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Lete, G. 60. _Still_. C.
Lethal, El. 21. _Deadly, or death-boding_. C.
Lethlen, ae. 272. _Still, dead_. C.
Letten, ae. 928. _Church-yard_. C.
Levynde, El. 18. _Blasted_. C.
Levynne, M. 104. _Lightning_. C.
Levyn-mylted, ae. 462. _Lightning-melted_. q?
Liefe, ae. 217. [? from K. and B.'s lief, _rather_. Sk. renders _at my choice_.]
Liff, E. I. 7. _Leaf_.
Ligheth, ae. 627. [? _Lay low_, from K.'s lig, _lie_.]
Likand, H. 2. 177. _Liking_.
Limed, El. 37., reflecting_. C.
Limmed, M. 90., reflecting_. C.
Lissed, T. 97. _Bounded_. C.
[List, H. 1. 544. ? _Pleasure_.]
Lithie, Ep. 10. _Humble_. C.
Loaste, ae. 456. _Loss_.
[Lode, H. 1. 33. Probably as _load_, a _task_ or _burden_. Sk. renders _praise_, as if _land_; this is far from convincing.]
Logges, E. I. 55. _Cottages_. C.
Lordinge, T. 57. _Standing on their hind legs_. C.
Loverd's, E. III. 29. _Lord's_. C.
Low, G. 50. _Flame of fire_. C.
Lowes, T. 137. _Flames_. C.
Lowings, Ch. 35. _Flames_. C.
[Lurdanes, H. 1. 36. From B.'s 'Lurdane, lordane, _a dull heavy fellow_, derived by some from _Lord_ and _Dane_'. So the word becomes for C. an opprobrious equivalent for _Dane_.]
[Lygheth, ae. 627. _Lay_, from K.'s lig, _to lie_.]
[Lymed, E. II. 7., reflecting_. C.]
Lymmed, M. 33. _Polished_. C.
Lynch, El. 37. _Bank_. C.
Lynge, ae. 376. _Stay_. C.
Lyoncel, E. II. 44. _Young lion_. C.
Lyped, El. 34. [? miswritten for _lithed_, Speght's lith, _to make less_, so _wasted_. Sk. renders _wasted away_, deriving _lyped_ from B.'s liposychy, _a small swoon_, which seems too far-fetched even for Rowley.]
Lysse, T. 2. _Sport, or play_. C.
Lyssed, ae 53. _Bounded_. C.
Mancas, G. 136. _Marks_. C.
Manchyn, H. 2. 222. _A sleeve_. Fr.
[Mastie, H. 1. 348. 425. ? _Mastiff_.]
Maynt, Meynte, E. II. 66. _Many, great numbers_. C.
Mee, Mees, E. I. 31. _Meadow_. C.
Meeded, ae 39. _Rewarded_. [The construction _meeded out_ is probably affected by _meted out_.]
Memuine, H. 2. 120. [? _Body of troops_, ? _Command_. No explanation.]
Meniced, p. 285. 146. _Menaced_, q? [The sense is _threatened to make him marry again_.]
Mere, G. 58. _Lake_. C.
Merk-plante, T. 176. _Night-shade_. C.
Merke, T. 163. _Dark, gloomy_. C.
Miesel, ae 551. _Myself_.
Milkynette, El. 22. _A small bagpipe_. C.
Mist, Ch. 49. _Poor, needy_. C.