Rod of the Lone Patrol Part 16

Rod of the Lone Patrol -

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"Yes, sir. She thinks you are great. I really believe she is in love with you, that's all."

"Whew!" and the man whistled softly, while an amused light shone in his eyes. "Did she send you after me?" he inquired.

"I promised, sir, that I wouldn't tell."

"Oh, I see," and the man relapsed into silence. A picture of Miss Arabella's angular figure, thin face, and long sharp nose rose before him. And to think that she was in love with him! It was almost too good to be true, and he longed to laugh outright. What a story he would have to relate when he got home.

Miss Arabella was lying just where Rod had left her when John Markham and the boy entered. She gave a little squeak of joy when the stranger stepped to her side.

"I knew you would come back," she murmured. "I was certain that you would not forsake me."

"Not until I had found the horse, madam," was the reply. "I regret very much that the wagon is broken, but I shall make good your loss."

"Don't mention such a thing," and the invalid feebly waved her thin hands. "Such material matters don't count for anything to a heart over-flowing with grat.i.tude."

"Yes, you were most fortunate to escape as you did, madam. You might have been seriously injured, nay, you might have been killed, and so I can understand how grateful you must feel."

"Oh, I don't mean that," and Miss Arabella raised her soulful eyes to the man's face. "I am so thankful that you have come back."

"You didn't imagine that I would run away with your horse, did you, madam? She is certainly a fine beast, and it is lucky that she did not receive any serious damage. I am much pleased that I have been able to deliver her to you with so few scratches upon her. A little treatment will make her all right. You will find Bickmore's Gall Cure very good."

"It's not that, not that, I a.s.sure you," and again Miss Arabella flapped her hands in agony of soul. "What does a horse amount to when the heart is affected?"

"Oh, is that what's the matter?" and Mr. Markham a.s.sumed an expression of great solicitude. "It was the fall, no doubt, which did it. Have you had trouble there before?"

"It wasn't the fall that caused it," and Miss Arabella covered her face with her hand. "It goes deeper than that."

"Dear me, madam, you must certainly see the doctor. It is very serious, and you must not delay any longer. I believe the doctor lives down the road. Shall I call on him on my way home, and tell him to come at once?"

Before Miss Arabella could reply, a raucous honk outside arrested their attention.

"It's merely the car," Mr. Markham explained. "I must be going now."

"What, so soon? Must you leave me again?" and the invalid raised her eyes appealingly to the man's face.

"Yes, I must be off. My wife will be wondering what----"

"Your wife!" Miss Arabella shrieked, sitting bolt upright. "Do you tell me that you have a wife!"

"Certainly. She is waiting for me with some friends down the road.

Several of us men took a spin this afternoon so that the women could have a little chat together. It is getting late now, and we must hurry back to the city. This accident has delayed us. So, good-bye, madam.

I trust you soon will be well. I shall see about the carriage at once."

With that, he left the house, closely followed by Rod, leaving Miss Arabella speechless upon the sofa.



Two weeks after the scout book arrived the Hillcrest troop of boy scouts was formed, with Captain Josh as scoutmaster, and Rod as patrol leader. Whyn had much to do with this, and her enthusiasm inspired and encouraged the others. News soon spread among the rest of the boys in the parish of what was taking place, and it was not long before several more asked to become members. The Scout Commissioner and the Secretary of the Province visited Hillcrest, explained many things, and started the work along proper lines.

Deep in his heart Captain Josh was delighted with the boys. They no longer feared him, though he was as gruff as ever. But they soon found that this gruffness was only on the surface, and that in reality he was deeply interested in their welfare. He studied the scout book thoroughly until he knew it from cover to cover. He was determined that his troop, even though it was known as the "Lone Patrol," was to be well trained, and a credit to the parish. He did not wish to have too many boys at first, but to drill the ones he had chosen until they were proficient in every part of the scout work.

Whenever the captain was in doubt as to what he should do, he always consulted with Whyn, for he found that she had excellent ideas, and remembered so much of what her brother Douglas had told her. Her joy was even greater than the captain's when she learned that a troop was to be formed, and she planned all sorts of things for the boys to do.

Just as the work was well under way, Mrs. Sinclair informed the Britts that she and Whyn must leave for the city. She had her work to do there without which they could not live. Then it was that the captain showed his hand. He had been thinking over this very matter for some time, and had discussed it with his wife.

"Let Whyn stay with us, Mrs. Sinclair," he suggested. "I do not see how we can get along without her."

"But I cannot afford that, captain," the widow replied.

"Can't afford what?"

"To pay her board."

"Who said anything about paying?" the captain demanded. "She's worth more than her board any day. We don't want any money. If ye'll let her stay with us we'll be quite willin' to pay you something fer her.

We need her, and so do the scouts. It'll be a shame to take her back to that stuffy city at this time of the year."

"But what shall I do without her?" Mrs. Sinclair asked. "She is all I have near me, and I shall miss her so much if she remains with you."

"You can come and see her as often as you like," Mrs. Britt replied.

"We shall be so glad to have you."

And so it was arranged that Whyn was to stay for several weeks at least, and the girl was delighted when she heard the news.

"You are the dearest and best people in the world, excepting mamma,"

she told the captain and Mrs. Britt. "It is so nice to be here, and when I know that mamma can come to see me often I do not mind staying."

"But ye'll have to behave yerself, young woman," the captain replied.

"No more lyin' awake at night, remember, worryin' about the scouts.

And ye've got to eat more than ye have in the past."

"Oh, no fear of that," and Whyn laughed merrily. "I am going to eat so much that you will be glad to send me away."

It did not take the captain long to get the scouts down to steady work.

As the holidays were now on they often met during the afternoons, when the captain drilled them in marching, instructed them about the flag, and taught them how to tie a number of knots. It was necessary for them to know such things before they could obtain the tenderfoot badges. They had to learn the Scout Law as well. It was not all work, however, for the captain often took the boys for delightful spins upon the river in the _Roaring Bess_, and soon all the scouts were able to handle the yacht in a creditable manner.

It soon became evident that they must have a building of their own where they could meet on wet days. The Commissioner had told them that there was nothing like a club-room for their meetings. The captain had been thinking this over for some time, and at last offered the use of an old rafting shanty near the sh.o.r.e, and which could be easily seen from Whyn's window. This building was fairly large, made of boards, and the roof covered with tarred paper. It was well lighted by four windows, which showed up the dirty condition of the room in an alarming manner when the captain and the boys first inspected the place. There were remnants of old bunks, tables and chairs, while broken boxes were scattered about. But after two days of steady work a great change took place. The boys were willing and eager, and inspired by the captain they toiled until their backs ached. Holes in the roof were patched, the broken door mended, several chairs were brought from the boys'

homes, and when all was done they were delighted at what they had accomplished. They now no longer dreaded wet days, for they had a place to meet where they could carry on their work to their hearts'

content. The captain had two good flags, which he placed upon the wall, and the boys brought magazine pictures, and tacked them around the room. In this way the place was made very cosy.

Whyn was delighted with the progress which the scouts made upon their club-room, which she called "Headquarters." She could see it from her window, and often she would sit and watch as the boys worked around the building, cutting down some of the underbrush, and cleaning up the ground. When their work was done they always came to her room, and talked over everything with her.

At first some of the boys had been quite shy and diffident in Whyn's presence. But this soon wore away, and they all became the firmest of friends. There was nothing the scouts would not do for the invalid girl, and when they were in doubt about anything it was always to her they turned to help them out of their difficulty. She knew more about the scout work than they did, and many were the helpful suggestions she made.

"You must have scout suits," she told them one day, "and each of you must earn the money to buy his own. All the scouts do it, and it is really expected of them. Douglas sold newspapers to buy his, and I remember the day he brought his suit home. He looked so fine when he wore it, and we were proud of him."

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