A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 164

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+Pons+, _sb. pl._ pence, S2; see +Peny+.

+Pope+, _sb._ the pope, PP; +pape+, S. _Der._: +popetrie+, popery, S3.--AS. _papa_; Church Lat. _papa_.

+Popet+, _sb._ puppet, C2, SkD, CM.--OF. _poupette_.

+Popyngay+, _sb._ parrot, popinjay, S3; see +Papejay+.

+Poraille+, _sb._ poor people, C; see +Poueraill+.

+Porchas+, _sb._ gain, winnings, S2; see +Purchas+.

+Pore+, _adj._ poor, S2; see +Pouer+. [[headword spelled +Poure+]]

+Poret+, _sb._ a kind of leek, PP, Prompt.; +porettes+, _pl._, S2, P.--OF. _porrette_ (Cotg.).

+Pors+, _sb._ purse, S2; see +Purse+.

+Portatyf+, _adj._ portable, light, P.--OF. _portatif_, lively of body (Cotg.).

+Porte+, _sb._ gate, WW; +port+, Sh.; +portis+, _pl._, S3.--AF. _porte_; Lat. _porta_.

+Portrey+, _v._ to pourtray, FP; +purtreye+, PP; +purtraye+, PP; +purtreied+, _pp._, S3; +portred+, S3; +porturat+, S3.--OF. _portray-_, stem of _portrayant_, pr. p. of _portraire_; Late Lat. _protrahere_.

+Porueid+, _pp._ provided, S2; see +Purueyen+.

+Pose+, _sb._ cold in the head, S2, Prompt., Cath., Palsg., Voc., C3.--Wel. _pas_, a cough; for cognates see SkD (s.v. _wheeze_), and Brugmann, -- 441.

+Possen+, _v._ to push, S, PP, CM, Prompt.; +posshen+, PP.--OF.

_pousser_, _poulser_; Lat. _pulsare_, frequent. of _pellere_.

+Pot+, _sb._ a vessel for cooking or drinking from, SkD. _Comb._: +pot-parlament+, a talk over one's cups, S3; +pot-sherd+, pot-sherd, S3; +pot-styk+, pot-stick, _motarium_, Voc.; +pot-stykke+, _motorium_, Voc.; +pot-stick+, S3.

+Potte+, _pt. s._ put, S2; see +Putten+.

+Pouderen+, _v._ to powder, SkD; +poulderen+, S3; +pulderit+, _pp._, S3.--OF. _poudrer_, _poldrer_; Lat. _puluerare_.

+Poudre+, _sb._ powder, C3, W; +pouder+, PP; +poudir+, W; +poulder+, HD; +pulder+, S3. _Comb._: +poudre marchaunt+, flavouring powder, C.--AF.

_poudre_, _puldre_, OF. *_pulre_; Lat. _puluerem_, dust.

+Povn+, _sb._ peac.o.c.k, S3.--OF. _poun_, _paon_; Lat. _pauonem_; see BH (Introd., 27). Cf. +Pe-c.o.k+.

+Pound+, _sb._ pound, PP; +punde+, _dat._, S; +pownd+, _pl._, S2.

_Comb._: +pound-mele+, by pounds at a time, PP, S2; +pound-mel+, P.--AS.

_pund_; Lat. _pondus_, a weight.

+Pound+, _sb._ an enclosure, pound, pond, S2; +pond+, SkD; +ponde+, Prompt.; +poonde+, Cath. _Comb._: +pondfolde+, a pound, pin-fold, PP; +poundfalde+, PP; +ponfolde+, PP.--AS. _pund_, an enclosure (Schmid).

+Pouren+, _v._ to pore, gaze steadily, C3; +pore+, CM; +powre+, C; +pure+, S; +pirith+, _pr. s._, PP.

+Pous+, _sb._ pulse, PP, CM; +pouce+, S2; +powce+, Prompt.--OF. _pouls_, _polz_; Lat. _pulsum_ (acc.).

+Pouste+, _sb._ power, P, B, HD, H (77. 65); +poste+, HD; +potestat+, W; +poustees+, _pl._, violent attacks, PP; +potestatis+, powers, W.--AF.

_pouste_, _poeste_, OF. _podeste_; Lat. _potestatem_.

+Pout+, _v._ to poke, to stir with a long instrument, JD. _Comb._: +pout-staff+, a net fastened to two poles, used for poking the banks of rivers, JD, S3.

+Poueraill+ (+Poveraill+), _sb._ the poor people, B; +purraile+, PP; +poraille+, PP, C; +porails+, _pl._, W2.--AF. _poverail_.

+Pouerte+ (+Poverte+), _sb._ poverty, meanness, shabbiness, PP, C2, WA; +powerte+, B; +pouert+, WA, PP, S2, S3, C3, W, W2.--OF. _poverte_; Late Lat. _paupertam_; see Constans (Supplement, p. 32).

+Poure+ (+Povre+), _adj._ poor, S, PP, S2, C2; +pouere+, PP, S2; +pouer+, S2; +pore+, S, S2; +pure+, S2, S3; +pouerore+, _comp._, S2; +pourest+, _superl._, C2; +poure+, _adv._, C2.--OF. _povre_; Lat.


+Poureliche+ (+Povreliche+), _adv._ poorly, C2; +pourely+, C.

+Poynt+, _sb._ point, a small portion, a bit, S2; +poynte+, Prompt.

_Phr._: +at the poynt+, conveniently placed, S2; +in point+, at the point, about to, S2.--OF. _point_; Lat. _punctum. Comb._: +point-deuys+, +at point-deuys+, with the greatest exactness, in detail, minutely, CM, C2; +point-device+, HD.--OF. _point_; Lat. _punctum_.

+Poyntil+, _sb._ a style to write with, W, W2, +poyntyle+, Voc.--OF.


+Poys+, _sb._ weight, S3; see +Peis+.

+Prane+, _sb._ prawn, Prompt., Manip., Palsg., ND; +praune+, SkD; +pranys+, _pl._, S3.--OF. *_parne_, *_perne_; Lat. _perna_, a ham; cp.

It. _perna_, a nakre fish (Florio). For the changes in meaning, cp. It.

_gambarelli_, prawns (Florio), from _gamba_, a leg.

+Pranglen+, _v._ to press; +prangled+, S.--Cp. Du. _prangen_; Goth.

_praggan_, to press.

+Prank+, _adj._ full of sensational tricks; +pranker+, _comp._, ND.

+Pranken+, _v._ to arrange the folds of a dress, SkD, Prompt., Palsg., HD; +prancke+, ND; +pranke+, to frisk about, Manip.

+Pranker+, _sb._ one who dresses gaily, ND.

+Prankie+, _adj._ fine, gorgeous, S3.

+Praty+, _adj._ pretty, _elegantulus_, Prompt.; _prestans_, Cath.; +pretie+, _scitus_, _facetus_, Manip.; +prately+, _adv._, CM.--Cp. Late Lat. _practicus_, 'peritus' (Ducange).

+Prayabill+, _adj._ to be entreated, H.

+Prayen+, _v._ to pray, PP; see +Preyen+.

+Prechen+, _v._ to preach, C2.--OF. _precher_ (_prescher_); Lat.


+Prechour+, _sb._ preachers, PP; +prechoures+, _pl._, PP, S3.--OF.

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