Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week Part 8

Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week -

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Prayer for Sincere Repentance.

Merciful and Gracious G.o.d, Thou art slow to anger and plenteous in mercy!

Thou callest us daily through the gracious preaching of Thy word to devout conversion, and in Thy name causest repentance and remission of sins to be preached. And Thou showest Thy forbearance with us through Thy long suffering and inexpressible mercy, and dost not suddenly come upon sinners in the midst of their evil deeds with Thy righteous wrath and judgment to punish them, but giveth place and time for repentance, so that no one can justly charge or accuse Thee. For Thou art not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have everlasting life. O dear G.o.d, Thou knowest the sluggishness of our flesh and the hardness of our hearts, that we through inherited sin are thus far deranged and so deeply sunk in sin, that of our own accord we can not rise or return. Therefore, for the sake of the wounds of Jesus Christ, my Lord, I beseech Thee, convert Thou me, and I am converted. For Thou art my G.o.d, and where I am converted I will truly repent. Save Thou me, O Lord, and I am saved. Help me, and I am helped. Behold, I am like an erring and lost sheep. Seek Thou Thy servant, that I forget not Thy commandments. Circ.u.mcise the foreskin of my heart. Purge me, and I shall be clean. Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Create in me a clean heart, O G.o.d; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. O dear G.o.d, look upon me, as Thou didst look upon Mary Magdalene, the repentant sinner, as she lay at Thy feet and wept over her transgressions; and the publican in the temple, as he smote his breast and besought Thy grace. Vouchsafe unto me sincere sorrow and contrition over my sin, and a true faith with firm confidence in Thy grace, and also worthy fruits of repentance. Let me discern the day of Thy visitation, and not despise the riches of Thy mercy, so that I may not neglect the accepted time, and the day of Thy salvation, and not fail to turn to Thee, my Lord and G.o.d. May I not postpone my repentance from one day to another, nor yet to the last hour, but rather turn to Thee this day and repent. Amen.

Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sins.

Merciful Father, Eternal G.o.d, my sins are grievous, many and great my transgressions, and mine iniquities are innumerable, for the imaginations of my heart are evil from my youth. O Lord, who can understand his errors? Behold, I acknowledge my transgressions: my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done evil in Thy sight: that Thou mightest be justified when Thou speakest, and be clear when Thou judgest. I beseech Thine infinite mercy, enter not into judgment with Thy servant: for in Thy sight shall no living man be justified. If Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? Behold, if Thou contendest with man, he can not answer Thee one of a thousand, for all our righteousness before Thee is as the filthy rag. Have mercy upon me, O G.o.d, according to Thy loving kindness: according to the mult.i.tude of Thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin for Thy name's sake. Lord, have mercy upon me, save my soul, for, alas! I have sinned against Thee.

Remember, O Lord, Thy tender mercies and Thy loving kindnesses; for they have been ever as of old. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to Thy mercy remember Thou me for Thy goodness'

sake, O Lord. Remember that we are flesh, as the wind which bloweth and doth not return, and cease in Thy anger and wrath against us. O merciful G.o.d, I acknowledge that my virtues and my deeds can never blot out my sins, nor yet merit Thy grace. Only the innocent suffering and death of Jesus Christ, the Lamb without spot or blemish, is the true offering for our iniquities, and His blood, shed for the remission of our sins, is the cleansing and purification of our souls. In such confidence and hope I supplicate Thee: forgive Thou the transgressions of Thy people. Cover our sins. Impute not our iniquities, for Thou art merciful. Cleanse Thou me from secret fault. Let my sorrowing soul and my vexed bones again rejoice, for with Thee there is mercy and plenteous redemption. O Lord, hear the voice of my supplication, and despise not the groanings of my heart, for Christ's sake. Amen.

Prayer for True Faith.

Lord, Almighty G.o.d, Thou Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, from whom every good and perfect gift cometh, I pray Thee, since all men have not faith: implant and maintain in my heart through the workings of Thy Holy Spirit the true knowledge of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and increase it from day to day, so that I, too, may be filled with the knowledge of Thy will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that I may walk worthy of Thee unto all pleasing, being faithful in every good work, and increase in such knowledge according to Thy glorious power in all patience and long suffering with joy. Grant unto me, according to the riches of Thy glory, that I may be strengthened with might by Thy Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in my heart by faith. O dear G.o.d, since no man knoweth the Son but Thou, O Father, and no man knoweth Thee, the Father, but only the same Thy Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal Thee, I pray Thee, draw Thou me unto Thee. Grant me the knowledge of salvation, which is the forgiveness of sins. Strengthen my weak faith, which is small as the mustard seed, so that it may increase, and I be rooted and grounded in Thee, and may stand steadfast and unmoveable. Gracious G.o.d, Thou hast kindled the spark of faith in my heart and has begun this good work in me, I cry to Thee, perfect it until the end, that we may ever increase in knowledge and understanding, and be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of G.o.d. Preserve what Thou hast begun, that we might war a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience, and not waver or succ.u.mb in trial and temptation and make s.h.i.+pwreck concerning faith. Therefore protect me, my G.o.d, that I am not led astray among the errors, schisms, and heresies of the world. Preserve me from superst.i.tions and all false doctrine, that I may neither err nor doubt in any article of faith. And vouchsafe unto me Thy grace, that my faith be not lifeless, inactive, or without good fruits, but active and energetic, serving in love, so that I, too, may carry off the end of faith, which is the soul's salvation. Amen.

Prayer Before Confession.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou my Redeemer, Thou hast given unto Thy dear Church on earth and its faithful servants the sacred office of the keys, and invested it with the promise, that whatsoever by virtue of the same they shall loose or bind on earth shall also be loosed or bound in heaven: I thank Thee, and eternally praise and glorify Thee, for such Thy gracious gift. And, since I a poor and bound sinner need this blessed key which looseth, so that I may not be kept under the bonds of the infernal jailer, I beseech Thine infinite mercy, that I may receive its comfort through my spiritual father, my pastor, and for the sake of Thy holy, precious blood and Thy innocent offering and death be loosed from all my sins. Grant me Thy Holy Spirit, so that I may grasp this holy absolution in heartfelt contrition and undoubting trust, firm resolve, brotherly love and grat.i.tude, and inherit the eternal life. Amen.

Thanksgiving After Absolution.

O Blessed, Merciful, and Gracious G.o.d! I thank and praise Thee from all my heart, that through Thy servant Thou hast again forgiven me, a poor sinner, all my sins, again received me in grace, and promised me eternal life. I earnestly pray Thee, vouchsafe unto me Thy Holy Spirit, and create in me a pure heart, so that I may joyously trust that all my sins are forgiven me through Jesus Christ. As an earnest and surety of this blessed fact, I will now eat and drink the true body and blood of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, under the bread and wine, to my soul's salvation.

Grant me also, O faithful G.o.d, that henceforth I may earnestly avoid all sin and better my life. This Thou wouldest graciously grant me for Thy name's sake. Amen.

A Morning Prayer for Communion Day.

Arise, my soul, this is the day which the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Give thanks unto the gracious and merciful G.o.d for His blessings and say:

Almighty and Merciful G.o.d and Father, I thank Thee from all my heart for the protection of this night, for the refres.h.i.+ng rest, and for the joyous morning, which Thou hast granted unto me. I praise Thee with all my soul for Thy wonderful mercy which blesses me with the forgiveness of my sins.

Praised be Thy grace, which is new each morn, and which on this day also bids me to Thy house, and calls and invites me to Thy altar.

O Lord, since I, too, would come to Thy Supper with the throngs which celebrate, do Thou Thyself make me ready. As Thou wouldest find a pure residence in me, do Thou cleanse and consecrate my body and soul. Guide me with Thine eye, and lead me with Thy hand to the riches of Thy mercy.

Comfort me with Thy countenance, and do not forsake me. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O G.o.d.

And, that my sacred resolve may not be hampered, I commend to Thee my body and soul, reason, senses, and thoughts, whatever I do or leave undone, my coming in and going out, my walking, standing, sitting, and resting, my imaginations and aspirations, my faith and confession, and whatever internally or externally I may be or do. O G.o.d, preserve in me a devout spirit, and hinder whatever might disturb or hamper me. Receive me into the especial care of Thy grace, and increase in me the work that is now begun. Perfect and complete it according to Thy power and grace to Thy glory and my salvation. Keep me from evil thoughts, from idle imaginations, from all uncleanliness, so that in Thy fear I may begin a consecrated life and continue therein. May the light of my faith s.h.i.+ne before men. May I give offense to none, but rather in Christian conduct edify the brethren and direct them to all virtue.

Holy Jesus, do Thou unite with my body and soul on this day. Nourish me with Thy flesh and refresh me with Thy blood, so that my weak faith be strengthened, and receive the a.s.surance of Thy grace, the remission of my sin, and eternal salvation. Invest me with the pure silk of Thy righteousness. Clothe me in the true wedding garment, that I may appear at Thy heavenly board a worthy guest.

Now, Lord G.o.d and Father, be my help and my protection! Lord Jesus Christ be my bread, my light, and life! And Thou, O Holy Ghost, illumine and preserve me in the true sanctification, so that in that estate, into which I again am permitted to enter, I may remain for the course of my life. Let me be enveloped in Thee. Without Thee there is only grief. O dear Savior, let me ever be with Thee. Amen.

Prayer Before Holy Communion.

Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Son of G.o.d, I am not worthy to open my lips and receive the most precious sacrament of Thy body and blood. For I am a sin-stained man, but Thou art the Lord whom the heavens can not encompa.s.s. How then can a human being who is but dust and ashes be worthy to receive Thy most holy body and precious blood! I well know and acknowledge that my sins are many and that for that reason I am an unworthy guest at Thy table. But I also sincerely believe and confess it with my lips that by Thy grace Thou canst render me worthy. For Thou art omnipotent and gracious. Thou only canst cleanse and make holy whatever took rise in unclean seed. Thou canst transform sinners into true and holy men, when by Thy grace Thou forgivest sin and renewest us with Thy Holy Spirit. Therefore I pray Thee, by Thy power and love grant me grace, that I may worthily approach Thy altar, and not become guilty of Thy body and blood by unworthy eating and drinking, so that I may not receive death in place of life. Grant me grace, that I may know and test myself as a poor sinner, my heart filled with sorrow over mine iniquity, and may properly discern Thy tender and n.o.ble body, and Thy holy, precious blood.

May my reason, senses, and intellect be ever submissive to Thy word, and may I be earnestly resolved to better and improve my life with Thy help, so that in this precious sacrament, I may not only with my mouth receive Thy body and blood, but also in true faith accept Thee, my Savior and Redeemer, enthrone Thee in my heart, and find in Thee my life and blessedness. For Thou art the living bread which cometh down from heaven and bringeth life to men. Whoever cometh to Thee shall nevermore hunger, and he that believeth on Thee shall nevermore thirst. Whoever eateth Thy flesh and drinketh Thy blood dwelleth in Thee and Thou in him, and shall never die. O beloved Lord, my spirit and my mind yearn for Thee. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O G.o.d. My soul thirsteth for G.o.d, for the living G.o.d: when shall I come and appear before G.o.d? Fill me with Thy grace. Amen.

A Sigh When About to Receive the Sacred Body of Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thy holy body strengthen and preserve me in the true faith unto eternal life. Amen.

A Sigh When About to Receive the Sacred Blood of Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thy holy blood strengthen and preserve me in the true faith unto eternal life. Amen.

Prayer After the Holy Supper.

Lord Jesus Christ, with all my heart I thank and glorify Thee, that Thou hast again cleansed me, a poor sinner, from all my sin, and as an earnest of such cleansing and forgiveness of my sin, hast nourished me with Thy body and blood, and like an unclean child, after such purification, hast received me into the fatherly arms of Thy grace and mercy, and put me pure, reproachless, and without blemish before Thy Father.

I earnestly pray Thee with all my power, in addition to such blessing, grant me Thy grace through the workings of Thy Holy Ghost, so that I may sufficiently understand such blessing and grace, gratefully accept it, and glorify and praise Thee with all my heart. Grant me strength from above by Thy Holy Spirit, that I may heartily forgive my neighbor wherever he hath sinned against me, even as Thou hast fully and richly forgiven me my great and manifold transgressions, yes, entirely blotted them out and wilt never remember them. Help me to love my neighbor and gladly show him every good, as Thou hast done unto me, and hast shown me more than I can ever sufficiently thank Thee for. Praise and glory be to Thee, O faithful G.o.d, together with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.

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