The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 74

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland -

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Approbation of the sentence of Deposition of Mr. _David Drummond_ sometime Minister at _Lithgow_, Ib.

Recom. Mr. _John Nairne_, Ib.

Act for giving in the appeals and References to the a.s.sembly, Ib.

Approbation of the report concerning the Collectors accompts, Ses. 27.

Act in favours of _Alex. Blaire_, Ib.

Act for giving up Mr. _Hary Guthries_ appeal upon his desire to cancel the same, Ib.

Continuation of Mr. _Andrew Ramsayes_ business till the morne, Ib.

Deposition of Mr. _William Colvill_, Ib.

Intimation if any doubt upon the Declaration, to come to the committee, Ib.

Order for Writing a letter to Mr. _Theodor Haack_ for hasting forth the Dutch Annotations upon the Bible, Sess. 28.

Deposition Mr. _Andrew Ramsay_, Ib.

Commission for visitation of the University of _Aberdeen_, Sess. 29.

Recom. Mr. _Gilbert Mershel_ for a competent maintenance, to the Commission for planting of Kirks, Ib.

Recom. Mr. _George Clerk_ for a charitable supplie, Ib.

Commission for visitation of the university of Saint _Andrews_, Ib.

Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs for planting the place of the provest of the old colledge of Saint _Andrews_, Ib.

Committee for examining witnesses in the matter concerning Mr. _Tho: Ramsay_, with an order for citing witnesses not appearing, Ib.

Act in favours of Mr. _William Dowglas_, Sess. 30.

Act appointing Ministers to preach in _Edinburgh_ during the sitting of the a.s.sembly, Ib.

Ref. Mr. _James Affleck_ to the visitation of _Angus_ and _Merns_, Ib.

Committee for considering the pet.i.tion of the Town of _Stirling_, Ib.

Act in favours of Mr. _Thomas Ireland_ Minister at _Weyme_, Ib.

Act permitting _John Gillan_ to exercise his gift publickly, Ib.

Commission for visiting the Colledge of _Edinburgh_, Ib.

Recom. to the Parliament for reparation of the losses of Mr. _Alexander Ferreis_, Mr. _Robert Jameson_ and Mr. _John Keyth_, Sess. 31.

Ref. Mr. _Richard Maitland_ to the visitation of the universitie of _Aberdeene_, Ib.

Act in the matter concerning the Kirk of _Dairsoy_, Sess. 32.

Remitt. the matter concerning _James Ross Banneil_ to the Presbyterie, Ib.

Act exeeming the Presbyterie of _Dunkeld_ from payment of the fortie s.h.i.+llings for the highland boyes, Ib.

Ref. _John Maxwell_ younger of _Calderwood_ to the Presb. of _Hamilton_, Ib.

Ref. of the Earle of _Athols_ bill for planting the Kirk of _Dunkeld_ to the visitation of the Presbyterie of _Dunkeld_, Ib.

Commission for visitation of _Ross_, _Sutherland_, and _Caithnes_, Ib.

Commission for visitation of _Stirling_ and _Dumblane_, Ib.

Commission for visitation of _Angus_ and _Merns_, Ib.

Commission for visitation of _Dunse_ and _Chirnsyde_, Ib.

Continuation of the matter concerning the transportation of Mr. _John Stirling_ to _Northberwick_ till the morne, Sess. 33.

Approbation of the sentence of deposition of Mr. _William Wilkie_, Sess.


Suspension of Mr. _Robert Balcanquel_ with Ref. to the Commiss. for publick affaires, Ib.

Recom. _Helene Ersken_ to the Parliament for charitable supplie, Ib.

Reposition of Mr. _Marten Makilwrae_, with a Recommendation to the Synod of _Argyle_ to settle him in some charge in the Ministery, Ib.

Ref. my Lord _Cochrane_ to the Commission for publick affairs, Sess. 35.

Ref. of the pet.i.tion of _James Sanders_ to the visitation of hospitals, Ib.

Act in favours of _Violet Dauling_ spouse to Mr. _George Hannay_, Ib.

Act refusing the transportation of Mr. _John Stirling_ to _Northberwick_, Ib.

Ref. to the Commission for publick affaires for planting the Kirk of _Northberwick_ Ib.

Committee for conference with the Earl of _Linlithgow_, Sess. 36.

Ref. of the Articles of election of Ministers to the Committee for publick business with intimation to all that have objection, to come there, Ib.

Act in favours of _Mary Hay_ spouse to Mr. _Richard Maitland_, Ib.

Ref. Mr. _Alexander Monroe_ to the visitation of _Ross_, Ib.

Recom. for Mr. _Alexander Monroe_ his three hundred marks of augmentation, Ib.

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