A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 144

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+Mone+, _sb._ money, S2; see +Moneye+.

+Monek+, _sb._ monk, S2; see +Monk+.

+Monesten+, _v._ to teach, admonish, W, W2, CM; +moneishen+, Cath.

(_n_); +monysche+, Cath.; +monest+, _pt. pl._, B. See +Amoneste+.

+Monestyng+, _sb._ an admonition, W. W2, B; +monyschynge+, Cath.

+Moneth+, _sb._ month, S3, C, PP, B, WW, ND, Cath.; +moone+, S2, PP; +monythe+, Prompt.; +monyth+, S2; +monethe+, W; +monthe+, PP; +monthe+, _pl._, C2; +monethis+, W. _Comb._: +moneth-minde+, a service in memory of the dead a month after decease, ND; +month-mind+, HD; +months minde+, ND; +months mind+, a strong inclination, ND, Sh.--AS. _mona_, from _mona_, moon.

+Moneye+, _sb._ money, C3, PP; +mone+, S2, PP.--AF. _moneie_, _moneye_, _monee_; Lat. _moneta_.

+Moneyeles+, _adj._ moneyless, PP; +monelees+, PP.

+Mong-corn(e)+, _sb._ mixed corn, S3, Prompt.; +moncorne+, HD. See +Mengen+.

+Moni+, _adj._ many, S, S2; +mony+, S; see +Manye+.

+Monk+, _sb._ monk, PP; +monek+, S2; +munec+, S; +muneces+, _pl._, S; +munekes+, S; +monekes+, S, S2; +monkes+, S.--AS. _munec_; Lat.

_monachus_; Gr. ??a???, solitary.

+Monkrye+, _sb._ monkery, the race of monks, S3.

+Monsede+, _pp._ cursed, PP; see +Mansed+.

+Moo-+; see also under +Mo-+.

+Mood+, _sb._ anger, pride, mind, C; +mod+, S, S2; +mode+, _dat._, S, S2.--AS. _mod_; cp. OHG. _muot_ (Tatian).

+Moode+, _sb._ mud, S3; see +Mud+.

+Mool-bery+, _sb._ mulberry, SkD; +mulbery+, Cath.--Cp. MHG. _mulber_ (G. _maulbeere_); OHG. _murberi_, _morberi_ (the _l_ in the later forms being due to dissimilation); see Kluge; AS. _mor_; OHG. _mor_; Lat.

_morus_. See +More+.

+Moot+, _sb._ a.s.sembly, G, PP; +mot+, PP. _Comb._: +moot-halle+, hall of a.s.sembly, court, P, G, W; +mote-halle+, G, PP.--AS. _mot_. Cf. +Mote+.

+Moralitee+, _sb._ morality, i.e. a moral tale, C3.--OF. _moralite_ (Cotg.).

+Mordre+, _sb._ +murder+, C; see +Morther+.

+More+, _sb._ mulberry-tree; +mours+, _pl._, H. _Comb._: +more-tre+, mulberry-tree, W; +moore-trees+, _pl._, W2; +mur-berien+, _pl._ mulberries, Voc.--Lat. _morus_, mulberry-tree (Vulg.); cp. Gr. ????, mulberry. Cf. +Moolbery+.

+More+, _sb._ moor, Prompt., H, PP; +mor+, S2; +mwr+, B; +mwre+, S2, B.--AS. _mor_.

+More+, _adj._ and _adv. comp._ more, greater, elder, S, S2, W, W2, PP, WW; +mor+, S, PP; +moare+, S; +mayr+, S3, B; +mair+, B; +maere+, S; +mare+, S, S2; +mar+, S, B; +marere+, H.--AS. _mara_. See +Mo+.

+More+, _sb._ root, S2, PP, HD; +moore+, CM.--AS. _mora_ (Voc. 135. 28, 29, 32); cp. MHG. _mora_, _more_, see Weigand (s.v. _mohre_).

+Moreyne+, _sb._ murrain, PP; +moreyn+, S2, Prompt.; +morrein+, WW; +moryn+, H; +murrins+, _pl._, WW.--AF. _morine_; cp. Low Lat. _morina_, a pestilence among animals (Ducange).

+Morkin+, _sb._ a beast that dies by disease or accident, RD, HD, ND.--Cp. Late Lat. _morticinium_ (Ducange), whence Ir. _muirtchenn_, Wel. _burgyn_.

+Morknen+, _v._ to rot, SD; +mourkne+, S2.--Icel. _morkna_.

+Mormal+, _sb._ cancer or gangrene, CM, C, Prompt., RD, SD, ND, HD; +mormall+, Palsg.; +mortmal+, ND; +morimal+, RD; +marmole+, RD.--Cp.

Late Lat. _malum mortuum_, a disease of the feet and s.h.i.+ns (Ducange).

+Morris+, _adj._ Moorish, _sb._ morris-dance, Sh., ND; +morisco+, SkD; a morris-dancer, SkD. _Comb._: +morris-dance+, Moorish dance, Sh.; +morrys-daunce+, HD; +morres-dauncers+, morris-dancers, HD; +morrice-bells+, bells for a morris-dance, S3; +morris-pike+, a large pike (weapon), HD, Sh.--Late Lat. _moriscus_, Moorish.

+Morsel+, _sb._ morsel, PP, B; +mossel+, SkD; +mussel+, W, W2, PP; +musselle+, Voc.--AF. _morsel_; Lat. _morsellum_, a little bit; dimin.

of _morsus_. Cf. +Mosel+.

+Morther+, _sb._ murder; +morthir+, PP; +morthre+, C; +morder+, PP; +mordre+, C.--AS. _moror_; cp. Low Lat. _murdrum_.

+Morther+, _v._ to murder, PP, S2; +morthre+, C; +mordre+, C, C2; +murther+, C.

+Mortherer+, _sb._ murderer, PP; +mordrer+, C, C2.

+Mortifie+, _v._ to mortify, to produce change by chemical action, C3.--OF. _mortifier_; Lat. _mortificare_.

+Mortreux+, _sb._ messes of pounded meat, C; +mortrewes+, CM, PP; +mortrwys+, Prompt.; +mortrws+, Cath.; +mortesse+, Palsg.; +mortrels+, PP; +mortreuus+, (mortrews), PP, Prompt. (_n_) Voc.; +mortrus+, Voc.--OF. _mortreux_, see Ducange (s.v. _mortea_), connected with Lat.

_mortarium_, a morter.

+Morwe+, _sb._ morrow, the morning, PP, S2, C2, C3; +marewe+, S2; +morow+, S3. _Phr._: +to morwe+, _cras_, Voc. _Comb._: +mor?e-mete+, morning meal, S; +morewtid+, morrow, W; +morowtid+, W; +morutid+, W2; +mor?eue+, _dos nuptialis_, SD; +moryve+, Prompt.

+Morwen+, _sb._ morn, morrow, S, PP; +mor?en+, SD. _Phr._: +to morwen+, S.--AS. _morgen_, Goth. _maurgins_.

+Morwenynge+, _sb._ morning, PP, C2; +morwnynge+, S2; +more?ening+, S.

+Mose+, _sb._ t.i.tmouse, S.--AS. _mase_, see SkD. (s.v. _t.i.tmouse_).

+Mosel+, _sb._ muzzle, nose of an animal, C, CM.--OF. _musel_ (now _museau_): Prov. _mursel_: OF. *_morsel_. See +Morsel+, and cf. +Musen+.

+Mosell+, _v._ to muzzle, SkD; +moosel+, Manip.

+Moskles+, _sb. pl._ mussels (sh.e.l.l fish), S2; see +Muskylle+.

+Most+, _adj. superl._ greatest, chief, PP, S2; +moste+, S, PP; +mooste+, W2; +mast+, S2; +maste+, S2; +maist+, B; +mayst+, B; +mest+, S, S2; +meste+, C2; +meast+, S. _Comb._: +meste del+, the greatest part, S2.--AS. _m?st_.

+Mot+, _1 pr. s._ may, must, S, C2, C3, PP; +mote+, S, PP; +most+, _2 pr. s._, must, S, S2; +mot+, _2 pr. s. subj._, S3; +mot+, _pr. s._, can, must, S, S2, S3; +moot+, S2, C; +mo?t+, S2; +moten+, _pl._, S, PP; +mote+, S2, PP; +moste+, _pt. s._, was obliged, S, S2, C3, PP; _pl._, S, S2; +most+, S2, PP; +moist+, _pt. s._, S3.--AS. _mot_, 2 pr. s., _most_, pl. _moton_, pt. s. _moste_.

+Mote+, _sb._ moat, _agger_, _fossa_, P; a pond, Manip.; castle, palace, WA; +moote+, Prompt.; +mot+, PP.--OF. _mote_, embankment, also _motte_ (Cotg.).

+Mote+, _v._ to summon before a _mot_ (court), to plead, dispute, discuss a law case, PP, S2; +mootyn+, Prompt.; +motien+, S.--AS.

_motian_ (Leo). See +Moot+.

+Mote+, _sb._ note on the huntsman's horn, CM; +moot+, HD; +mot+, S3 (7.

16).--OF. _mot_, 'the note winded by an huntsman on his horn' (Cotg.).

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