Mysticism in English Literature Part 11

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Foreign Influences

Plato (_c._ 427-347 B.C.). _Opera_, ed. J. Burnet, 5 vols. (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Cla.s.sicorum Oxoniensis), 1899-1907.

Plato (Eng. trans.) _The Dialogues_, translated by B. Jowett, 5 vols., Oxford, 3rd ed., 1892.

Plotinus (A.D. 204-270). _Plotini Enneades, praesmisso Porphyrii de vita Plotini deque ordine librorum ejus libello_, edidit R. Volkmann, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1883-84. (Eng. trans.) There is no complete English translation of the _Enneads_, only _Select Works_, translated by T.

Taylor, 1817; re-issued, George Bell, 1895. (French trans.) _Les Enneades de Plotin_, translated by M.-N. Bouillet, 3 vols., Paris, 1857-61. (This is complete and very good, but out of print.) The best critical account of Plotinus is in _The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers_, by Edward Caird, 2 vols., Maclehose, 1904.

Dionysius the Areopagite. _Works_, translated Parker, 1897.

Jacob Boehme (1575-1624). _Works_ (incomplete), 4 vols., 1764-81.

Reprint of complete works in progress, ed. C. J. Barker, published J.

Watkins. (See Bibliography to chap. xii. of _Cambridge History of English Literature_, vol. ix.)

Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). _Works_, published by the Swedenborg Society, London. Selections, _A Compendium of the Theological Writings_, ed. Warren, 1901.

English Writers

Thomas de Hales (fl. 1250). _A Luve Ron_, (printed in) Morris's Old English Miscellany (E.E.T.S.), 1872.

Richard Rolle (1290?-1349). _Richard Rolle and his Followers_, ed.

Horstmann, 2 vols., Sonnenschein, 1895-6. _The Fire of Love, and the Mending of Life_, ed. R. Harvey (E.E.T.S.), 1896.

Anonymous (_c._ 1350-1400). _The Cloud of Unknowing_, ed. Evelyn Underhill, J. Watkins, 1912.

All printed, with other early English mystical treatises, in _The Cell of Self-Knowledge_, ed. E. G. Gardner, Chatto & Windus, 1910. _The Epistle of Prayer_, _The Epistle of Discretion_, _The Treatise of Discerning Spirits_

Anonymous. _The Epistle of Privy Counsel_, in MS., British Museum, Harleian, 674 and 2473.

(William Langland, or other authors.? _c._ 1362-1399). _The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman_, ed. Skeat, 2 vols., Oxford, 1886.

Jusserand, J. J. _Piers Plowman: a Contribution to the History of English Mysticism._ Translated from the French by M. E. R., 1894.

Walter Hylton (d. 1396). _The Scale of Perfection_, ed. Guy, 1869; ed.

Dalgairns, 1870. _The Song of Angels_, printed by Gardner, in _The Cell of Self-Knowledge_, 1910.

Julian of Norwich (1342-1413?). _Revelations of Divine Love_, ed.

Warrack, Methuen, 1912.

Richard Crashaw (1613? 1649). _Poems_, ed. A. R. Waller, Cambridge 1904.

John Donne (1573-1631). _Poetical Works_, ed. Grierson, 2 vols., Oxford, 1912.

George Herbert (1593-1633). _Poems_, ed. Grosart, 1891; Oxford edition, 1907.

Christopher Harvey (1597-1663). _Poems_, ed. Grosart, 1874.

Henry More (1614-1687). _Complete Poems_, ed. Grosart, 1878. _Life_, by R. Ward, 1710, reprinted Theosophical Society, ed. Howard, 1911.

Henry Vaughan (1622-1695). _Poems_, ed. Chambers, 2 vols., 1896.

Thomas Traherne (_c._ 1636-1674). _Poetical Works_, ed. Dobell, 1903.

_Centuries of Meditations_, ed. Dobell, 1908. _Poems of Felicity_, ed.

Bell, Oxford, 1910.

William Law (1686-1761). _Works_, 9 vols., 1753-76, reprinted privately by G. Moreton, 1892-3. _The Liberal and Mystical Writings of William Law_, ed. W Scott Palmer, 1908. (See Bibliography to chap xii. of _Cambridge History of English Literature_, vol. ix., 1912.)

William Blake (1757-1827). _Works_, ed. Ellis and Yeats, 3 vols., Quaritch, 1893.

William Blake. _Poetical Works_ (including Prophetic Books), ed, Ellis, 2 vols., Chatto and Windus, 1906. _Poetical Works_ (exclusive of Prophetic Books), ed. Sampson, Oxford, 1905. (The best text of the poems.) _Life_, Gilchrist, 2 vols., Macmillan, 1880. _William Blake_, by A. C. Swinburne, Chatto and Windus (new ed.), 1906. _William Blake, Mysticisme et Poesie_, par P. Berger, Paris, 1907.

S. T. Coleridge (1772-1834). _Complete Poetical Works_, ed. E. H.

Coleridge, 2 vols., Oxford, 1912. _Biographia Literaria_, ed. J.

Shawcross, 2 vols., Oxford, 1907.

Emily Bronte (1818-1848). _Complete Poems_, ed. Shorter, Hodder and Stoughton, 1910. _The Three Brontes_, by May Sinclair, Hutchinson, 1912.

Coventry Patmore (1823-1896). _Poems_, G. Bell, 1906. _The Rod, the Root, and the Flower_, 1895. _Memoirs and Correspondence of C. Patmore_, by B. Champneys, 1900.

Richard Jefferies (1848-1887). _The Story of my Heart_, 1883, (reprinted) Longmans, 1907.

Francis Thompson (1859-1907). _New Poems_, Burns and Oates, 1897.

_Selected Poems_, 1908. _Sister Songs_, 1908.

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