The Rowley Poems Part 68

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Roder, ae. 1065. _Rider, traveller_.

Roghling, T. 69. _Rolling_. C.

Roin, ae. 325. _Ruin_.

Roiend, ae. 578. _Ruin'd_.

Roiner, ae. 325. _Ruiner_.


Rou, G. 10. _Horrid, grim_. C.

Rowney, Le. 32. _Cart-horse_. C.

Rynde, ae. 1192. _Ruin'd_.


Sabalus, E. I. 22. _The Devil_. C.

Sabbatanners, ae 275. [_Soldiers_, from B.'s sabatans, _soldiers'

boots_; cf. Lat. _Caligati_.]

[Sarim, H. 1. 301. i.e. _Sarum_.]

Scalle, ae. 703. _Shall_. C.

Scante, ae. 1133. _Scarce_. C.

Scantillie, ae. 1010. _Scarcely, sparingly_. C.

Scarpes, ae. 52. _Scarfs_. C.

Seethe, T. 96. _Hurt or damage_. C.

Scille, E. III. 33. _Gather_. C.

Scillye, G. 207. _Closely_. C.

Scolles, ae. 239. _Sholes_.

Scond, H. 1. 20. for _Abscond_.

Seck, H. 1. 461. for _Suck_.

Seeled, Ent. II. _Closed_. C.

Seere, ae. 1164. _Search_. C.

Selyness, E. I. 55. _Happiness_. C.

Semblate, p. 281. 67. [=_Semblance_.]

Seme, E. III. 32. _Seed_. C.

Semecope, Ch. 87. _A short undercloke_. C.

Semmlykeed, ae. 298. [as _Semlykeene_.]

Semlykeene, ae. 9. _Countenance_. C. C.--G. 56. _Beauty, countenance_.


Sendaument, p. 284. 126. [_Appearance_. The word has no authority; B.

and K. are silent.]

Sete, ae. 1069. _Seat_.

Shappe, T. 36. _Fate_. C.

Shap-scurged, ae. 603. _Fate-scourged_. C.

Shemring, E. II. 14. _Glimmering_. C.

Shente, T. 157. _Broke, destroyed_. C.

Shepen, p. 283. 97. [_Simple_, from K.'s shepen (O.), _simple, fearful_.]

Shepstere, E. I. 6. _Shepherd_. C.

Shoone-pykes, p. 280. 44. _Shoes with piked toes_. The length of the pikes was restrained to two inches, by 3 Edw. 4. c. 5.

Shrove, H. 2. 432. [It is difficult to discover the probable sense of this word. Perhaps an allusion to an imaginary legend is intended; cf.

the reference (H. 2. 417) to Conyan's goats. Sk. has a note '_Shrove_ is the Rowleian for _shrouded_'; this is possible but hardly convincing.]

[Slea, ae. 18. _Slay_.]

[Sleeve, H. 1. 178. _Silk not yet twisted, floss._]

Sletre, ae. 539. _Slaughter_.

Slughornes, E. II. 9. _A musical instrument not unlike a hautboy_.

C.--T. 31. A kind of clarion. C.

Smethe, T. 101. _Smoke_. C.

Smething, E. I. 1. _Smoking_. C.

Smore, H. 1. 412. [? _Smeared_ or _Smothered_.]

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