The Rowley Poems Part 45

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Twayne of twelve years han lemed[22] up the myndes, Leggende[23] the salvage unthewes[24] of theire breste, Improved in mysterk[25] warre, and lymmed[26] theyre kyndes, Whenne Brute from Brutons sonke to aeterne reste.

Eftsoons the gentle Locryne was possest 35 Of swaie, and vested yn the paramente[27]; Halceld[28] the bykrous[29] Huns, who dyd infeste Hys wakeynge kyngdom wyth a foule intente; As hys broade swerde oer Homberres heade was honge, He tourned toe ryver wyde, and roarynge rolled alonge. 40

He wedded Gendolyne of roieal sede, Upon whose countenance rodde healthe was spreade; Blous.h.i.+ng, alyche[30] the scarlette of herr wede, She sonke to pleasaunce on the marryage bedde.

Eftsoons her peaceful joie of mynde was fledde; 45 Elstrid ametten with the kynge Locryne; Unnombered beauties were upon her shedde, Moche fyne, moche fayrer thanne was Gendolyne; The mornynge tynge, the rose, the lillie floure, In ever ronneynge race on her dyd peyncte theyre powere. 50

The gentle suyte of Locryne gayned her love; Theie lyved soft momentes to a swotie[31] age; Eft[32] wandringe yn the coppyce, delle, and grove, Where ne one eyne mote theyre disporte engage; There dydde theie tell the merrie lovynge sage[33], 55 Croppe the prymrosen floure to decke theyre headde; The feerie Gendolyne yn woman rage Gemoted[34] warriours to bewrecke[35] her bedde; Theie rose; ynne battle was greete Locryne sleene; The faire Elstrida fledde from the enchased[36] queene. 60

A tye of love, a dawter fayre she hanne, Whose boddeynge morneyng shewed a fayre daie, Her fadre Locrynne, once an hailie manne.

Wyth the fayre dawterre dydde she haste awaie, To where the Western mittee[37] pyles of claie 65 Arise ynto the cloudes, and doe them beere; There dyd Elstrida and Sabryna staie; The fyrste tryckde out a whyle yn warryours gratch[38] and gear; Vyncente was she ycleped, b.u.t.te fulle soone fate Sente deathe, to telle the dame, she was notte yn regrate[39]. 70

The queene Gendolyne sente a gyaunte knyghte, Whose doughtie heade swepte the emmertleynge[40] skies, To slea her wheresoever she shulde be pyghte[41], Eke everychone who shulde her ele[42] emprize[43].

Swefte as the roareynge wyndes the gyaunte flies, 75 Stayde the loude wyndes, and shaded reaulmes yn nyghte, Stepte over cytties, on meint[44] acres lies, Meeteynge the herehaughtes of morneynge lighte; Tyll mooveynge to the Weste, myschaunce hys gye[45], He thorowe warriours gratch fayre Elstrid did espie. 80

He tore a ragged mountayne from the grounde, Harried[46] uppe noddynge forrests to the skie, Thanne wythe a fuirie, mote the erthe astounde[47], To meddle ayre he lette the mountayne flie.

The flying wolfynnes sente a yelleynge crie; 85 Onne Vyncente and Sabryna felle the mount; To lyve aeternalle dyd theie eftsoones die; Thorowe the sandie grave boiled up the pourple founte, On a broade gra.s.sie playne was layde the hylle, Staieynge the rounynge course of meint a limmed[48] rylle. 90

The G.o.ddes, who kenned the actyons of the wyghte, To leggen[49] the sadde happe of twayne so fayre, Houton[50] dyd make the mountaine bie theire mighte.

Forth from Sabryna ran a ryverre cleere, Roarynge and rolleynge on yn course bysmare[51]; 95 From female Vyncente shotte a ridge of stones, Eche syde the ryver rysynge heavenwere; Sabrynas floode was helde ynne Elstryds bones.

So are theie cleped; gentle and the hynde Can telle, that Severnes streeme bie Vyncentes rocke's ywrynde[52]. 100

The bawsyn[53] gyaunt, hee who dyd them slee, To telle Gendolyne quycklie was ysped[54]; Whanne, as he strod alonge the shakeynge lee, The roddie levynne[55] glesterrd on hys headde: Into hys hearte the azure vapoures spreade; 105 He wrythde arounde yn drearie dernie[56] payne; Whanne from his lyfe-bloode the rodde lemes[57] were fed, He felle an hepe of ashes on the playne: Stylle does hys ashes shoote ynto the lyghte, A wondrous mountayne hie, and Snowdon ys ytte hyghte. 110


[Footnote 1: I will endeavour to get the remainder of these poems.]

[Footnote 2: unseemly, disagreeable.]

[Footnote 3: wrapped.]

[Footnote 4: rays.]

[Footnote 5: hidden, secret.]

[Footnote 6: broke, rent.]

[Footnote 7: small pieces.]

[Footnote 8: pulled, rent.]

[Footnote 9: vapours, meteors.]

[Footnote 10: emblaunched.]

[Editor's note: _t.i.tle: See Introduction_ p. xli]

[Footnote 11: Ridges, rising waves.]

[Footnotes 12, 13: unknown tremour.]

[Footnote 14: fastened, chained, congealed.]

[Footnote 15: boundeth.]

[Footnote 16: swelling.]

[Footnote 17: armed.]

[Footnote 18: companions.]

[Footnote 19: livid.]

[Footnote 20: a confused noise.]

[Footnote 21: Anointed.]

[Footnote 22: enlightened.]

[Footnote 23: alloyed.]

[Footnote 24: savage barbarity.]

[Footnote 25: mystic.]

[Footnote 26: polished.]

[Footnote 27: a princely robe.]

[Footnote 28: defeated.]

[Footnote 29: warring.]

[Footnote 30: Like.]

[Footnote 31: sweet.]

[Footnote 32: oft.]

[Footnote 33: a tale.]

[Footnote 34: a.s.sembled.]

[Footnote 35: revenge.]

[Footnote 36: heated, enraged.]

[Footnote 37: Mighty.]

[Footnote 38: apparel.]

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