A Concise Dictionary of Middle English - LightNovelsOnl.com
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+A-nyghte+, _adv._ by night, C2; +ani?t+, S; +onigt+, S. (+A-+ 2.)
+A-nyghtes+, _adv._ at night, nightly, S?.
+Apalled+, _pp._ made pale, NED; +appalled+, C, C2.--OF. _apalir_, _apallir_; Lat. _ad_ + _pallire_ for _pallere_. (+A-+ 7.)
+Aparail+, _sb._ apparel, PP; +apparaille+, C2, PP.
+Aparailen+, _v._ to make ready, to fit up, furnish, to dress, attire, PP; +apparayleden+, _pt. pl._ S2; +aparailed+, _pp._ S; +apparailled+, P.--OF. _apareiller_; Late Lat. *_adpariculare_, to make equal or fit, from Lat. _par_, equal. (+A-+ 7.)
+Aparaunce+, _sb._ appearance, NED; +apparence+, C2.--AF. _apparence_.
(+A-+ 7.)
+Apart+, _adv._ apart, aside, C2; +aparte+, separately, PP, NED.--OF.
_a part_. (+A-+ 7.)
+Apart+, _v._ to set aside, separate, NED; +aparte+, S3 (24. 14).
+Apartie+, _adv._ in part, partly, PP, NED. (+A-+ 2.)
+Apayen+, _v._ to satisfy, please, to requite, HD, PP; +apayd+, _pp._ S3, C2, C3; +apayed+, C2, W; +apaied+, W, PP.--OF. _apaier_ (_apayer_): Prov. _apagar_; Lat. _ad_ + _pacare_, from _pacem_, peace. (+A-+ 7.)
+Ape+, _sb._ ape, MD, C2, C3, P; fool, HD. _Phr._: +e olde ape+, i.e.
the devil, MD; +wyn of ape+ (= OF. _vin de singe_), wine which makes the drinker pleasant, wanton, or boyish, Cotg., MD, HD.--AS. _apa_.
+Apece+, _sb._ the alphabet, Prompt.; see +A-B-C+.
+Apenden+, _v._ to belong, S2, PP; +appenden+, S2, PP.--OF.
_ap(p)endre_; Lat. _ad_ + _pendere_. (+A-+ 7.)
+Aperceyue+, _v._ to perceive, C2, PP; +aperseyue+, PP.--OF.
_apercoiv-_, accented stem of _aperceveir_; Late Lat. _appercipere_; Lat. _ad_ + _percipere_. (+A-+ 7.)
+Aperceyuinges+, _sb. pl._ observations, C2.
+Aperen+, _v._ to appear, S, PP; +apeeren+, PP; +aper+, S2; +appiere+, P; +apperand+, _pr. p._ S3.--AF. _aper-_, stem of _apert_, pr. s. of _aparoir_; Lat. _apparere_ (_ad_ + _parere_). (+A-+ 7.)
+Apert+, _adj._ clever, expert, NED; +aspert+, S3.--OF. _aspert_, _espert_; Lat. _expertus_. (+A-+ 9.) See +Expert+.
+Apert+, _adj._ open, NED, H, HD; _adv._ C2. _Phr._: +in to apert+ (= Lat. _in palam_), S2.--OF. _apert_; Lat. _apertus_, pp. of _aperire_, a verb with _a_ = _ab_, prefix. (+A-+ 8.)
+Aperteliche+, _adv._ openly, S2; +apertly+, P, H; +appertly+, P.
+Apertenaunt+, _pr. p._ appertaining, C2.--OF. _apertenant_.
+Apertene+, _v._ to appertain, NED, C3.--OF. _apertenir_; Lat. _ad_ + _pertinere_. (+A-+ 7.)
+Apertinent+, _pr. p._ appertaining, C2.--Late Lat. _adpertinentem_.
+Apesen+, _v._ to appease, NED, S3 (3b. 1352), C2, C3; +appease+, S3 (19a. 295).--OF. _apeser_, from _a_ + _pes_; Lat. _pacem_, peace.
(+A-+ 7.)
+Apeyren+, _v._ to harm, diminish, impair, PP, W; +apeyre+, P, W; +appayre+, S2, P; +apeyred+, _pp._ S2.--OF. _ampeirer_, _empeirer_; Lat.
_in_ + _peiorare_, to make worse, from _peior_, worse. (+A-+ 10.)
+Apeyryng+, _sb._ injuring, S2, W; +appairing+, S3.
+A-piken+, _v._ to trim, adorn, MD; +apiked+, _pp._, C. See OF. _piquer_ (Cotg.).
+Aplien+, _v._ to apply, devote one's energies to, NED; +apply+, S3.--OF. _aplier_; Lat. _applicare_.
+Apointen+, _v._ to come or bring matters to a point, to agree, arrange, to prepare, equip, NED.--OF. _apointer_, from _a point_.
+Apointment+, _sb._ agreement, NED; +poyntemente+, S3.--OF.
+Aposen+, _v._ to question, S2, PP, Prompt.; +apposen+, C3, PP. Cp.
+Apostel+, _sb._ apostle, S; +appostel+, NED; +appostil+, NED; +apostle+, W; +postlis+, _pl._ NED.--AS. _apostol_; Church Lat.
_apostolus_ (Vulg.); Gr. ?p?st????, one sent forth, messenger; cp. AF.
_apostle_ (OF. _apostre_).
+Apostil-hed+, _sb._ office of apostle, W.
+Apotecarie+, _sb._ apothecary, C; +potekary+, NED.--OF. _apotecaire_; Late Lat. _apothecarium_ (acc.), from _apotheca_; Gr. ?p?????, storehouse.
+Apoyson+, _v._ to poison, PP; +apoysoned+, _pp._, PP.--OF. _apoisoner_, for _empoisoner_. (+A-+ 10.)
+App-+; see +Ap-+.
+Appairen+, _v._ to injure; +appayre+, S2, P; see +Apeyren+.
+Appairing+, _sb._ injuring, S3.
+Appel+, _sb._ apple, PP; +eppel+, MD; +applis+, _pl._ W2.--AS. _aeppel_.
+Apple-garnade+, _sb._ pomegranate, S2 (_garnade_). Cf.
+Aprentis+, _sb._ apprentice, NED; +prentis+, S2, PP; +aprentys+, _pl._ PP.--OF. _aprentis_ (AF. _aprentiz_), nom. of _aprentif_, from _aprendre_, to learn; Lat. _apprehendere_ = _ad_ + _prehendere_.
(+A-+ 7.)
+A-quenchen+, _v._ to quench, PP; +acwenchen+, S; +aqueynte+, _pt. s._ S2; +aqueynt+, PP.--AS. _a-cwencan_. (+A-+ 1.)
+Aquerne+, _sb._ squirrel, S, NED; +acquerne+, S.--AS. _acwern_ (Voc.); cp. Icel. _ikorni_, G. _eichhorn_, MDu. _encoren_.
+Aqueyntaunce+, _sb._ acquaintance, S2, CM, MD.--OF. _acointance_, AF.
_aqueyntance_. (+A-+ 7.)