A Concise Dictionary of Middle English Part 142

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+Meuen+, _v._ to move, suggest, PP; +meued+, _pp._, S3; see +Mouen+.

+Mewe+, _sb._ a coop for fowls, C, C2, Manip.; +mue+, SD.--OF. _mue_, a coop for fowls, the moulting of feathers (Cotg.). See below.

+Mewen+, _v._ to mew, moult, SkD, Cotg.--OF. _muer_ (Cotg.); Lat.

_mutare_, to change. Cf. +Moutin+.

+Mey+, _sb._ May, S2; see +May+.

+Meyn+, _sb._ intent, S3; +mein+, JD. See +Menen+.

+Meyn+, _v._ to remember, be mindful of, B; +meyne+, B; see +Menen+.

+Meyne+, _v._ to moan, lament, B; see +Menen+.

+Meyne+, _sb._ household, retinue, train, company, S2, S3, C, W, PP; +meynee+, C2, W2; +meyny+, S2; +mayne+, S2; +mayny+, S2, S3; +meine+, S2; +men?e+, S2, H, Cath.; +men?he+, S2; +meany+, S3; +meny+, Prompt.; +meynes+, _pl._, W; +meynees+, W2; +men?es+, +men?is+, H.--OF.

_meisnee_, _maisnee_; Low Lat. _maisnada_, *_mansionata_, from Lat.


+Meyneal+, _adj._ homely, W; of one's household, W2; +menyall+, SkD; +meyneals+, _sb. pl._, they of the household, W2. See above.

+Meynpernour+, _sb._ a taker by the hand, bail, surety, P.--AF.


+Meynprise+, _sb._ a taking by the hand, bail, security, P; +maynpris+, G.--AF. _meinprise_.

+Meynprise+, _v._ to be surety for, PP.

+Meyntene+, _v._ to support, abet (in an action at law), P, S2; +mayntene+, to maintain, C, P.--AF. _meyntener_.

+Meyntenour+, _sb._ supporter, PP.--AF. _meintenour_.

+Miche+, _adj._ much, S2; see +Moche+.

+Mid+ (1), _prep._ with, S, S2; +myd+, S, S2, P; +mit+, S; +mide+, S, S2; +myde+, S2. _Comb._: +mitte+ (+mit e+), with the, S2; +mitte+ (+mit e+), with thee, S; +mid-al+, withal, S; +midalle+, altogether, S; +mid-iwisse+, certainly, S; +mid-ywisse+, S; +myd-iwisse+, S.--AS.


+Mid+ (2), _adj._ mid, SD. _Comb._: +mid-morwen+, mid-morning, S; +mid-morwetide+, SD; +mid-ouernon+, middle of the afternoon; +hei midouernon+, fully the middle of the afternoon, S2; +midewinter+, Christmas, S2; +midwinterdaei+, _sb. dat._, Christmas-day, S; +midwinter-day+, S2; +mid-ward+, middle, S2.--AS. _mid-_.

+Middel+, _adj._ and _sb._ middle, waist, SkD, S, S2, C; +myddel+, PP; +myddil+, W; +myddeleste+, _superl._, G. _Comb._: +middel-ni?te+, midnight, S.--AS. _middel_, sb.

+Middel-erd+, _sb._ the middle abode, the world, S; +middeleard+, S; +myddelerd+, S, PP; +midelerd+, S; +mydlerd+, S2, PP; +mydelerd+, PP; +medlert+, JD.--Cp. OS. _middilgard_, OHG. _mittila gart_ (Tatian). Cf.


+Midden-eard+, _sb._ the middle abode, the abode of men, S; +middenaerd+, S; +middenard+, S; +midenarde+, _dat._, S.--AS. _middan-eard_ for _middan-geard_, 'middle enclosure' (OET), the earth situated between heaven and h.e.l.l, see Sweet, and Sievers, 214, n. 5; cp. Goth.

_midjungards_, Icel. _migarr_. See CV., and Grimm, Teut. M, p. 794.

+Middes+, _only in phr._: +in middes+, in the midst, PP; +in e myddes+, PP, S2; +in (fro) e myddis+, PP, S3, W, W2; +in the mydis+, W2.--From _mid_, adj. The _-es_ gives the phrase an adverbial +force+. The older forms (in Layamon) are _a midde_, _a midden_; AS. _on middan_.

+Midwif+, _sb._ midwife, SD, SkD; +mydwyf+, SkD; +mydwyfe+, Prompt.; +mydewyf+, SkD; +medwyfe+, Cath.; +medewife+, SkD; +medewyues+, _pl._, S2. See +Mid+ (1).

+Mightand+, _pr. p._, as _adj._ having might, S2.

+Mihel+, _sb._ Michael, SD; +My?hele+, HD; +Mihil+, ND.--Church Lat.

_Michael_ (Vulg.), from the Heb., _sb._ Michaelmas, SD; +Mihelmas+, ND;, PP;, S2.

+Miht+, _2 pr. s._ mayest, S; see +Maei+.

+Mihte+, _pt. s._ might, S; +micte+, S; +michte+, S; +migte+, S; see +Mahte+.

+Mikel+, _adj._ and _adv._ great, much, S, S2; see +Muchel+.

+Milce+, _sb._ mercy, S, S2, HD; +mylce+, S; +milche+, S.--AS. _milts_, from _milde_, mild, gentle; see Sievers, 198, 4.

+Milcien+, _v._ to show mercy, S; +milcenn+, S; +milsien+, S.--AS.

_milsian_, _miltsian_.

+Milde+, _adj._ mild, S, S2; +myld+, S. _Comb._: +mild-heorte+, merciful in heart, SD; +mild-heorted+, S; +milde-herted+, S2; +mild-herrtle??c+, mildheartedness, compa.s.sion, S; +mild-heortnesse+, clemency, S; +mildhertnesse+, S.--AS. _milde_.

+Miles+, _sb. pl._, animals, S2.--Cf. W. _mil_, an animal, beast; _miled_, a wild animal (W. W. S.).

+Min+, _p.r.o.n. poss._ my, S, S2; +myn+, S, C2, PP; +mi+, S, S2; +mines+, _gen._, S; +mine+, _dat._, S; +mire+, _gen._ and _dat. f._, S; +mynen+, _pl._, W2. _Phr._: +myn one+, by myself, alone, PP.--AS. _min_.

+Min+, _sb._ memory, S2; see +Mynne+.

+Mines+, _2 pr. s._ rememberest, S2; see +Mynne+.

+Minion+, _sb._ a favourite, a lover, Sh. TG, ND; _bellulus_, Manip.; +minyons+, _pl._, S3.--OF. _mignon_ (Cotg.); cp. It. _mignone_ (Florio).

+Minion+, _adj._ small, pretty; +mynyon+, ND; +mynionly+, _adv._ delicately, ND.

+Mint+, _pt. s._ purposed, S; see +Munten+.

+-mint+, _suffix_.--AS. _mynt_, _-mynd_: Goth. _-mundia_, see Sievers, 255, 3. Cf. +Wurthmint+. [[listed under headword +Worth+]]

+Minute+, _sb._ a mite, moment of time, HD; +mynute+, Prompt.; +mynutis+, _pl._, small pieces of money, W. _Comb._: +mynutwhile+, PP; +myntwhile+, PP; +myntewhile+, PP.--Lat. _minutum_ (Vulg.). Cf. +Mite+.

+Minyshe+, _v._ to minish, S3; see +Menusen+.

+Mire+, _sb._ ant, S; +mowre+, Cath.--Cp. Dan. _myre_, Icel. _maurr_.

+Mire+, my, _gen._ and _dat. f._ of +Min+.

+Mirky+, _adj._ dark, H. See +Merke+.

+Mirre+, _sb._ myrrh, S, PP; +mir+, S2; +murre+, PP; +myrre+, PP.--AS.

_myrre_; Lat. _myrrha_ (Vulg.); Gr. ???a.

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