The Prophet Ezekiel Part 20

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2. Another interpretation claims that the whole vision sprang from the imagination of the prophet. That all is an ideal description of something which the expositor himself is unable to define. This mode of interpretation needs no further mention and answer.

3. The third interpretation of these chapters is the allegorical which spiritualizes everything and claims that the Christian church, its earthly glory and blessing, is symbolically described by the prophet.

This is the weakest of all and yet the most accepted. But this theory gives no exposition of the text, is vague and abounds in fanciful applications, while the greater part of this vision is left unexplained even in its allegorical meaning, for it evidently has no such meaning at all.[36]

[36] What strange applications have been made of this vision! We quote from the "New Century Bible" which says concerning this temple: "Its details shed a light nowhere else vouchsafed to us upon the ideals of _Hebrew art_, influenced perhaps, by Babylonian masterpieces, yet entirely national and Puritan; and they embody in material form Ezekiel's sober but intense conception of religion, as completely as the Gothic cathedrals translate into concrete and abiding stone and marble the soaring visions of mediaeval Christianity."(!)

The true interpretation is the literal one which looks upon these chapters as a prophecy yet unfulfilled and to be fulfilled when Israel has been restored by the Shepherd and when His glory is once more manifested in the midst of His people. The great building seen in his prophetic vision will then come into existence and all will be accomplished.

But while we are sure of the strictly future fulfillment of this final vision, the many details which abound in these chapters can hardly be fully interpreted as to their meaning. Much is obscure. That all has a deeper meaning we do not doubt; and here and there we shall offer suggestions, but many things we shall have to pa.s.s over. Before we turn to the text and open up the contents of these chapters, a telescopic view of the whole section is in order and will be helpful in our further studies.

We call attention first to the three main divisions.

=I. The Description of the Temple.= Chapters xl-xlii.

=II. The Temple Wors.h.i.+p.= Chapters xliii-xlvi.

=III. The Vision Concerning the Land.= Chapters xlvii-xlviii.

Generally these eight chapters are called "The Temple Vision;" but there is much more than the vision of a future temple. We shall see next the contents of these chapters.

=I. The Description of the Temple.= Chapters xl-xlii.

Chapter xl.

1. The Introduction. Verses 1-4.

2. The Gate toward the East. Verses 5-16.

3. The Outer Court. Verses 17-27.

4. The Inner Court. Verses 28-37.

5. The Tables for the Offerings and the Chambers for the Inner Court. Verses 38-47.

6. The Porch of the House. Verses 48-49.

Chapter xli.

1. The Holy Place. Verses 1-2.

2. The Most Holy. Verses 3-4.

3. The Side Chambers. Verses 5-11.

4. The Hinder Buildings and the Measurement. Verses 12-14.

5. Description of the Interior of the Temple. Verses 15-26.

Chapter xlii.

1. The Priest's Chambers in the Inner Court. Verses 1-14.

2. The Final Measurements. Verses 15-20.

=II. The Temple Wors.h.i.+p.= Chapters xliii-xlvi.

Chapter xliii.

1. The Return of the Glory of the Lord and Filling the House.

Verses 1-9.

2. The Address to the Nation. Verses 10-12.

3. The Dimensions of the Altar. Verses 13-17.

4. The Offerings to be Brought. Verses 18-27.

Chapter xliv.

1. The Outward Eastern Gate for the Prince. Verses 1-3.

2. The Charge concerning the Strangers and the Rebellious Tribes.

Verses 4-14.

3. The Charge concerning the Priests, the Sons of Zadok. Verses 15-27.

4. The Inheritance of the Priests. Verses 28-31.

Chapter xlv.

1. The Portions of the Priests, the Levites, of the whole House of Israel and the Prince. Verses 1-8.

2. Concerning the Prince. Verses 9-17.

3. The Feast of Pa.s.sover and the Feast of Tabernacles. Verse 18-25.

Chapter xlvi.

1. The Wors.h.i.+p of the Prince. Verses 1-8.

2. Further Instruction as to Wors.h.i.+p. Verses 9-15.

3. Concerning the Prince, his Sons and his Servants. Verses 16-18.

4. A Final Description of places in the Temple. Verses 19-24.

=III. The Vision concerning the Land.= Chapters xlvii-xlviii.

Chapter xlvii.

1. The Waters of Healing from the Temple. Verses 1-12.

2. Borders of the Land. Verses 13-21.

3. Concerning the Stranger in the land. Verses 22-23.

Chapter xlviii.

1. The Portion of the Seven Tribes. Verses 1-7.

2. The Oblation for the Sanctuary, for the City and for the Prince.

Verses 8-29.

3. The Gates of the City and its new Name. Verses 30-35.


Chapter xl.

The Temple vision is first recorded and the opening verses form the introduction.

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