Yachting Volume I Part 2

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In 1889 the 'Sunbeam' was lent to Lord Tennyson, for a short cruise in the Channel. The owner deeply regrets that he was prevented by Parliamentary duties from taking charge of his vessel with a pa.s.senger so ill.u.s.trious on board.

The distances covered in the course of the various cruises enumerated may be approximately given:--

_Distances sailed: compiled from Log Books_

+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Year | Knots | Year | Knots | Year | Knots | Year | Knots +-----+-------+------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+ 1854 | 150 | 1864 | 1,000 | 1874 | 12,747 | 1884 | 3,087 1855 | 250 | 1865 | 2,626 | 1875 | 4,370 | 1885 | 6,344 1856 | 2,000 | 1866 | 4,400 | 1876 } | 1886 } 1857 | 1,500 | 1867 | 3,000 | 1877 } 37,000 | 1887 } 36,466 1858 | 2,500 | 1868 | 1,000 | 1878 | 9,038 | 1888 | 1,175 1859 | 2,300 | 1869 | 1,900 | 1879 | 5,627 | 1889 | 8,785 1860 | 1,000 | 1870 | 1,400 | 1880 | 5,415 | 1890 | 8,287 1861 | 800 | 1871 | 5,234 | 1881 | 5,435 | 1891 | 1,133 1862 | 3,200 | 1872 | 9,152 | 1882 | 3,345 | 1892 | 11,992 1863 | 900 | 1873 | 2,079 | 1883 | 13,545 | 1893 | 8,500 +-------------------------------------------------------------+

Total, 1854-1893, 228,682 knots.

I turn from the voyages to the yachts in which they were performed, observing that no later possession filled its owner with more pride than was felt in the smart little 8-tonner which heads the list.

+--------+--------------------+------------+---------+---------------------+ Date | Name of yacht | Rig | Tonnage | -- +--------+--------------------+------------+---------+---------------------+ 1854-58 | Spray of the Ocean | Cutter | 8 | -- 1853 | Cymba (winner of } | | | Queen's Cup in } " | 50 { Fife of Fairlie's | the Mersey, 1857)} | { favourite 1859-60 | Albatross | | 118 | -- 1863-71 | Meteor { Auxiliary } | | { schooner } 164 | -- 1871-72 | Muriel | Cutter | 60 { Dan Hatcher's | | | { favourite 1872 | Eothen | S.S. | 340 | 1874-93 | Sunbeam { Auxiliary } | | { schooner } 532 | -- 1882-83 | Norman | Cutter | 40 | Dan Hatcher 1891 | Lorna | " | 90 { Camper and Nicholson | | | { (1881) 1892-93 | Zarita | Yawl | 115 { Fife of Fairlie | | | { (1875) +--------+--------------------+------------+---------+---------------------+ _Yachts hired_ 1885 | Lillah | Cutter | 20 | -- 1863 | Eulalie | " | 18 | -- 1873 | Livonia | Schooner | 240 | Ratsey (1871) +--------+--------------------+------------+---------+---------------------+

The variety of craft in the foregoing list naturally affords opportunity for comparison. I shall be glad if such practical lessons as I have learned can be of service to my brother yachtsmen. And, first, as to the cla.s.s of vessel suitable for ocean cruising. As might be expected, our home-keeping craft are generally too small for long voyages. Rajah Brooke did some memorable work in the 'Royalist'

schooner, 45 tons; but a vessel of 400 tons is not too large to keep the sea and to make a fair pa.s.sage in all weathers, while giving s.p.a.ce enough for privacy and comfort to the owner, his friends, and the crew. Such vessels as the truly n.o.ble 'St. George,' 871 tons, the 'Valhalla,' 1,400 tons, and Mr. Vanderbilt's 'Valiant,' of 2,350 tons (Mr. St. Clare Byrne's latest production), cannot be discussed as examples of a type which can be repeated in ordinary practice.

Yachtsmen have been deterred from going to sufficient tonnage by considerations of expense. When providing a floating home of possibly many years, first cost is a less serious question than the annual outlay in maintaining and working.

A cruise on the eastern seaboard of North America, where the business of coasting has been brought to the highest perfection, would materially alter the prevailing view as to the complements necessary for handling a schooner of the tonnage recommended. The coasting trade of the United States is carried on in large schooners, rigged with three to five masts. All the sails are fore and aft. In tacking, a couple of hands attend the headsheets, and these, with a man at the wheel, are sufficient to do the work of a watch, even in narrow channels, working short boards. The anchor is weighed and the large sails are hoisted by steam-power. The crews of the American fore-and-aft schooners scarcely exceed the proportion of one man to every hundred tons of cargo carried. For a three-masted schooner of 400 tons, a crew of twelve working hands would be ample, even where the requirements of a yacht have to be provided for. In point of safety, comfort, speed in blowing weather, and general ability to keep the sea and make pa.s.sages, the 400-ton schooner would offer most desirable advantages over schooner yachts of half the tonnage, although manned with the same number of hands.

It is not within the scope of my present remarks to treat of naval architecture. The volumes will contain contributions from such able men as Messrs. G. L. Watson, who designed the 'Britannia' and 'Valkyrie,' and Lewis Herreshoff, whose 'Navahoe' and 'Vigilant' have recently attracted so much attention. I may, however, say that my personal experience leads me to admire the American models, in which broad beam and good sheer are always found. In 1886, I had the opportunity of seeing the International Race for the America Cup, when the English cutter 'Galatea' (Lieut. Henn, R.N.), with a sail-area of 7,146 feet, and 81 tons of ballast, sailed against the American sloop 'Puritan,' with 9,000 square feet of sail-area and 48 tons of ballast.

On this occasion, the advantages of great beam, combined with a shallow middle body and a deep keel, were conspicuously ill.u.s.trated.

The Americans, while satisfied with their type, do not consider their sloops as seaworthy as our cutters. The development which seems desirable in our English building was indicated in a letter addressed to the 'Times' from Chicago in September 1886:--

Avoiding exaggerations on both sides, we may build up on the solid keel of an English cutter a hull not widely differing in form from that of the typical American sloop. It can be done, and pride and prejudice should not be suffered to bar the way of improvement. The yachtsmen of a past generation, led by Mr. Weld of Lulworth, the owner of the famous 'Alarm,' were not slow to learn a lesson from the contests with the 'America' in 1851. We may improve our cutters, as we formerly improved our schooners, by adaptations and modifications, which need not be servile imitations of the fine sloops our champion vessels have encountered on the other side of the Atlantic.

After the lapse of seven years, we find ourselves, in 1893, at the termination of a very remarkable year's yachting. The new construction has included H.R.H. the Prince of Wales's yacht, the 'Britannia,' with 23 feet beam, Lord Dunraven's 'Valkyrie,' Mr.

Clarke's 'Satanita,' and the Clyde champion 'Calluna,' all conspicuous for development of beam, combined with the deep, fine keel which is our English subst.i.tute for the American centreboard. These vessels have proved doughty antagonists of the 'Navahoe,' brought over by that spirited yacht-owner, Mr. Caryll, to challenge all comers in British waters.

Thus far as to sailing yachts. Though the fas.h.i.+on of the hour has set strongly towards steam-propelled vessels, the beautiful white canvas, and the easy motion when under sail, will long retain their fascination for all pleasure voyaging. It is pleasant to be free from the thud of engines, the smell of oil, and the horrors of the inevitable coaling. Owners who have no love for sailing, and to whom a yacht is essentially a means of conveyance from port to port and a floating home, do well to go for steam. The most efficient and cheapest steam yacht is one in which the masts are reduced to two signal-poles, on which jib-headed trysails may be set to prevent rolling. As to tonnage, the remarks already offered on the advantages of large size apply to steamers even more than to sailing yachts. When s.p.a.ce must be given to machinery, boilers, and bunkers, the tonnage must be ample to give the required accommodation. The cost of building and manning, and the horse-power of the engines, do not increase in proportion to the increase of size. The building of steamers for the work of tramps has now been brought down to 7_l_. per ton. I would strongly urge yacht-owners contemplating ocean cruising to build vessels of not less than 600 tons. Let the fittings be as simple and inexpensive as possible, but let the tonnage be large enough to secure a powerful sea-boat, with coal endurance equal to 3,000 knots, at ten knots, capable of keeping up a fair speed against a stiff head wind, and habitable and secure in all weathers.

Deck-houses are a great amenity at sea, but the conventional yacht skipper loves a roomy deck, white as snow, truly a marvel of scrubbing. Considerations of habitability at sea are totally disregarded by one who feels no need for an airy place of retirement for reading and writing. The owner, seeking to make life afloat pa.s.s pleasantly, will consider deck cabins indispensable.

There remains a third and very important type for ocean cruising, that of the sailing yacht with auxiliary steam-power. The 'Firefly,' owned by Sir Henry Oglander, the pioneer in this cla.s.s, suggested to the present writer a debased imitation in the 'Meteor,' 164 tons. About the same date somewhat similar vessels were brought out, amongst others by Lord Dufferin, whose earliest experiences under sail had been given to the world in 'Letters from High Lat.i.tudes.' All will remember the never-varying announcement by a not too cheering steward, on calling his owner, in response to the inquiry, 'How is the wind?'

'Dead ahead, my lord, dead ahead!'

[Ill.u.s.tration: 'Sunbeam'--mids.h.i.+p section.]

The 'Sunbeam' was launched in 1874; following in her wake, the 'Chazalie,' 1875, 'Czarina,' 1877, and the 'Lancas.h.i.+re Witch,' 1878, appeared in rapid succession. The 'Lancas.h.i.+re Witch' was bought by the Admiralty for a surveying vessel, as being especially adapted to the requirements of that particular service. The 'St. George,' 831 tons, launched 1890, is an enlargement and improvement on her predecessors already named. She does credit to her owner, Mr. Wythes; the designer, Mr. Storey; and the builders, Messrs. Ramage. The 'Sunbeam,' as the first of this cla.s.s, has been a great success. She was designed by Mr.

St. Clare Byrne, M.I.N.A., as a composite three-masted topsail-yard screw schooner, constructed at Birkenhead, and launched in 1874. The following table gives the leading details:--

Material of hull Iron frame, teak skin Length of hull 159 feet, over all 170 feet Beam 27 ft. 6 in.

Depth of hold 13 ft. 9 in.

Displacement in tons 576 tons Draught 13 ft. 6 in.

Registered tonnage 227 tons Engines, compound By Laird, of Birkenhead Horse-power 70 nominal, or 350 indicated Stowage of coals in bunkers 70 tons Sail area 9,200 square yards Weight of port anchor 12 cwt. 2 qr.

" starboard anchor 12 cwt. 1 qr. 6 lbs.

Size of cable on board 1-1/16 inch } " new cable on sh.o.r.e 1-2/16 " } bower cables Stowage of water: Fore tanks 6-1/2 tons } After tanks 4 " } total, 16 tons Reserve tanks 5-1/2 " } Lead ballast 75 tons Speed in fine weather 9 knots Average consumption of coal daily 6 tons

_Dimensions of Spars_

+--------------------------------+-------------+-------------------------+ -- | Length | Diam.

+--------------------------------+-------------+-------------------------+ FORE | ft. | in.

Foremast, from deck to masthead | 69-1/2 | -- Below deck | 14-1/2 | -- Total | 84 | 19-1/2 Top and topgallant-mast | 45 | 12 Fore-yard | 50-1/2 | 12 Topsail-yard | 42-1/2 | 9 Topgallant-yard | 33 | 7 Fore-gaff | 29-1/2 | 7 Fore-boom | 33-3/4 | 9 MAIN | | Mainmast from deck to masthead | 74 | -- Below deck | 14-1/2 | -- Total | 88-1/2 | 19 Main-topmast | 42-2/3 | 9-1/2 Main-gaff | 29-3/4 | 7-1/2 Main-boom | 35-1/4 | 8-3/4 MIZEN | | Mizenmast from deck to masthead | 78-1/2 | -- Below deck | 7-1/2 | -- Total | 86 | 18-1/2 Mizen-topmast | 43-1/2 | 9-1/2 Mizen-gaff | 33 | 9 Mizen-boom | 52-3/4 | 13-1/2 +--------------------------------+-------------+-------------------------+ Jibboom, length 49 ft. 9 in., diameter 9-1/2 inches Bowsprit " 21 ft. 9 in. " 17-1/2 inches (outside knighthead) +------------------------------------------------------------------------+

It may be interesting to give some general account of the 'Sunbeam's'

performances at sea.

In making the voyage round the world in 1876-77 the total distances covered were 15,000 knots under sail and 12,800 knots under steam. The best run under steam alone was 230 knots. The most successful continuous performance was on the pa.s.sage from Penang to Galle, when 1,451 knots were steamed in a week, with a daily consumption of 4-1/4 tons of coal. The best runs under sail, from noon to noon, were 298 and 299 knots respectively. The first was on the pa.s.sage from Honolulu to Yokohama, sailing along the 16th parallel of north lat.i.tude, and between 163 and 168 15' east. The second was in the Formosa Channel.

The highest speed ever attained under sail was 15 knots, in a squall in the North Pacific. On 28 days the distance under sail alone has exceeded, and often considerably exceeded, 200 knots. The best consecutive runs under sail only were:--

1. Week ending August 13, South Atlantic, in the south-east trades, wind abeam, force 5, 1,456 knots.

2. Week ending November 19, South Pacific, south-east trades, wind aft, force 5, 1,360 knots.

3. Four days, January 15 to 18, North Pacific, north-east trades, wind on the quarter, force 5 to 9, 1,027 knots. The average speed in this case was 10.7 knots an hour.

The following were the average speeds of the longer pa.s.sages:--

+-------------------------+--------+--------+--------+-------+ | |Days at | Total |Distance| Daily | | ---- | sea |Distance| under |average| | | | | steam | | +-------------------------+--------+--------+--------+-------+ | | | miles | miles | miles | |1. Cape Verdes to Rio | 18 | 3,336 | 689 | 185 | |2. Valparaiso to Yokohama| 72 | 12,333 | 2,108 | 171 | |3. Simonosaki to Aden | 37 | 6,93 | 4,577 | 187 | +-------------------------+--------+--------+--------+-------+

On a later voyage to Australia, the total distance covered was 36,709 knots, 25,808 under sail and 10,901 under steam. The runs under sail included thirty-nine days over 200 knots, fifteen days over 240, seven days over 260, and three days over 270. The best day was 282 knots.

Between Port Darwin and the Cape the distance covered was 1,047 knots under steam, and 5,622 knots under sail. The average speed under steam and sail was exactly eight knots. In the fortnight, October 13 to 27, 1887, 3,073 knots, giving an average speed of nine knots an hour, were covered under sail alone, with winds of moderate strength. Balloon canvas was freely used.

On returning from the voyage just referred to, the boilers of the 'Sunbeam' (which are still at work, after nineteen years' service) required such extensive repairs that it was recommended to remove them and to replace with new. Hesitating to take this step, we went through two seasons under sail alone, the propeller being temporarily removed and the aperture closed. In 1889 a voyage was accomplished to the Mediterranean under these conditions. Making the pa.s.sage from Portsmouth to Naples, in the month of February, we covered a total distance of 2,303 miles from port to port in ten days and four hours.

The same good luck with the winds followed us in subsequent pa.s.sages to Messina, Zante, Patras, and Brindisi, during which we steadily maintained the high average of ten knots. On the return voyage down the Mediterranean, the results were very different. As this novel experiment in running an auxiliary steam yacht under sail alone may be of interest, a few further details may be added.

The average rate of speed for the distance sailed through the water was approximately 6.4 knots. The total number of days at sea was 44.

On 23 days the winds were contrary. On 21 days favourable winds were experienced. With much contrary wind and frequent calms the distances made good on the shortest route from port to port averaged 123 miles per day.

For the total distance of 3,020 miles from Portsmouth to Brindisi, touching at Naples, Messina, Taormina, Zante, and Patras, with fresh and favourable breezes, the distances made good on the shortest route averaged 201 miles per day.

On the pa.s.sage down the Mediterranean, from Brindisi to Gibraltar, calling at Palermo and Cagliari, against persistent head winds, and with 60 hours of calm, the distance made good from port to port was reduced to 67 miles a day.

Homewards, from Gibraltar, against a fresh Portuguese trade, the distance made good rose to an average of 122 miles through the water per day, the average rate of sailing being 6-1/4 knots. From a position 230 miles nearly due west of Cape St. Vincent to Spithead, the 'Sunbeam' covered the distance of 990 miles in six days, being for the most part close-hauled.

+------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+------+ | Total | | | | |distances|Distances| Time | Fair | | port to | sailed |under way| winds | Calms | port | | | | +------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+------+ | miles | miles |days hrs.| days hrs.| hours Portsmouth to Naples | 2,200 | 2,303 | 10 4 | 9 0 | 11 Naples to Brindisi (calling } | | | | at Messina, Taormina, Zante,} 820 | 841 | 5 0 | 4 0 | 16 and Patras) } | | | | Brindisi to Palermo | 400 | 638 | 5 6 | 0 7 | 13 Palermo to Cagliari | 224 | 353 | 3 19 | -- | 11 Cagliari to Gibraltar | 730 | 1,188 | 10 5 | 2 2 | 37 Gibraltar to Portsmouth | 1,175 | 1,457 | 9 16 | 6 0 | 8 +------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+------+ Total | 5,549 | 6,780 | 44 2 | 21 9 | 96 +------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+------+

In the course of the voyage numerous gales of wind were experienced, viz.: on February 12, a severe mistral, on the pa.s.sage from Minorca towards Naples; March 28, heavy gale from westward off Stromboli; April 9 and 10, gale from S.W. at the mouth of the Adriatic; April 17, gale from S., off south coast of Sardinia; April 29 and 30, gale from W., off Almeria.

On the days of light winds and calms, balloon topmast staysails, a jib-topsail, and an extra large lower studsail, were found most valuable in maintaining the rate of sailing.

In ordinary cruising I find that, as a general rule, one-third of the distance is covered under steam, and that upon the average we make pa.s.sages at the rate of 1,000 miles a week. The consumption of coal is very moderate. For a voyage round the world, of 36,000 miles, the coal consumed was only 325 tons.

[Ill.u.s.tration: 'Sunbeam,' R.Y.S. Designed by St. Clare Byrne, 1874.]

If I were dealing with the question of rig, with the long experience gained on the 'Sunbeam,' I should decidedly adopt the barque rig. In confirmation of this opinion, it may be interesting to note that when H.M. brig 'Beagle' was under the command of Captain FitzRoy, R.N., for a lengthened service in the Straits of Magellan and the coasts of South America, the mizenmast was stuck through the skylight of the captain's cabin, an arrangement which, while of service to the s.h.i.+p, was not unnaturally a source of discomfort to the captain. In making pa.s.sages in the Trades, with light winds on the quarter and the usual swell, fore-and-aft sails are constantly lifting, while sails set on fixed yards keep asleep. They draw better, and there is no chafe. I have found great advantage from the use of large studding-sails, made of light duck. This material was highly esteemed when it was first brought out. In modern practice a combination of silk and hemp furnishes a greatly superior material for the huge spinnakers, of 4,000 square feet, carried by the 'Navahoe' and 'Valkyrie.' The new balloon sails can no longer be called canvas. They may more accurately be described as muslin.

I will not attempt a recital of nautical adventures in the present chapter; but a few experiences may be briefly described. The worst pa.s.sage I ever made was in the 'Eothen,' s.s., 340 tons, in 1872, from Queenstown to Quebec, touching at St. John's, Newfoundland. On August 14 we put to sea deeply laden, with bunkers full, and 15 tons of coal in bags on deck. In this condition we had 2 ft. 9 in. of freeboard. On the second day out we encountered a summer gale. Shortly after it came on, we s.h.i.+pped a sea, which broke over the bow and filled us up to the rail. At the same time the engineer put his head above the engine-room hatch, and announced that, the bearings having become heated, he must stop the engines. For a short time we were in danger of falling off into the trough of the sea. It was a great relief when the engines once more slowly turned ahead. In the mid-Atlantic, we encountered a cyclone, pa.s.sing through the calm but ominous centre into a violent gale from the north-west, which lasted twenty-four hours. We were battened down and suffered considerable discomfort. Fortunately, no heavy sea broke on board as we lay to under double-reefed main storm-trysail, the engines slowly turning ahead. Two days later we encountered another sharp gale, in which the barometer fell to 29.14.

Happily it soon pa.s.sed over. After this third gale we had a change of wind to the eastward, and, pus.h.i.+ng on, with all sail set, we reached St. John's in thirteen days from Queenstown, with four inches of water in the tanks, two tons of coal in the bunkers, the decks leaking in every seam, cabins in utter disarray, and a perfect wreck aloft and on deck. After leaving St. John's, where we had confidently hoped that the worst was over, we encountered a hurricane off Cape Race, which exceeded in violence anything that had been experienced in these waters for many years. We lay to for three days, and when the storm abated put into the French island St. Pierre, almost exhausted. It was an unspeakable relief when we entered the St. Lawrence.

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