+Cald+; see +Cold+.

+Calengen+, _v._ to accuse, to charge, W2; see +Chalengen+.

+Calewe+, _adj._ bald, without hair, MD, S2.--AS. _calwo-_, stem of _calu_; cp. OHG. _chalo_ (gen. _chalawes_), and Lat. _caluus_.

+Caliz+, _sb._ chalice, S, MD, SkD; +chalis+, MD; +chalys+, Voc.; +calice+, _dat._ S, SkD.--OF. _caliz_; Lat. _calix_; also OF. _calice_; Lat. _calicem_.

+Calle+, _sb._ a caul, net for the hair (worn by women), MD, CM, SkD (s.v. _caul_).

+Callen+, _v._ to call, S, C2; +kalle+, MD, S2.--AS. _ceallian_; cp.

Icel. _kalla_.

+Callour+, _adj._ cool, fresh, healthy, JD, S3; +caller+, JD; +cauler+, JD.

+Calme+, _adj._ calm, MD.--OF. _calme_ (Cotg.), It. _calma_ (Florio); Low Lat. _cauma_, heat (Vulg.); Gr. ?a?a.

+Calmen+, _v._ to become calm, MD; +cawmyt+, _pp._, S3.--OF. _calmer_; to quiet.

+Cal-stocke+, _sb._, cabbage-stalk, S3; +calstok+, Voc.; +calstoke+, Palsg.; +castock+, JD; +custoc+, JD. See +Cole+.

+Camamelle+, _sb._ camomile, Voc.; +camemille+, Voc.; +camamyle+, Prompt.; +cammamyll+, Palsg.; +camomylle+, MD; +cammamyld+, S3; +camamy+, Voc.--Late Lat. _camamilla_; Gr. ?aa?????.

+Camel+, _sb._ camel, MD; +camelle+, Prompt.; +camaille+, C2; +chamelle+, Prompt.; +chamayle+, MD.--OF. _camel_; Lat. _camelum_ (acc.); Gr. ??????; Heb. _gamal_.

[[Addition:]] The regular OF. equivalent for Lat. _camelum_ was _chameil_. In OF. _camel_ the termination _-el_ is due to a.n.a.logy with French forms derived from _-alem_. See BH, -- 43.

+Cameline+, _sb._ camlet, MD.--OF. _cameline_; Low Lat. _camelinum_.

+Camelot+, _sb._ camlet, SkD; +chamelot+, S3; +chamlet+, Cotg.--OF.

_camelot_ (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. _camelotum_.

+Cammamyld+, _sb._ camomile, S3; see +Camamelle+.

+Camp+, _sb._ contest, MD; +comp+, S; +kemp+, JD; +kampe+, _dat._, MD.--AS. _camp_ (_comp_); cp. Icel. _kapp_.

+Campe+, _adj._ See +Kempe+.

+Campen+, _v._ to contend, contest, esp. at foot-ball, MD, Prompt.--AS.


+Campynge+, _sb. pedipiludium_, game of foot-ball, Prompt.

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