The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 51

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland -

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The Act Registrating his Majesties will given in by his Commissioner.

The Act bearing the a.s.semblies Protestation against the dissolution thereof.

Act anent the Presbitery of _Auchterardors_ present seat at _Aberuthven_ for a time.

Act anent the order of receiving the repentance of any penitent _Prelate_.

Act anent the admission of _Mr. Archibald Johnstoun_ to be Advocate and _Mr. Robert Dalgleish_ to be Agent for the Kirk.

Act anent the transporting of _Mr. Alexander Henderson_ from _Leuchars_ to _Edinburgh_.

Act containing a Commission to sit at _Edinburgh_ December, 26.

Another Commission to sit at _Jedburgh_ Ian, 22.

Another Commission to sit at _Irwin_ Ian, 15.

Another Commission to sit at _Dunde_ Feb, 5.

Another Commission to sit at _Chantrie_ and _Forres_, March, 19.

Another Commission to sit at _Kirkubright_, Feb. 6.

A Commission for visitation of the Colledge of _Aberdeen_.

A Commission for visitation of the Colledge of _Glasgow_.

Act appointing the Commissioners to attend the Parliament, and the Articles which they are to represent in name of the Kirk to the Estates.

Act ordaining the Presbyteries to intimate in their several Pulpites the a.s.semblies explanation of Confession of Faith.

The Act against _Episcopacy_. The Act against the _Five Articles_.

The act against the _Service Book_. The _Book of Cannons_.

The _Book of Ordination_. The _High Commission_.

Act of Excommunication and deposition against some _Prelates_, and of deposition only against some of them.

Act ordaining all Presbyteries to keep a solemn thanksgiving in all Parishes, for _G.o.ds_ Blessing and good success to this a.s.sembly, upon the first convenient Sabbath.

Act warranding the _Moderator_ and _Clerk_ to give out summonds upon relevant complaints, against parties to compear before the next a.s.sembly.

Act that none be chosen as _Ruling Elders_ to sit in Presbyteries, Provincial, or General a.s.semblies, but those who subscribes the Covenant as it is now declared, and acknowledges the const.i.tutions of this a.s.sembly.

Act for representing to the Parliament the necessity of the standing of the _Procurators_ place for the Kirk.


The Kings Majesties Commission to _John_ Earle of _Traquair_.

Election of Master _David d.i.c.kson_ Moderator.

The Kings Majesties Commissioners, and the a.s.semblies Declarations anent the a.s.sembly of _Glasgow_.

Renounciation of Master _Alexander Lindsay_ pretended Bishop of _Dunkeld_, of Episcopacy.

Commission for visitation of the University of _St. Andrews_.

Commission for visitation of the University of _Glasgow_.

Act reviving former Acts against going of Salt-pans on the Sabbath day.

Act for drawing up of a Catechisme.

Articles and overtures to be presented to the ensuing Parliament.

The report of the Committee appointed for examination of the Book called _The Kings Manifesto_, or _Declaration_.

The Covenant or Confession of Faith.

Act anent the adjoining of some Kirks in the Ile of _Boes_ to the Presbytery of _Denune_.

Act adjoyning some Kirks in the Iles of _Coill_ and _Tyrie_, to the Provincial of _Kilmoire_.

Commission for visitation of the Colledge of _Aberdeen_.

Commission to the Presbytery of _Edinburgh_.


Election of Master _Andrew Ramsay_ Moderator.

Act against Prophaning of the Sabbath.

Act anent Charmers.

Act renewing of a former Act made against Priors and Abbots.

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