A Concise Dictionary of Middle English - LightNovelsOnl.com
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+Ouer-walten+, _v._ to overflow, S2.
+Ouer-wente+, _pt. s._ overcame, S. See +Ouer-gan+.
+Ouet+, _sb._ fruit, S2.--AS. _ofet_; cp. OHG. _obaz_ (G. _obst_), Du.
_ooft_; see Kluge.
+Ow+, _interj._ alas! G.
+Ow+, _p.r.o.n._ you, S, S2; see +?ou+.
+Owai+, _adv._ away, S2. _Phr._: +owai do am+, do away with them, destroy them, S2. See +Away+.
+Owel+, _sb._ awl, S, Voc.; see +Aul+.
+Owen+, _v._ to have, possess, to have to do, to be obliged, to owe, MD, S, Cs, PP; +o?en+, S; +a?en+, S; +a?henn+, MD; +aghe+, H; +awen+, MD; +agen+, S; +ahen+, S; +owe+, _pr. s._, P; +og+, S; +ouh+, S; +a?h+, S2; +ah+, S; +au+, S2; +ouhte+, _pt. s._, PP, S; +ou?te+, PP, W; +auhte+, S; +aucte+, S; +ahte+, S; +aghte+, H; +agte+, S; +a?te+, S2; +au?t+, W; +aght+, S2; +aucht+, _pl._, S2; +oughten+, C2.--AS. _agan_, 1 and 3 pr.
s. _ah_ (pl. _agon_), pt. _ahte_, pp. _agen_.
+Owen+, _adj._ own, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, PP; +o?en+, S, S2; +ogen+, S; +a?en+, S; +agen+, S; +a?henn+, S; +ahen+, S; +awin+, S3; +awyn+, S3; +awn+, S3; +owe+, S, S2; +oghe+, S; +oge+, S; +oune+, S, S2, PP; +o?ene+, S2; +oghne+, S2.--AS. _agen_, own, possessed, pp. of _agan_, to possess.
+Ower+, _p.r.o.n._ your, S; see +?oure+.
+O-wher+, _adv._ somewhere, anywhere, C, C3, SD (s.v. _awher_, p. 12); +owhar+, SD, S2 (7. 417); +ouer+ (for +ouuer+ ?), S.--AS. _a-hw?r_. See +O+ (_adv._).
+O-whider+, _adv._ anywhither, SD (p. 12); +o-hwider+, S.--AS.
_a-hwider_. See +O+ (_adv._).
+O-whils+, _conj._ on whiles, during the time that, H.
+Oxe+, _sb._ ox, S; +exen+, _pl._, HD; +oxis+, W.--AS. _oxa_: OHG.
_ohso_ (Tatian): Goth. _auhsa_; cp. Skt. _ukshan_. The AS. pl. forms are _oxan_, _xen_, _exen_.
+Oxe-stalle+, _sb._ ox-stall, C2.
+Oxspring+, _sb._ offspring, S2; see +Of-spring+.
+Oyle+, _sb._ oil, C3, MD; +oylle+, S2; +oyele+, S2; +oli+, MD; +oilles+, _pl._, flattery, PP. _Phr._: +bere up oile+, to flatter, PP (_n_); +hilde vp e kynges oyl+, Trevisa, 3. 447, see NQ (6. 1.
75).--AF. _oile_, _olie_; Late Lat. _olium_; Lat. _oleum_. Cf. +Ele+.
+Oynement+, _sb._ ointment, W, C; +oynementis+, _pl._, S3, W.--AF.
_oignement_, from _ongier_, to anoint; Lat. _ungere_. Cf. +Noynement+.
+Oyntynge+, _sb._ anointing, H.
+Oynoun+, _sb._ onion, CM; +oynon+, Voc.; +oingnum+, Voc.; +oynouns+, _pl._, C; +oyne?ones+, HD.--AF. _oynoun_ (F. _oignon_); Lat. _unionem_.
+O?ein+, _prep._ against, MD; see +A?ein+.
+O?eines+, _prep._ in comparison with, S; see +A?eines+.
+O?en+, _v._ to owe, S; see +Owen+, _v._
+O?en+, _adj._ own, S; see +Owen+, _adj._
+O?t+, _sb._ aught, S; see +Ought+.
+Pace+, _sb._; see +Pas+.
+Pace+, _v._; see +Pa.s.sen+.
+Padde+, _sb._ toad, SkD; +pades+, _pl._, S; +paddis+, SkD. _Comb._: +pad-stoole+, toad-stool, Manip.--Icel. _padda_.
+Paddok+, _sb._ toad, Prompt.; frog, W2; +paddoke+, _rana_, Voc. (_n_); +padockes+, _pl._, _grenouilles_, Palsg. _Comb._: +paddok-stole+, _fungus_, toad-stool, Cath.
+Paene+, _adj._ pagan, S; see +Payen+.
+Pagent+, _sb._ a pageant, _pagina_, Prompt.; +pageant+, _scena_, _theatrum_, Manip.
+Pagent+, _sb._ a page, writing; see below.
+Pagyne+, _sb._ page, writing, HD; +pagine+, SkD; +pagent+, SkD (s.v.
_page_). _Phr._: +perfeccioun of dyuyne pagyne+, H (p. 4).--Lat.
_pagina_, a written page, that which is written, a paragraph or book.
+Pais+, _sb._ peace, S; see +Pees+.
+Pak+, _sb._ a small bundle, PP; +pakke+, _sarcina_, Prompt.
+Pakken+, _v._ to pack, PP, Prompt.
+Pak-nelde+, _sb._ packing-needle, PP; +pakneelde+, S2; +paknedle+, PP.
+Pakok+, _sb._ a peac.o.c.k, PP; see +Pec.o.k+.
+Palesye+, _sb._ paralysis, palsy, PP, S2; +perlesy+, HD; +palesye+, PP, S2; +palesie+, S2; +palasie+, S2; +palacye+, PP; +palesy+, W; +palsye+, P, Prompt.; +parlesy+, Cath., SkD.--OF. _paralysie_; Lat. _paralysin_; from Gr. pa????s??.
+Paleys+, _sb._ palace, C, C2, PP; +paleis+, PP; +palais+, S; +palys+, PP; +paleyses+, _pl._, PP; +paleis+, PP.--AF. _paleis_, OF. _palais_; Lat. _palatium_.
+Palfrey+, _sb._ palfrey, saddle-horse, S2, C, PP; +palfray+, PP; +palefrei+, S.--AF. _palefrei_, OF. _palefreid_ (Roland); Low Lat.
+Palle+, _sb._ the archbishop's pallium, funeral pall, a costly kind of texture, a canopy, Prompt., HD, Voc.; +pall+, HD, WA; +pal+, S; +pelle+, Prompt., S; +pell+, S2; +pelles+, _pl._, S. _Comb._: +pallen webis+, fabrics of pall or fine cloth, WA.--Late Lat. _pallium_ and _palla_, see Ducange; cp. OF. _pale_, a kind of cloth (Ducange), and AS. _paell_, a rich texture (Voc.).
+Pallen+, _v._ to pall, to become vapid, Prompt., Palsg., SkD; +palled+, _pp._ enfeebled, C3.--OF. _pallir_, to grow pale; see Constans.
+Palme+, _sb._ palm (tree), palm of victory, WA; +palm+, palm-branch, C3.--AF. _palme_; Lat. _palma_.