Yachting Volume Ii Part 31

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however, kept to the fore, and 'Britannia' finished winner of a hard race, 63 secs. ahead of 'Valkyrie,' 1 min. 23 secs. of 'Navahoe,' 3 mins. 50 secs. of 'Satanita,' and 7 mins. 36 secs. of 'Calluna.' It may be said that 'Satanita' gained 4 mins. 34 secs. and 'Calluna' 6 mins. 18 secs. on the 'Navahoe' in sailing the second round; the pair picked up on 'Britannia' and 'Valkyrie' simply owing to the suicidal tactics adopted in racing the sister s.h.i.+ps.

A breeze was wanting on the opening morning of the Royal Yacht Squadron Regatta to put animation in the scene afloat, still in the flood of suns.h.i.+ne it was a brilliant spectacle. There was a galaxy of private yachts, and quite a fleet of fighting s.h.i.+ps of various nationalities riding on the Solent dressed in bunting, the German Emperor's new 'Hohenzollern' looming up a very Triton amongst the host, through which the racing fleet had presently to thread their way eastward. The starters for Her Majesty's Cup were the 'Meteor,'

'Britannia,' 'Valkyrie,' 'Viking,' _nee_ 'Wendur,' and 'Mohawk.' An alteration in the course had been made by subst.i.tuting the Bullock patch buoy for the Nab, and with thoughtful consideration for the length of leg of the modern craft, the three-fathom North Bramble Channel was left out. A dreadfully slow run was made eastward, the 16-1/2 miles from Cowes to the eastern limit of the course taking about 2-1/2 hours to cover. The breezes came in puffs out of every cloud, but mostly from the north or north-west, and in this sort of weather it was absolutely humiliating that the aspirant for America Cup honours should be led round the lee mark by the seven-season-old 'Meteor.' With a better and fairly true breeze westerly 'Valkyrie' and 'Britannia' on a close reach in to the Noman pa.s.sed the Emperor's cutter, and, from mark to mark eight miles, 'Valkyrie' beat 'Meteor'

exactly 4 mins. After fetching well up to Cowes, they turned through the roads, and then got a northerly slant in the west channel; a flying weather-tide settled them bodily to windward, and at Lymington mark 'Valkyrie,' which had gone in grand form to windward, was 3 mins.

ahead of 'Britannia' and 15 mins. 40 secs. of 'Meteor,' the time allowance of the last named having thus run out by 68 secs. The wind was breezing up, and they ran through a roaring ebb tide at a fair speed, the modern boats pus.h.i.+ng out a tremendous bow wave. The 'Meteor' unquestionably had a stronger following breeze than the two leaders, and with about 3-1/2 ft. less draught than 'Valkyrie,' she could be edged inside the tide rift on the north sh.o.r.e, the result being that she gained 50 secs. on 'Valkyrie,' yet with an allowance of 14 mins. 32 secs. she thus lost by 18 secs. On the question being raised that 'Valkyrie' had not followed the track marked on the official chart furnished, it was admitted that she had left the Nab on the wrong hand, and the Sailing Committee disqualified her and declared the 'Meteor' winner of Her Majesty's Cup. It may be said that the 'Wendur' after rounding Lymington mark attempted to set her spinnaker, but lost the sail, which was picked up by a pilot boat.

Worse still, the boom was let drop in the water, and on it breaking two of the crew were badly hurt.

Wednesday, August 2, was chosen by the Royal Yacht Squadron for the match for the Meteor Challenge s.h.i.+eld presented by the German Emperor, the course being from Cowes round the Isle of Wight (outside Nab), thence round the Shambles Lights.h.i.+p and back through the Needles pa.s.sage to Cowes, a distance of 112 miles. According to the conditions four yachts were to start or no race, but out of an entry of six only 'Britannia' and 'Satanita' went for the trophy. The start, which was fixed for seven o'clock, was delayed an hour owing to the card and sailing directions differing. At 8 o'clock, when 'Britannia' and 'Satanita' got away, the 'Valkyrie's' crew, which had made a show of getting the vessel ready, had proceeded as far as hoisting a jib in stops and las.h.i.+ng up the fighting colours, the vessel subsequently lying listless at anchor all day. A charmingly bright clear morning with a bonny breeze from the north-west sent the two s.h.i.+ps scudding out in hot haste to the eastward. Spinnakers were on and jackyard topsails, and at the Nab 'Britannia' had run out a lead of 4 mins.

Coming on a reach the east stream was faced, and 'Satanita,' doing a wonderful stretch of sailing, had almost drawn level with her rival, when the wind came ahead and gave a beat of about forty miles to the Shambles. In order to shun the tide the Island sh.o.r.e was worked, but 'Satanita' got too close and b.u.mped hard several times on Atherfield Ledge. In working on a nasty short jump of sea was trying the vessels, and off Swanage the breeze came in such hard puffs that big topsails were got down. 'Britannia' worked away from her rival, and after a pretty considerable amount of pile-driving got round the Shambles at 4 o'clock with a lead of 10 mins. They had to face a west tide, and as the evening closed in the wind almost entirely failed. In the west channel it was mere tide-work, and at 9.30 'Britannia' drove across the line winner, 'Satanita' at the time being barely discernible astern. It was an uninteresting match, but a hard one for s.h.i.+ps and crews, and in the heavy plunging which went on between the Needles and St. Albans 'Britannia' sprung her mast.

Thursday morning opened with a fine singing breeze from the west-south-west, and the match for the Cowes Town Cup gave promise of stirring sport. 'Britannia's' absence, owing to her mast being sprung, was generally regretted; but 'Navahoe,' 'Valkyrie,' 'Satanita,' and 'Calluna' appeared under fighting flags. All had a single reef in mainsails, and 'Valkyrie's' topmast was struck, the rest keeping theirs on end. They were sent first to the westward, and had a clean reach to the first mark, a capitally judged start being made.

'Satanita,' nearest the Hamps.h.i.+re sh.o.r.e, was first on the line, with 'Valkyrie' overlapping the western quarter, and 'Calluna' and 'Navahoe' broad to windward. Laying down to the hard breeze, 'Satanita' was given the weight of it, and went smoking away, while 'Navahoe' in weather berth was getting comparatively very lightly sailed. A hard breeze, however, caught the Yankee, making her curl up to an ugly angle, and as she went off her helm, 'Calluna's' crew were getting scared that she would either drop down flat on them or make a wild shoot into their s.h.i.+p. A heavier slam than the first put the 'Navahoe' fairly out of control, and she went down on her side and wallowed helplessly in a smother of foam, until a gripe up to the wind relieved her and she came upright, when particular care was taken not to fill on her again. The weight of the wind had burst the mainsail at the clew, and, after getting the sail off the vessel ran away up Southampton Water, International rivalry thus coming to a summary end for the day. Owing to the strong wind and flood tide, the mark-boat had driven about a mile eastward, so it was soon reached down to, and 'Satanita' was first round, then 'Valkyrie' and 'Calluna.' It was a broad reach to the Warner, and cracking on a jibheaded topsail 'Satanita' was ploughing along at an astounding speed; in fact, she was doing 14-1/2 knots when crossing the Admiralty mile. With a jibheader on, the leader was leaving 'Valkyrie,' which had lost 'Calluna's' close company through the latter, when careening to a squall, fouling the jibboom of the steam yacht 'Cleopatra,' the cutter getting mainsail split and gaff broken. 'Satanita' stayed round the Warner at 10.52, 1 min. 18 secs. before 'Valkyrie,' and the former had the benefit of a reach back as far as Cowes. Heavy squalls came off the Island, and 'Satanita' had lee decks full, 'Valkyrie' by comparison standing up manfully. Owing to the flagboat drifting, they went round Lepe buoy, and having to nip to fetch, 'Valkyrie' gained a trifle. Coming back free, 'Satanita' was driven along with jibheader, and she held a lead of 7-1/2 mins. at the Warner. The homeward track could be laid clean full, and the wind coming off with canvas-splitting force, 'Satanita's' lee decks were was.h.i.+ng like a porpoise's back, but she was travelling at a tremendous speed and would have gone much faster and on a more even keel had the topmast been struck. It was a wonderful display of fast sailing on her part, as she finished 8 mins. 13 secs. before 'Valkyrie,' and covered the distance, 48 miles, allowing for the drifted flagboat at Lepe, in 3 hrs. 40 mins. 50 secs., thus averaging a little over 12-1/2 knots.

An exceedingly brilliant wind-up of an eventful regatta was made at Cowes on Friday, August 4, when the Royal Yacht Squadron prize was sailed round the Warner-Lepe course. The compet.i.tors were 'Satanita,'

'Valkyrie,' 'Calluna,' and 'Navahoe,' and they started on a short beat down the west channel in a rising breeze from the west-south-west, jibheaded topsails being set over whole mainsails. In the first board 'Navahoe' was weathered by each of her rivals, the Yankee being kept hovering in the wind, instead of being made to feel the weight of it, the previous day's experience perhaps being the cause. A heavy squall with sheets of rain pa.s.sed over before the Western mark-boat was weathered, and they drove back to Cowes with spinnakers, all but the Yankee being run on the wrong gybe. From a run they came to a free reach off Osborne, and went streaking out at a great pace to the Warner, all except 'Satanita' cracking on jackyarders, but 'Valkyrie'

s.h.i.+fted back to jibheader off the Sandhead buoy. The latter kept pride of place going east, but in coming back clean full the wind came off the Island in savage puffs and 'Satanita' was racing up. A regular flame of wind struck off above the Peel, and 'Satanita' went by the windward into first place, leaving 'Valkyrie' fairly stuck up.

'Navahoe' and 'Calluna' hung on to big topsails too long, the Yankee continuing whipper-in and falling down flat on her side in the hardest of the gushes. 'Satanita,' too, crabbed up badly, but did not heel to such an angle as 'Navahoe,' and was always lively and manageable in the puffs; she also got up a higher head of speed the fresher the wind piped. On the second round it was harder driving between 'Satanita'

and 'Valkyrie' than with 'Calluna' and 'Navahoe,' and after the free reach to the Warner the first named was 2 mins. 2 secs. ahead or 3 secs. short of her allowance. It was just a clean reach from the Noman to Cowes, and some of the puffs came off the Island with the rush of a white squall. 'Satanita' was knocked down flatter than 'Valkyrie,' but she did not steady her speed, and finished a splendidly fought and most exciting race with 2 mins. 9 secs. lead of 'Valkyrie,' 'Satanita'

winning with 4 secs. to spare. 'Calluna' was 5 mins. 22 secs. astern of the winner, and 'Navahoe' 7 mins. 36 secs.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Royal Southampton Yacht Club.

1892. "Warner and Lymington Course".]

Ill fortune has of late haunted each annual fixture of the Royal Southampton Club, and that of August 5, instead of attracting the fleet of heavy weights, was reduced to a match between the 'Navahoe' and 'Calluna.' The 'Britannia' had her new mast in, but was not ready, 'Satanita' was getting a strengthening band shrunk on her masthead, and 'Valkyrie,' which had come across from Cowes to Southampton Water, did not start, fearing there would be too much wind for her sprung main-boom. A north-wester came shooting down Southampton Water fresh enough for 'Navahoe's' small reef to be pulled down, 'Calluna,' however, had whole mainsail and both jibheaders.

The Scotch clipper was unluckily sailed through the line too soon, and the 'Navahoe' got two minutes start; but 'Calluna' bringing quite a rattle of wind, nearly nailed her rival at Calshot Spit. The breeze got light in the west channel and came bare, while the tide had to be stemmed. 'Navahoe' kept sailing into the first of the wind, and, getting a fine lift near the Lymington Mark, led by 3 mins. 'Calluna'

was sailed without heart or judgment in the run up the west channel, and so on to the Warner. She might well have carried her jackyard topsail going west, and certainly wanted it, coming back with sheets off. 'Calluna' was gybed in Cowes Roads for some reason; and while her opponent was running clean with boom the other side, the Scotch boat was 'by the lee.' 'Navahoe' at length was first to s.h.i.+ft her big topsail, and had 6 mins. lead at the time, but when 'Calluna' did go to work sail s.h.i.+fting, it took her crew eighteen minutes to get down the jibheaded topsail and replace it with jackyarder. In the beat from the Warner up past Browndown there were some flukes lying under the north sh.o.r.e which might have been picked up for the seeking, and 'Calluna's' poor attempt at match sailing ended by 'Navahoe'

weathering the line off Netley with a lead of 11 mins. 25 secs.

The racing fleet mustered in force on the Royal Albert Station, and cruisers swarmed thick as bees to do honour to the last of the Solent racing fixtures. A light gauzy haze in the early morning of Monday, August 14, did not bode well for sport, but an air came just before the starting hour for the Albert Cup, and stretched out the fighting flags of 'Britannia,' 'Navahoe,' 'Calluna,' and 'Satanita.' A south-east breeze of about weight enough for small jib-topsails to be carried with profit to windward was drawing in against the last of the east-going stream, when an eventful race commenced with 'Satanita's'

bowsprit end showing first across the line; the others were close at hand, and a pretty start was made.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Royal Albert Yacht Club. Southsea.


The wind freshened at night after Weymouth Regatta, and on Sunday morning there was an ugly sea off the Bill. The yachts which made the pa.s.sage to Torquay had a coa.r.s.e time, some of them ran back, others did not leave the Dorset port, the consequence being that there was a poor muster in Torbay. The 'Satanita,' 'Navahoe,' 'Britannia,' and 'Calluna' were ready to answer the starting gun on Monday morning when the wind was piping loud from the westward. All had a reef in mainsails, and topmasts were housed when anchors were broken out, but 'Satanita's' was very unwisely got on end, and she subsequently set a jibheader. 'Satanita,' over-eager, sailed the line too soon, and her opponents had been racing for the off mark nearly 3 mins. before she followed them across. With the wind quarterly, she soon smoked out to the first flagboat, where 'Navahoe' was leader and 'Calluna' second.

Then came a beat in a little head jump, and the full drift of the wind was felt. 'Navahoe's' performance in beating to Brixham was far and away her worst display, as she simply crabbed on her uppers and sidled away, while 'Satanita,' crippled as she was with jibheader, was--truth to tell--not shaping a whit better, and seemed to be simply wallowing in dead water. Off Brixham, 'Satanita' had another set back, through one of her extra hands slipping overboard, but a very smart job was made in picking the man up. 'Satanita' was punished with jibheader again on the second round, and 'Britannia,' 'Calluna,' and 'Navahoe'

were waltzing away from her. On the third round the sail was pulled down and the spar housed, but it was too late in the day to pick up the first flight. 'Satanita,' however, began to tramp away, and in addition to reaching her rivals beat the lot going to windward. The wind fairly whistled off sh.o.r.e as they reached on for Goodrington, but 'Calluna' and 'Navahoe' did not lower staysails as on the second round. The 'Britannia's' jib, however, burst, and 'Navahoe' s.h.i.+fted hers. The latter was in the way of a regular canvas splitter as she kept away round the Goodrington mark, and falling down flat she swept the mark-boat with her mainsail, but continued the match. At the end of the third round 'Navahoe' was 8 mins. astern of 'Britannia,' and 4 mins. of 'Calluna,' while 'Satanita' had gained 4 mins. on the Yankee in 10 miles. The 'Navahoe's' mainsail was found to be damaged at the clew, and to be giving out at the reef lacing, and just as 'Satanita'

was collaring her off the Imperial she drew to the wind and gave up.

On the last round 'Satanita' gained 1 min. 42 secs. on 'Britannia,'

the latter finis.h.i.+ng an easy winner 4 mins. 30 secs. ahead of 'Calluna,' and 7 mins. 9 secs. of 'Satanita.'

[Ill.u.s.tration: Torbay Regatta Race Chart Torquay.]

The wind hardened during the dark hours, and was blowing a moderate gale from the south-west at sunrise. It had veered westerly and moderated a little an hour before the start, and the 'Britannia,'

'Calluna,' and 'Satanita' housed topmasts, got first reef in mainsails, and set third jibs in antic.i.p.ation of a dusting. 'Navahoe'

could not start, owing to her damaged mainsail; but had she joined in there is no reason to suppose that she would have shaped better than on the previous day, as the wind was about the same in strength and direction, and the course almost identical. 'Britannia' and 'Satanita'

made a grand start, but with the wind abaft the beam the latter cleared out at once from under her rival's lee, and gave a really phenomenal display of speed going to the flagboat outside Hope's Nose, covering the distance in 13 mins. 50 secs. She was at the mark in the thick of a pa.s.sing squall, and when the tiller was put down to bring her by the wind it broke off close into the rudder-head, Jay, who always steers from the lee side, being just saved from going overboard. The mishap was alike annoying to crew and spectators as the vessel would, without doubt, have established a record over the Torbay course. The 'Britannia' and 'Calluna' then had a match, and, curious to state, 'Calluna' in the hard wind which prevailed during the first, second, and third rounds, fairly beat 'Britannia' on each turn while sailing with a free sheet, the advantage gained by the latter being on the beat between the sea mark and Brixham. On the last round the wind took off a little and 'Britannia' made an all-round gain, eventually beating her antagonist by 4 mins. 17 secs.

[Ill.u.s.tration: 'Satanita,' 162-rater (A. D. Clarke, Esq.)]

In contrast to the tearing pipe-up at Torquay, variable breezes, flaws, catspaws, and calms prevailed in Start Bay when the Royal Dart matches were decided. Owing to the death of the Duke of Coburg the 'Britannia' did not start, but 'Navahoe' was under racing colours again, and she was opposed by 'Calluna' and 'Satanita,' Mr. Crocker, of New York, having arrived just in time to sail the American. All light kites were set, and 'Satanita' led the race on a reach to the Skerries buoy, at which mark 'Navahoe' was whipper-in. 'Calluna,'

through luffing out to cover 'Satanita,' let 'Navahoe' through into second place, and the latter ran up close to the leader. The breeze got so soft that they could hardly gain on the tide, and getting a flaw first on one quarter and then on the other positions kept changing, till at the last mark 'Satanita' was just clear ahead of 'Calluna'; the tide, however, hooked the latter and set her on to the mark-boat, and she at once gave up. 'Satanita' and 'Navahoe' reached along in a trickling air with all light kites set, and 'Satanita'

finished the first round with a lead of 1 min. 18 secs. Both got in the doldrums near the Start mark, but taking a chill 'Navahoe' got away with a long lead. 'Satanita,' however, brought enough wind to drag her by to windward, and give her a good lead at the east mark.

'Satanita' was lucky enough to get a new wind first, which kept pretty true and steady afterward, and she eventually beat 'Navahoe' in a fluky race by 7 mins. 45 secs.

The rising Start Bay Club, to its credit be it said, catered for the big s.h.i.+ps, and in return secured the entry of the familiar quartet.

After a breathless morning an opportune breeze from the south-east travelled in from sea and put a little life into the start. The 'Satanita,' however, had just before drove on to the outer flagboat and she was then kept lying with staysail to windward. 'Navahoe'

crossed the line first, and in a soft breeze went clean full and by for the Torcross flagboat, 'Britannia' and 'Calluna' being sailed finer. 'Satanita,' when told by the Committee to 'go on,' crossed the line 11 mins. 20 secs. after 'Navahoe,' and getting a better breeze than the leaders she gained about 7 mins. on 'Navahoe.' The last named went stealing along in the gentle breeze and finished the first round 33 seconds before 'Britannia.' The breeze freshened and they came on a taut bowline, and after 'Navahoe' had tried her best to wind 'Britannia,' the latter squeezed through her lee and in the next board crossed ahead, while 'Satanita' closed up. After a run from the west to east mark, they had a broad reach home in a fine breeze, 'Britannia' keeping bell-wether. 'Navahoe' held second place in the beat to Torcross, but 'Satanita' went past in going down wind for the next mark. It was a curious finish, as after reaching in fairly foaming, the wind cut off within a quarter of a mile of the winning line, and 'Britannia' came upright. She then got a cyclonic cooler, which filled the lower sails one way and the topsail the other.

'Britannia's' long lead looked likely to be wiped out, as the 'Satanita,' 'Navahoe,' and 'Calluna' were meanwhile tearing in foaming. They in turn got stuck up, however, in the same vortex, and 'Britannia' was logged winner with a lead of 7 mins. 16 secs. of 'Satanita,' 9 mins. 20 secs. of 'Navahoe,' and 12 mins. 44 secs. of 'Calluna.' 'Satanita's' was a remarkably fine performance in such weather; but, after all, she had a bootless journey, the 'Navahoe'

taking second prize.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Start Bay Yacht Club Dartmouth.

4 Times Round.]

The 'Navahoe' did not go further west than Dartmouth, but gave topsail-sheet for Cowes to get her wings clipped and a thorough brush up before the Gold Cup and other challenge cup matches with 'Britannia.'

Had the matches for the Royal Victoria Gold Cup been set for decision earlier in the season, and the challenger and defender not previously gauged their speed, deeper and wider interest would very naturally have been taken in the contests. As matters stood, the result appeared a foregone conclusion, yet many were warned by the 'Navahoe's'

admirers that a little clipping and other alterations would be found to have wrought an improvement both in stability and speed, and that she would make a closer fight than was generally antic.i.p.ated. The club arrangements for the first match of the series, on Wednesday, Sept. 6, appeared to be as perfect as possible, and excitement ran high on the morning of the day. There was a great crowd on Ryde Pier, and the official steamer which embarked ticket-holders at Southampton, Cowes, Ryde, and Southsea carried a large and critical company.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Royal Dart Yacht Club. Kingswear.]

Friday was appointed for the final match over the long Victoria course, and it turned out a very coa.r.s.e time, the wind coming in tearing squalls and the rain in sheets. 'Navahoe's' mainsail gave out at the eyelet lacings, and the second reef was got down, the start meanwhile being delayed. The American, however, eventually brought up, and Mr. Jameson, who was acting for the Prince of Wales on the 'Britannia,' declined, under the circ.u.mstances, to take advantage of a 'sail over,' it being mutually agreed subsequently to race on Monday.

Monday opened with a rattling breeze from the eastward, but it had toned down at 11 o'clock, and was then a typical time to test the rivals under lower canvas with mainsails single reefed. As usual with the wind out there was a tumble of sea off Spithead. They started to the eastward at 11.5, and had a beat to the Nab, 'Britannia' having the best of it, as she was broad to windward at the flash of the gun.

The west tide was going, and a long stretch was made across Spithead, 'Britannia' giving her rival a blistering for a time. She was too far ahead off the Warner to be spilling 'Navahoe's' head-sail, and, smas.h.i.+ng through the short sea in peerless style, beat the American 9 mins. 5 secs.--or a minute a mile--turning to the Nab. Spinnakers Irish-reefed and hoisted to masthead were set after they had reached on to the Spit mark, and a gybe was made off Lee, the western flag being tacked round, and here 'Britannia' led by 9 mins. 7 secs.

'Navahoe' after rounding appeared to be starved for wind, while 'Britannia' was getting rammed along. Soon the jibsheets of the American ran out, and the sail had to be secured, sheets rove, and the sail reset, 'Britannia' meanwhile having hopped a long distance away; and she weathered the home flagboat and finished the first round with a lead of 17 mins. 7 secs. The Nab was turned to in a lighter breeze and smoother water, and 'Navahoe,' getting a northerly slant when off the Elbow buoy of the Dean, made a long leg out, while 'Britannia' had been pegging away at short turnings. The latter, however, weathered the lights.h.i.+p holding a lead of 14 mins. 5 secs., and she only added 10 secs. in going free to the western mark. The wind having backed to the eastward, they could lay clean for home, and with a fair tide the ground was covered very fast. 'Britannia's' masthead had gone aft, and the heel of her housed topmast was sticking out so far that it had torn the staysail just inside the tabling, and the sail split up from foot to head just before she crossed the line victorious in her defence of the Royal Victoria Gold Cup. The 'Britannia' finished at 4 hrs. 29 mins. 17 secs., and 'Navahoe' at 4 hrs. 44 mins. 25 secs.

After having finished the deciding match for the Royal Victoria Gold Cup, conqueror and conquered sailed away westward and rode the night out at anchor in Cowes Roads. Tuesday, Sept. 12, was fixed for the race for the Brenton Reef Cup, and it turned out a bright crisp morning, with a fine singing breeze easterly, and, gauged by the loom on the seascape, it appeared probable the wind would prevail from that quarter. According to conditions the course was from off the Needles Rocks round Cherbourg breakwater, pa.s.sing in at the west end and out at the east, and returning to the Needles, the distance being computed at 120 miles. The antagonists were towed away after breakfast to the rendezvous, and going down the west channel a reef was put in mainsails, No. 3 jibs hoisted in stops, and flying jibs stowed at bowsprit ends, while jibheaded topsails were set after the last pull had been taken at purchases. The owner of the 'Navahoe's' wish that 5 mins. be allowed for crossing the line and the difference corrected at the finish of the match was acceded to, and about 11.30 the official steamer was in position, Mr. R. Grant, secretary of the Royal Yacht Squadron, being officer in charge. The imaginary starting line was formed by bringing the three Needles Rocks in one, and at noon the Blue Peter was lowered and the match commenced. 'Britannia' reached across the line at 12 hrs. 1 min. 6 secs. P.M., the 'Navahoe' at 12 hrs. 2 mins. 5 secs., the Prince of Wales's cutter thus having 54-1/2 secs. to allow at the finish. Sheets were trimmed for a beam wind, and with flying jibs and balloon staysails set they went racing fast across the down-coming ebb. There was a nasty ground swell, and on getting clear from under the lee of the land the full weight of the wind was felt, the sea getting crested and heavy. Jibheaders were handed, flying jibs lowered, and working staysails set, and travelling upwards of twelve knots there was plenty of drift knocking about.

'Britannia' continued to keep 'Navahoe' astern, and two hours after the start 25 miles had been logged. The wind kept true and they continued to sail a punis.h.i.+ng race, the vessels labouring a good deal in the lumpy sea, and yawing in all directions. Keeping up an even speed of about twelve knots, they made the breakwater about four and a half hours after the start, and up to this time 'Britannia' had kept her lead. When about five miles off, 'Navahoe' was let come up sharp across the leader's wake, and, making a shoot afterward off her helm, she looked like coming in to her opponent. 'Britannia' dropped back after being thus covered up, and then came into her rival's wake, and they raced on into the comparative smoothing under the land, with 'Navahoe' holding a few lengths lead. Topmasts were housed, and they pa.s.sed into the breakwater ready for the two-miles beat through Cherbourg Roads. This was at 5 o'clock, and 'Navahoe' had a lead of 25 secs. 'Britannia' drew to close round the buoy, 'Navahoe' found her opponent beating out broad on her weather, and in the first board 'Britannia' held a clear lead. In the last tack 'Britannia' stood on until she could spoil her opponent, and it took 'Navahoe' a few minutes to recover the winding. 'Britannia' headed out of the eastern end with about 2 mins. lead, and on getting in the open the ebb was still going west. It was a clean fetch back, but the wind was heavier and the sea steeper than on coming over. When night closed in they were about half-way across Channel, the vessels then getting fearfully punished. They raced together, however, in a wonderful way, 'Britannia' keeping the lead, with 'Navahoe' about 150 yards astern, the latter running wildly about, pointing one minute wide of the leader's weather quarter and anon for the lee side. Foresails had with difficulty been lowered when the vessels were about two miles off the breakwater, but with the wind more moderate, when they were about five miles off St. Catherine's they were reset. The flood tide was streaming hard, but 'Britannia' on closing in to the Needles was hauled up a bit for fear the wind should draw off the land, while 'Navahoe' was sailed hard along and closed on the leader. As the club steamer could not be anch.o.r.ed in the fairway outside the Needles, she was brought into Alum Bay and moored, and according to official timing 'Britannia' showed 'on' with the Needles Light at 10 hrs. 37 mins. 35 secs. P.M., the 'Navahoe' at 10 hrs. 38 mins. 32 secs., 'Britannia'

thus being winner on corrected time by 2-1/2 secs. Mr. Carroll protested that the judge's steamer was not in position, and that the difference between the vessels at the finish was not so much as 57 secs. A meeting of the Royal Yacht Squadron Sailing Committee was called, and it was decided to adjudge 'Navahoe' winner. It need hardly be said that this ruling was thought hard on 'Britannia' after such a grand race, and no explanation of the finding was forthcoming. It was understood that the owner of the 'Navahoe' would not agree to the match being re-sailed.

It was arranged to sail for the Cape May Cup on Friday, Sept. 15, under precisely similar conditions to those which governed the Brenton Reef Cup, and over the same course. In order to obviate any difficulty about timing in the dark, it was agreed that the start and finish should be from Alum Bay, and Col. J. Sterling undertook the duties of starter and time-keeper. Seven o'clock was named for a beginning, but the vessels could not move out of Cowes Roads until 9.30, owing to a dense fog choking up the west channel.

On getting down to Alum Bay a further wait had to be made, owing to a gla.s.s calm prevailing, and it was not until 12.30 that the preparatory flag was broken out. There was a soft westerly breeze at the time, which gave a short beat out to the Needles. Fine generals.h.i.+p was displayed on 'Britannia,' which was intentionally sailed through the line before the gun, and 'Navahoe' was allowed the honour of showing the way. 'Britannia' followed 10 secs. later, and on meeting 'Navahoe'

standing off on port tack put her round, and presently stayed dead in her wind. 'Navahoe' got a terrible shake-off, and was 2-1/2 mins.

astern at the Needles. They then had a close reach off into the Channel, and with the light breeze narrowing only slow progress was made. An hour and a half after the start 'Britannia' held a lead of about a mile, and at 7 o'clock she was judged to be three miles ahead.

At 8 o'clock there was not a breath of wind, the vessels laid in a perfect calm for about two hours, and it was reckoned that 'Britannia'

was then about twenty miles off the Wight. At 10.15 a north-east breeze gathered in, 'Britannia' ran away with it, and in the pitchy darkness 'Navahoe' could not be made out.

The breeze kept up, and the spinnaker was carried on 'Britannia'

until Cape Barfleur lights were made out right ahead. Owing to an alteration in the character of the lights not being noticed on the chart for a time, it was thought 'Britannia' was too far to the westward, the spinnaker was then got off, and the vessel hauled up a little. The western end was made in the grey of the morning, and on entering at 5.29 'Britannia' was holding about three miles lead, but 'Navahoe' was closing up fast. The wind was drawing through Cherbourg Roads, a few boards were made to get weathering distance of the east end, and 'Britannia' was going out at the one end while 'Navahoe' was about entering at the other, the distance between them being a trifle over two miles. The breeze, which came from the northward by east, was growing, and jib topsails were pulled down when about ten miles off.

'Britannia' was sailed to keep her opponent fair in her wake, and she might have been made fetch Christchurch head, but Durleston was the landfall, and the leader tacked off the Dorset headland at 10.15, 'Navahoe' following at 10.45. It was a beat hence home with a weather tide, and 'Britannia' at this game made a terrible exhibition of her opponent, weathering the line winner of the Cape May Cup with a lead of 36 mins. 13 secs. The official timing was, 'Britannia' 12 hrs. 57 mins. 19 secs. P.M., 'Navahoe' 1 hr. 33 mins. 32 secs. P.M. It may be said that 'Britannia's' sail-area in the Gold Cup, Brenton Reef, and Cape May races was 10,327 square feet, and the 'Navahoe's' 10,815 square feet, the latter having been clipped to the extent of 270 feet.

In summing up this review it may be said there is little reason to doubt that the 'Britannia' was the best all round vessel of the fleet; the 'Valkyrie' was a trifle the quicker in stays and in light breezes, the better vessel to windward, or even on a long close reach, and also in a dead run. In hard winds and plain sailing the 'Satanita's' 10 ft.

greater length on the load-line gave her the mastery over the Prince of Wales's cutter, but on any point and in any weather 'Britannia' was equal to lowering the 'Calluna's' colours. The 'Britannia' and 'Navahoe' were desperately close matched whenever the latter could get a broad reach or run and keep the lee rail out of water, but the Prince of Wales's cutter was immeasurably her superior on the all-important point--going to windward. Perfect handling contributed not a little to 'Britannia's' success, and, sailed as she was by John Carter and Mr. W. G. Jameson, it is certain nothing was given away or lost. She had a peerless record in her cla.s.s--namely, 33 prizes in 43 starts; the gross value of the prizes won, including challenge cups, being in round numbers 2,500_l._

It must have been highly gratifying to the 'Valkyrie's' designer that the vessel excelled in the very weather and sailing points desired--namely, going to windward and dead running. Her trials with 'Britannia' showed how wonderfully evenly matched the vessels were in moderate weather, and artistic handling was always conspicuous whenever Lord Dunraven's cutter was under a racing flag. 'Valkyrie'

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