The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805 Part 19

The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805 -

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As soon as I recovered, I set about exchanging some amber and coral for cowries, which are the current money of Bambarra.


Coral No. 4 each stone 60 Amber No. 5 60 Blue agates per string 100

With these three articles I bought about twenty thousand cowries. It is curious that in counting the cowries, they call eighty a hundred; whilst in all other things they calculate by the common hundred. Sixty is called a Manding hundred.

On the 6th Thomas Dyer (a private) died of the fever. I had to pay one thousand to Dooty Sokee, before he would allow me to bury him; alleging that if the ground was not bought where he was buried, it would never grow good corn after.

There is no wood proper for boat building in this neighbourhood; the best wood is near Kankaree, on a large navigable branch of the Niger; and almost all the Bambarra canoes come from thence; many of them are mahogany.

The travellers from Sego brought us every day some unfavourable news or other. At one time it was reported, and believed all over Marraboo, that Mansong had killed Isaaco with his own hand, and would do the same with all the whites who should come into Bambarra. Our fears were at length dispelled by the arrival of Bookari, Mansong's singing man, on the 8th, with six canoes. He told us he came by Mansong's orders to convey us and our baggage to Sego. That Mansong thought highly of the presents which Isaaco had brought, and wished us to be brought to Sego before he received them from Isaaco. We accordingly put our baggage in order; but it was not till the 12th that the singing man and his _Somonies_ (canoe people) could be prevailed on to leave the Dooty _Sokee's_ good beef, and beer. We embarked, and left Marraboo at ten minutes past three o'clock.

Time. Course. Objects. Bearing. Distance.

3.10 E. 1/2 N. The North extreme E.

of the South hills.

Little hump on E.S.E.

South hills.

Cubic hill on North E. by N. Distant 12 side. or 14 miles.

0 25 E. by N.

0 30 E. N. E.

0 45 E. 1/2 S.

4 0 E.

0 45 E. by N. 1/2 W.

5 0 N. E. Cubic hill. N. Distant 1/4 of 0 10 Halted for the a mile.

night at Koolikorro

September 13th.--Bookari sent four of the Somonies over to a town on the opposite side of the river, to put in requisition a canoe for carrying part of our baggage. The people refused to give the canoe, and sent the Somonies back without it. Bookari immediately went with all the Somonies (38); and having cut the owner of the canoe across the forehead with his sword, and broke his brother's head with a canoe paddle, he seized one of his sons, and brought him away as a slave along with the canoe. He however set the boy at liberty, his father paying two thousand for his release.

We left Koolikorro at thirty-five minutes past eleven. I will not trouble your Lords.h.i.+p with transcribing the courses and compa.s.s bearings from this to Sansanding. The lat.i.tude of the places will give a sufficient idea of the course of the river; and I hope to give a tolerable correct chart of all its turnings and widings, when I return to Great Britain.

Observed mer. alt. Sun.-- 80 45 0 0 16 0 -------- 81 1 0 -------- ZD.-- 8 59 0 N D.-- 3 53 0 -------- Koolikorro Lat.i.tude-- 12 52 0 N --------

_The horizon_ was an oblique view across the river. Distance of the land seven miles; height of the eye sixteen inches above the surface of the water.

We travelled very pleasantly all day; in fact nothing can be more beautiful than the views of this immense river; sometimes as smooth as a mirror, at other times ruffled with a gentle breeze, but at all times sweeping us along at the rate of six or seven miles per hour. We halted for the night at Deena, a Somoni village on the south side. Had a tornado in the night, which wetted our baggage much. Most of us slept in the canoes to prevent theft.

September 14th.--Departed from Deena early in the morning, and arrived at Yamina at forty-five minutes past four o'clock. Halted here the 15th, in order to purchase cowries.

Observ. alt. Sun-- 79 63 0 0 16 0 ------- 79 52 0 ------- 10 8 0 3 7 0 ------- Yamina Lat.i.tude-- 13 15 0

On the 16th left Yamina, and in the evening reached Samee, where we landed our baggage; and Bookari went forward to Sego to inform Mansong of our arrival.

September 17th.-- ' "

Obser. mer. alt. Sun-- 78 47 0 0 16 0 ------- 79 3 0 ------- 10 57 0 2 20 0 ------- Samee Lat.i.tude-- 13 17 0 -------

September 18th.--No accounts from Sego.

September 19th.--About two o'clock in the morning, Isaaco arrived in a canoe from Sego, with all the articles I had sent to Mansong. Mansong had never yet seen any of them; and when he heard that I was arrived at Samee, he desired Modibinne to inform Isaaco that he had best take the articles up to Samee; and he would send a person to receive them from my own hand. Isaaco informed me that Mansong, at all the interviews he had with him, uniformly declared that he would allow us to pa.s.s; but whenever Isaaco mentioned us particularly, or related any incident that had happened on the journey, Mansong immediately began to make squares and triangles in the sand before him with his finger, and continued to do so, so long as Isaaco spoke about us. Isaaco said, that he thought Mansong was rather afraid of us; particularly as he never once expressed a wish to see us, but rather the contrary.

September 22d.--In the evening, Modibinne and four more of Mansong's friends arrived in a canoe. They sent for me, and Modibinne told me, that they were come by Mansong's orders to hear, from my own mouth, what had brought me into Bambarra. He said I might think on it during the night, and they would visit me in the morning; he said Mansong had sent me a bullock, which he shewed me: it was very fat, and _milk white_.

September 23d.--As soon as we had breakfasted, Modibinne and the four grandees came to visit us. When they had seated themselves, and the usual compliments pa.s.sed, Modibinne desired me to acquaint them with the motives which had induced me to come into their country. I spoke to them in the Bambarra language as follows. "I am the white man who nine years ago came into Bambarra. I then came to Sego, and requested Mansong's permission to pa.s.s to the Eastwards; he not only permitted me to pa.s.s, but presented me with five thousand cowries to purchase provisions on the road; [Footnote: Park's Travels, p. 199.] for you all know that the Moors had robbed me of my goods. This generous conduct of Mansong towards me, has made his name much respected in the land of the white people. The King of that country has sent me again into Bambarra; and if Mansong is inclined to protect me, and you who are here sitting, wish to befriend me, I will inform you of the real object of my coming into your country."

(Here Modibinne desired me to speak on, as they were all my friends), "You all know that the white people are a trading people; and that all the articles of value, which the Moors and the people of Jinnie bring to Sego, are made by us. If you speak of a _good gun_, who made it? the _white people_. If you speak of a good pistol or sword, or piece of scarlet or baft, or beads or gunpowder, who made them? the _white people_. We sell them to the Moors; the Moors bring them to Tombuctoo, where they sell them at a _higher rate_. The people of Tombuctoo sell them to the people of Jinnie at a still higher price; and the people of Jinnie sell them to you. Now the King of the white people wishes to find out a way by which we may bring our own merchandize to you, and sell every thing at a much cheaper rate than you now have them. For this purpose, if Mansong will permit me to pa.s.s, I propose sailing down the Joliba to the place where it mixes with the salt water; and if I find no rocks or danger in the way, the white men's small vessels will come up and trade at Sego, if Mansong wishes it. What I have now spoken, I hope and trust you will not mention to any person, except Mansong and his son; for if the Moors should hear of it, I shall certainly be murdered before I reach the salt water."

Modibinne answered, "We have heard what you have spoken. Your journey is a good one, and may G.o.d prosper you in it; Mansong will protect you. We will carry your words to Mansong this afternoon; and tomorrow we will bring you his answer." I made Isaaco shew them the different things, which I had allotted for Mansong and his son. They were delighted with the tureen, the double-barrelled guns, and in fact every thing was far superior to any thing of the kind they had ever before seen.

When I had laid out every thing for Mansong and his son, I then made each of the grandees, and Modibinne, a present of scarlet cloth.

Modibinne now said that they had seen what I laid out for Mansong and his son, and that the present was great, and worthy of Mansong; but, added he, Mansong has heard so many reports concerning your baggage, that he wishes us to examine it. "Such of the bundles as are covered with skin, we will not open; you will tell us what is in them, and that will be sufficient." I told them that I had nothing but what was necessary for purchasing provisions; and that it would please me much if they could dispense with opening the bundles. They however persisted; and I ordered the bundles to be brought out, taking care, with the a.s.sistance of the soldiers, to secrete all the good amber and coral.

When all the loads were inspected, I asked Modibinne what he thought of my baggage? If he had seen any more silver tureens, or double barrelled guns? He said he had seen nothing that was _bad_, and nothing but what was necessary for purchasing provisions; that he would report the same to Mansong. They accordingly went away to Sego; but without taking Mansong's present, till they had heard his answer.

September 24th.--_Seed_ and _Barber_ (soldiers) died during the night; one of the fever, the other of the dysentery. Paid the Somonies twenty stones of amber for burying them.

September 25th.--Modibinne and the same people returned with Mansong's answer, a literal translation of which I give as follows. "Mansong says he will protect you; that a road is open for you every where, as far as his hand (power) extends. If you wish to go to the East, no man shall harm you from Sego till you pa.s.s Tombuctoo. If you wish to go to the West, you may travel through Fooladoo and Manding, through Ka.s.son and Bondou; the name of Mansong's stranger will be a sufficient protection for you. If you wish to build your boats at Samee or Sego, at Sansanding or Jinnie, name the town, and Mansong will convey you thither." He concluded by observing, that Mansong wished me to sell him four of the _blunderbusses_, _three swords_, _a fiddle_ (violin) which belonged to Mr. Scott, and some _Birmingham bead necklaces_, which pleased above every thing; that he had sent us a bullock, and his son another, with a fine sheep. I told Modibinne that Mansong's friends.h.i.+p was of more value to me than the articles he had mentioned, and that I would be happy if Mansong would accept them from me as a farther proof of my esteem.

I made choice of Sansanding for fitting out our canoe, because Mansong had never said he wished to see me, and because I could live quieter and freer from begging than at Sego. I therefore sent down the bullocks by land to Sansanding.

September 26th. We departed from Samee. The canoes were not covered with mats; and there being no wind, the sun became insufferably hot. I felt myself affected with a violent head-ach, which encreased to such a degree as to make me almost delirious. I never felt so hot a day; there was _sensible heat_ sufficient to have roasted a _sirloin_; but the thermometer was in a bundle in the other canoe, so that I could not ascertain the _actual_ heat. We pa.s.sed down a small stream to the north of Sego Korro, and halted opposite to _Segosee Korro_, near the sand hills, where I formerly waited for a pa.s.sage. We waited here about an hour for Isaaco, who had gone to Segosee Korro to inform Mansong of our pa.s.sing. When Isaaco returned, he made a sort of shade over our canoe with four sticks and a couple of cloaks; and in the evening I found myself more collected and less feverish. At sun-set we rowed towards the north bank, where there are some flat rocks, on which pa.s.sengers by water often sleep. We found the place occupied by a number of people. I counted between thirty and forty fires; we therefore pa.s.sed on a little to the Eastwards, and slept on a sand bank covered with verdure.

September 27th.--At day-break we again proceeded, and in stretching over to gain the middle of the river, we pa.s.sed a Somoni fis.h.i.+ng village on an island; the huts occupied the whole of the dry ground, and it appeared, even when close to it, like a floating village. We reached Sansanding at ten o'clock. Such crowds of people came to the sh.o.r.e to see us, that we could not land our baggage till the people were beaten away with sticks, by Koontie Mamadie's orders, on whose premises we were accommodated with a large hut for sitting in, having another hut opening into it, in which we deposited our baggage.

October 2d.--_Marshall_ and _W. Garland_ (privates) died; one of the fever, the other of the dysentery. During the night the wolves carried away Garland, the door of the hut where he died being left open. Buried Marshall on the morning following, in a corn field near the church.

October 4th.--Mansong sent down two broken gunlocks, and a large pewter plate with a hole in the bottom of it, for me to repair; and it was with much difficulty that I could persuade the messenger that none of us knew any thing about such occupations.

October 6th.--_Da_, Mansong's eldest son, sent one canoe as a present, and requested me to sell him a bunderbuss, and three swords, with some blue and yellow broad cloth. Sent him three swords, and ten spans of yellow cloth; received in return six thousand cowries.

Sansanding contains, according to Koontie Mamadie's account, eleven thousand inhabitants. It has no public buildings, except the mosques, two of which, though built of mud, are by no means inelegant. The market place is a large square, and the different articles of merchandize are exposed for sale on stalls covered with mats, to shade them from the sun. The market is crowded with people from morning to night: some of the stalls contain nothing but beads; others indigo in b.a.l.l.s; others wood-ashes in b.a.l.l.s; others Houssa and Jinnie cloth. I observed one stall with nothing but antimony in small bits; another with sulphur, and a third with copper and silver rings and bracelets. In the houses fronting the square is sold, scarlet, amber, silks from Morocco, and tobacco, which looks like Levant tobacco, and comes by way of Tombuctoo.

Adjoining this is the salt market, part of which occupies one corner of the square. A slab of salt is sold commonly for eight thousand cowries; a large butcher's stall, or shade, is in the centre of the square, and as good and fat meat sold every day as any in England. The beer market is at a little distance, under two large trees; and there are often exposed for sale from eighty to one hundred calabashes of beer, each containing about two gallons. Near the beer market is the place where red and yellow leather is sold.

Besides these market-places, there is a very large s.p.a.ce, which is appropriated for the great market every Tuesday. On this day astonis.h.i.+ng crowds of people come from the country to purchase articles in wholesale, and retail them in the different villages, &c. There are commonly from sixteen to twenty large fat Moorish bullocks killed on the market morning.

October 8th.--As Mansong had delayed much longer in sending the canoes he promised, than I expected, I thought it best to be provided with a sufficient quant.i.ty of to purchase two; particularly when I reflected that the river would subside in the course of a few days, having sunk this morning about four inches by the sh.o.r.e. I therefore opened shop in great style, and exhibited a choice a.s.sortment of European articles to be sold in wholesale or retail. I had of course a _great run_, which I suppose drew on me the envy of my brother merchants; for the Jinnie people, the Moors, and the merchants here joined with those of the same description at Sego, and (in presence of Modibinne, from whose mouth I had it) offered to give Mansong a quant.i.ty of merchandize of greater value than all the presents I had made him, if he would seize our baggage, and either kill us, or send us back again out of Bambarra. They alleged, that my object was to kill Mansong and his sons by means of charms, that the white people might come and seize on the country. Mansong, much to his honour, rejected the proposal, though it was seconded by two-thirds of the people of Sego, and almost all Sansanding.

From the 8th to the 16th nothing of consequence occurred, I found my shop every day more and more crowded with customers; and such was my run of business, that I was sometimes forced to employ _three tellers at once_ to count my cash. I turned one market day twenty-five thousand seven hundred and fifty-six pieces of money (cowries.)

The second day after my arrival at Marraboo, as no accounts whatever had arrived concerning Mr. Scott, I sent a messenger to Koomikoomi, desiring him to bring Mr. Scott, or some account of him. He returned in four days, and told us that _Mr. Scott was dead_, and that the natives had stolen the pistols out of the holsters; but he had brought the horse to Bambakoo.

When Modibinne enquired of Isaaco what sort of a _return of presents_ would be most agreeable to me, Isaaco (being instructed before) said he believed two large canoes, and Modibinne a.s.sured me, that the canoes would be sent down to Sansanding immediately on our arrival there.

In order to give a just idea of the trade and profits on different articles sold at Sansanding, I have annexed a list of _European_ and _African_ articles, with their respective values in _cowries_, the great medium of exchange and the general currency of Bambarra.


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