A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 196

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+Soren+, _pp._ shorn, S; see +Schere+.

+Sort+, _sb._ destiny, chance, lot, C, W; +sorte+, turn (= Lat. _vice_), W.--AF. _sort_; Lat. _sortem_.

+Sorwe+, _sb._ sorrow, S, S2, CM, C2; +sor?e+, S; +zor?e+, S2; +sori?e+, S; +sore?e+, S; +sare?e+, S; +soreghe+, S2; +seorewe+, S; +serewe+, S; +seoruwe+, S; +serwe+, S2; +soru+, S2; +sorhe+, S; +sorewe+, S, S2.--AS.

_sorh_: OS. _sorga_.

+Sorwe-ful+, _adj._ sorrowful, C; +sorful+, S; +sorwefully+, _adv._ sorrowfully, C2.

+Sorwen+, _v._ to sorrow, CM; +serr?he+, _pr. s._, S.--AS. _sorgian_.

+Sorwynge+, _sb._ sorrowing, CM; +sorewyngis+, _pl._, W.

+Sory+, _adj._ sorry, wretched, painful, grievous, Prompt., S2, C, C2, PP, G; +sori+, S, S2, PP; +sari+, S; +saeri+, S; +sariliche+, _adv._, S; +soryly+, Prompt. _Comb._: +sorymod+, sad in mind, S.--AS. _sarig_.

+Sorynesse+, _sb._ sadness, Prompt.; +sorinesse+, S.--AS. _sarignes_.

+Soster+, _sb._ sister, S2; see +Suster+.

+Sote+, _adj._ sweet, C2, C3; see +Swete+.

+Soth+, _adj._ and _sb._ true, truth, sooth, soothsaying, S, S2, C3, P, H; +sooth+, C2; +suth+, S2; +sothe+, W, S2, S3, P; +soothe+, S3; +zoe+, S2; +sothely+, _adv._, verily, PP, W; +soothly+, C2. _Comb._: +sofast+, true, S, S3, H; +sothefast+, W; +soothfastnesse+, truth, C2, C3, H; +sothnes+, truth, S2, H; +sothnesse+, S2, P; +sothriht+, truly, S.--AS.

_so_ (for *_son_, *_san_); cp. Icel. _sannr_ (for *_sanr_); cp. Dan.


+Sothe+, _adj._ south, S3; see +Sowthe+.

+Sothien+, _v._ to verify, SD, SkD (s.v. _soothe_); +i-soet+, _pp._, S.--AS. _ge-soian_.

+Sothroun+, _adj._ southern, S3; see +Sowtherne+.

+Sotte+, _sb._ fool, S, Prompt., PP; +sot+, S, S2; +sottes+, _gen._, S, S2. _Der._: +sotlice+, foolishly, S; +sotschipe+, folly, S; +sotted+, besotted, C3.--OF. _sot_.

+Sotyle+, _adj._ subtle, fine-wrought, crafty, ingenious, Prompt.; +sotyl+, PP; +sotil+, PP, C; +sotel+, PP; +sutelle+, Cath.; +sutaille+, S3; +sotely+, _adv._, PP; +suteli+, W.--AF. _sotil_, _sutil_; Lat.


+Sotyle+, _v._ to reason subtly, to make use of cunning, PP; +sotilen+, PP; +sutils+, _pr. s._, makes subtle, H.

+Sotylte+, _sb._ skill, Prompt.; +sotilte+, C3.--AF. _sotiltee_; Lat.


+Souchen+, _v._ to suspect, SD, HD; +souches+, _pr. s._, S2.--OF.

_suscher_; Late Lat. *_suspicare_, for Lat. _suspicari_, see Diez, p. 681, and BH, -- 152.

+Souden+, _v._ to pay, PP. See +Sowde+.

+Soudly+, _adj._ dirty, S3.--Cp. Northern E. _suddill_, to dirty (JD), also G. _sudeln_, to do dirty work.

+Souerty+, _sb._ surety, S3; see +Surety+.

+Soufre+, _sb._ sulphur, S2; +soulfre+, CM.--OF. _soufre_, _soulfre_ (Cotg.); Late Lat. _sulfurem_.

+Souken+, _v._ to suck, C2, S2, W2; +sowken+, S3. _Comb._: +soukynge-fere+, foster-brother, W.--AS. _sucan_, pt. _seac_, pp.


+Soule+, _sb._ soul, PP, S, S2; +sowle+, S, C; +saule+, S, S2, H; +sawle+, S; +saull+, S3; +soulen+, _pl._, S, S2; +saulen+, S; +sawless+, S; +sowle+, S; +zaulen+, S2. _Comb._: +soule hele+, soul's salvation, PP; +sawel hel+, S2.--AS. _sawol_, _sawle_: Goth. _saiwala_.

+Soun+, _sb._ sound, S2, S3, C2, W2, H: +sown+, H, W, W2; +sowne+, S2; +son+, S2; +sownde+, Prompt.--AF. _soun_, OF. _son_; Lat. _sonum_.

+Sound+, _sb._ a swoon, S3; see +Swowne+.

+Sounen+, _v._ to sound, C2, PP; +sownen+, C2, S2, W2, PP; +sowndyn+, Prompt.; +sunen+, S.--AF. _suner_, _soner_; Lat. _sonare_.

+Sounyng+, _sb._ sounding, S2.

+Soupen+, _v._ to sup, drink gradually, to eat supper, P, W, C2; +sowpen+, S3.--OF. _souper_. Of Teutonic origin. Cp. +Sup+.

+Souper+, _sb._ supper, C; +soper+, C, C2, G.--OF. _souper_, AF.


+Souple+, _adj._ supple, pliant, C, C2.--OF. _souple_, beaten, defeated (Bartsch); Lat. _supplicem_, submissive.

+Soure+, _adj._ sour, acid, PP; +sur+, S; +soure+, _adv._ sourly, C2, P.

_Comb._: +sourdou?+, leaven, W; +sourdow+, W; +sourdow?+, W.--AS. _sur_; cp. Icel. _surr_ and _surdegi_ (Matt. 13. 33).

+Souren+, _v._ to sour; +sowrid+, _pp._, made sour, W.

+Sours+, _sb._ source, origin, C2; soaring, CM.--OF. _sourse_, a spring of water; Late Lat. _sursa_, a late pp. f. form from Lat. _surgere_ (OF.

_sordre_, pp. _sors_, _sours_).

+Souse+, _v._ to strike, dash, RD, SkD; +souce+, Spenser 1. See below.

+Souse+, _sb._ the downward plunge of a bird of prey, RD. (Originally the same as +Sours+, used of a hawk's flight.--W. W. S.)

+Soutere+, _sb._ cobbler, S3; +souter+, PP; +sowter+, Cath., ND.--AS.

_sutere_ (Voc.); Lat. _sutor_.

+Souteresse+, _sb._ a woman shoe-seller, P.

+Souenaunce+, _sb._ remembrance, S3.--OF. _sovenance_, also _souvenance_ (Cotg.), from _sovenir_; Lat. _subuenire_.

+Souerente+, _sb._ sovereignty, Prompt.; +souerayntee+, C2.--AF.


+Souereyn+, _adj._ and _sb._ supreme, sovereign, C, C2, C3; +souereynes+, _pl._, superiors, P, W; +sufrayns+, H; +souereyneste+, _superl._, W2; +soueraignly+, _adv._, C.--AF. _soverein_; Late Lat.


+Sowdan+, _sb._ sultan, S2, C3.--OF. _soudan_, _souldan_; Arab.


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