Four Plays of Gil Vicente Part 36

Four Plays of Gil Vicente -

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284. _do_ A. _de_ C.

299, 300. _ver-te-has_ C.

308. _ca mo_ A, B. _ca a mo_ C.

327. _libara_ B.

328. _querelo_ A, B. _quere-lo_ C, D, E.

332. _bem_ A, B. _vem_ C, D, E.

353. _eu amargura_ B.

354. _quasi_ A, B. _qu'a.s.si_ C.

378. _lhe basta_ C.

392. _vayamonos_ A. _vayamos_ C.

407. _maas_ A. _mais_ C.

408. _descortees_ A. _descortes_ B. _descortez_ C.

427. _moncarraz_ A, B. _Moncarraz_ C.

456. _mami_ A. _a mi_ C.

462. Desunt 462-577 in B.

469. _a creatura_ C.

477. _escriptas_ C.

482. _& diz Fernando_ A. _& diz o Ermito_ C.

487. _Escri._ A. _(Le o Ermito o escrito)_ C.

498. _alto, nome_ C.

499-500. _Escrito_ A. _(Le o Ermito)_ C.

530: _amigo_ A, B, C, D, E. _marido_ ?

545: _D'infindo_ C.

566. Desunt 566-8 in C.

608. _Cea_ C.

609. _recentes_ C.

613. _duzentas_ C.

618. _tan grossa, tam san._ B.

628. _Aguias reaes._ B.

630. _penedos._ B. _Penados._ C.

635. _brocados._ C.

645-6. Desunt _hum se chama._ et _outro._ in C. _Iorge._ C.

647. _extremo._ C.

649. _Castelhanos._ C.

655. _estrella_ B.

660. _ham_ A. _ha hi_ C.

668. _auia, havia_ A, B, C, D, E. _queria_?

685-6. _Cantiga_ B.

711. _chacotezinha_ A, B. _chacotazinha_ C.

713-4. _he a seguinte Cantiga_ C.

Note. ad fin. -- _Laus Deo_ B.


_Pastoral tragicomedy of the Serra da Estrella._

_A pastoral tragicomedy made in honour of and played before the very powerful and catholic King Dom John III of Portugal on the delivery of the most high Queen Dona Caterina our lady and the birth of the most ill.u.s.trious Infanta Dona Maria, afterwards Princess of Castille, in the city of Coimbra in the Year of the Lord 1527._

_Enters the Serra da Estrella and says:_

Joy that shakes and wakes the hill, The mighty mountain-range of me, Will increase the swelling sea And the sky with singing fill 5 Till Castilla dance in glee.

And in this hour it is my will That the whole of me, no less, To Coimbra as a shepherdess, A Beira peasant-girl, shall come, 10 Since in Beira is my home.

With me thither they who are mine, The hill-girls of nut-brown tresses, Each with her lover shall repair, Yea and all the shepherdesses 15 Who flocks upon my pastures keep.

And the choicest of the kine And of the merino sheep, That I may have to offer there A present to our Queen of Queens 20 Who is fairest of the fair.

Mistress she of broad demesnes Came unto our mountain land And among the hills hath she Borne a new princess of Spain 25 That we give to her again, Even a rose imperial As the most high Isabel, An image of Gabriel For the repose of Portugal, 30 Its precious ward and canopy.

So clearly is G.o.d's purpose planned.

_Fool._ Good faith, no, not a whit he knows But the Virgin Mary knows.

But he unto no good inclines 35 And only serves to burn the vines.

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