Toilers of the Sea Part 18

Toilers of the Sea -

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"Good: the man shall wait in this house."

"He must have provisions."

"He will be furnished with them."


"From this bag which I have brought."

"Very good."

"Can I leave this bag here?"

"Smugglers are not robbers."

"And when do you go?"

"To-morrow morning. If your man was ready he could come with us."

"He is not prepared."

"That is his affair."

"How many days will he have to wait in this house?"

"Dos, tres, quatro dias; menos o mas."

"Es cierto que el Blasquito vendra?"


"En est Plainmont?"

"En est Plainmont."

"A qual semana?"

"La que viene."

"A qual dia?"

"Viernes, o sabado, o domingo."

"No peuede faltar?"

"Es mi tocayo."

"Por qualquiera tiempo viene?"

"Qualquiera. No tieme. Soy el Blasco, es el Blasquito."

"Asi, no puede faltar de venir en Guernesey?"

"Vengo a un mes, y viene al otro mes."


"A cuentar del otro sabado, desde hoy en ocho, no se parasan cinco dias sin que venga el Blasquito."

"Pero un muy malo mar?"

"Egurraldia gaiztoa."

"Two, three, or four days; more or less."

"Is it certain that Blasquito will come?"


"Here to Pleinmont?"

"To Pleinmont."


"Next week."

"What day?"

"Friday,, or Sunday."

"May he not fail?"

"He is my Tocayo."

"Will he come in any weather?"

"At any time. He has no fear. My name is Blasco, his Blasquito."

"So he cannot fail to come to Guernsey?"

"I come one month--he the other."

"I understand."

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