Philaster Part 27

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p. 120, l. l. B, C and D] wearest. l. 6. A, B and C] by the G.o.ds.

1. 8. A] thou art. l. 11. A, B and C] Even so thou wepst, and lookst, and spokst. A] when I first tooke thee. l. 12. A. _omits_] up. l. 17. A _adds_] Exit Phylaster. l. 20. A] Exit Boy. B--H _omit_ and, l. 21. A]

Enter Leon, Cle. and Wood-men. l. 22. A--G] chance. l. 23. A] Cle.

My Lord Leon. C and D] My Lord Don. l. 25. A] starre-dyed with stars.

B--G] studded with. l. 26. A] I Wood. l. 28. A _omits_]Exeunt Wood.

1. 29. A _omits_] Enter Cleremont. l. 30. B] you questions. C] yon.

l. 36. B--G] ran. l. 37. A and B] twas.

p. 121, l. 3. A] Enter the King, Tra. and other Lords. l. 5. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 6. A and B] Howe's that. l. 7. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 18. A] why then. ll. 20 and 21. A] heare me then, thou traytor. l. 21. A] darst. B--H] dar'st.

ll. 21 and 22. A] possible and honest, things. l. 24. A, B and C] Faith I cannot. A] you'le. l. 25. A] you have let me. l. 27. A--G] her here before me. l. 32. A] a King. l. 33. A gives this speech to Cleremont. A] no more smell. l. 35. A _omits_ Is it so _and reads_ Take you heed. l. 36. A _omits_] Sir.

p. 122, l. 1. A] still we. l. 3. A] power we thinke we have. l. 5.

A] here I stand. l. 6. A] these be punisht. l. 9. A] covenant. l. 10.

A _omits_] and. l. 14. A] into the Wood with her. l. 19. A] O y'are all.

A and B] hurts. l. 22. A] by this sword. l. 26. A, B and C] Yes, you may. A] to leave. A--G] Lady bedfellow. ll. 26 and 27. A] bedfellow here for a spincer. l. 31. Folio] may. l. 32. A] I, some would. ll. 33 and 34. A gives these two speeches to the King and Pharamont respectively. l. 37 A gives this speech to Galatea. A] the search my selfe. l. 38. A] Enter the Princesse solus. l. 39. A] finde out the way.

p. 123, l. 3. A] or mountaines. A--C] through. l. 4. A _adds_ stage-direction] She sits downe. l. 5. A] Enter Boy. l. 6. A] Yonder my Lady is. A] G.o.ds knowes. B and C] G.o.d knowes. l.9. A] grounds.

l.12. A _omits_] more. A] twines. l. 13. F, G] [oh. H] he stirres. l. 14. A] i'st. 1. 18. A _omits_] I am well. l. 24. A--H] you G.o.ds. l. 25. A] Who's hee. l. 26. A] ease it with his tongue. l. 27. A, B and C] helpe, helpe. l. 29. A] lightnings. l. 31. A, B and C] trust the tongues. A, B and C with variations of spelling _add_] of h.e.l.l-bred women [B woman]. Some good G.o.d looke downe. l. 33. A _omits_] ages in the. l. 35. A--G] put hills of fire. A] my breast.

p. 124, l. 2. D--G] makes. l.3. B] through. l.5. A]to inrage. l.8.

D, E and G] looks up. l. 9. A _omits_] it. B] know't. l. 10. A _omits_] do but. l. 16. A] thy way. l. 18. A] you have. l. 19. A] in more. l. 20.

A gives this speech to 'Prin.', i.e., Arethusa. A] madmens. l. 23. A gives this speech to 'Boy', and the following speech to 'Prin.' l. 24. A, B and C] the world. l. 25. Folio _misprints_]

_Pha_. l. 28. A adds stage-direction] Exit Boy. B] Exit Bell. l. 29. A]

meetings. l. 32. B--H] fortune. l. 33. A] peace with earth. l. 34. A and B] there will. l. 35. A--E] jealousie. A] no il here. l. 37. A] Shew me the way to joy.

p. 125, l. 2. A] to 't. l. 4. A] Countrey Gallant. l. 5. A] I will.

1. 6. A] this two houres. C, D and E] these two houre. l. 8. B] then then. E, G and H] out rid. l. 9. A] strong braines. l. 10. A] The whooping would put a man. l. 12. A _adds_] Phy. wounds her. l. 13. A--heaven. l. 14. A] Nay, they. l. 16. A] thoud'st. C--H]

wouldest. A, B and C _omit_] of. l. 17. B and C] veines. A] with a man. l. 21. A] G.o.d judge me. B and C] G.o.d uds me. l. 25. A]

Rethrack. l. 26. A prints 'They fight' at the end of the following line. l. 28. A] G.o.ds guard. B and C] Heaven. l. 31. A] would this bore. l. 33. A] though I doe lose it. l. 34. A prints 'Exit Phy.' after the word 'Rogue' in the following line. l. 36. A _omits_] and.

p. 126, l. 3. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 6. A and B]

By G.o.d she lies. A] i' the breast. l. 7. A] Oh secret spring. l.12. A]

Omnes. l. l. 14. A] But who has done it. l. 16. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 19. A] I let. l. 20. A] about 's eares. l. 23. A]

By this ayre. A--E] never. A _omits_] of him. l. 24. B and C] all to you in my hat. l. 28. A] sinne. l. 29. F] I will. I will. l. 31. A, B and C] Woodman. l. 32. A] unto the King. l. 34. A prints simply]

Exit. l. 36. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 37. A, B and C] of this. A] I'le see. B--H] goe to see. l. 38. A] Enter the Boy. l. 39. A]

O heavens! heavy death sits on my brow.

p. 127, l. 2. A] sweete on all. l. 5. A] my eyes. l. 6. A _omits_ Oh.

1. 17. A prints stage-direction after the word 'broken' in l. 19. l. 21. A]

but my blood. l. 24. A] upon his sleeping body, he has none. l. 25. A]

He wounds him. l. 27. A] it wisht. A] for pittie. l. 28. A prints after the first 'here' in following line] Phy. falls downe. l. 36. A] Hide, hide.

1. 39. B--G] were it.

p. 128, l. 1. A _omits_] little. l. 2. A] has not. l. 4. A] Art thou then true to me. l. 5. A _omits_] good. l. 6. A] these. l. 7. A] your breeth in't, Shromd. l. n. A _omits_ one 'follow.' l. 14. A _omits_] That. A _adds_] Boy falls downe. l.15. B--H _omit_] and. l. 16. A] I tract. l.17. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion, and the next to Cleremont. l. 22.

A gives this speech to Thrasiline. l. 23. A] it is. l. 25. F] the creation.

1. 26. A and B] to strike. l. 31. A, B and C] did make. l. 34. A]

tortour. l. 36. A] My. l. 37. A gives this speech to Cleremont.

p. 129, l. 1. A, B and C] carelesse. l. 4. A] them. l. 6. A] Sines.

1. 14. A] vigour. A prints the stage-direction at the end of the following line. 1. 16. A] innocents. l. 17. A] know you the price of what.

l. 19. A] My Lord Phylaster. A _omits_] Tis. l. 23. H] as hurt. l. 24. A]

on a Pyramades. l. 26. A] as you. l. 27. A] teach the under-world. l. 32.

A] this untimely courtesie. l. 33. C--H] he is. A] you beare me hence.

1. 35. A] to punish. l. 38. A, B and C] by all the G.o.ds.

p. 130. A gives the first five speeches to Dion, Thrasiline, Bellario, Dion and Bellario respectively. l. 2. C] Is it. l. 3. A] Well, I feare me sir, we. B--H] fear me, we. A _omits_] all. l. 9. A] gentlie. B--G] gently.

l. 10. A and B] breath forth my. l. 11. A] Not all the wealth of Pluto.

l. 17. A] a cleere. l. 18. A, B and C] bitter. l. 19. A] haires. l. 20.

A] bathe them. l. 21. A] Enter the King, Princesse, and a guard. l. 23.

A gives this speech to Dion. A] but sute it was Phylaster. l. 24. A gives this speech to the King, and the following one to Pharamond. l. 25. A--D]

will tell us that. l. 26. A] Ay me, I know him well. l. 28. A] Sir, if it were he. l. 32. beare them. l. 35. A _omits_] go. l. 36. A] loves.

1. 37. A _omits_] and. l. 38. A--G] deaths. l. 39. A] your law.

p. 131 I. 3. A] We shall. A] on with our intended match. A _adds_] Exit King and Pharamont. l. 4. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion, and the following one to Cleremont. l. 7. A _omits_] Omnes. B--H _add_] Finis Actus quarti. l. 10. This speech and the seven succeeding ones are given by A to 'Leon' (Dion), Cleremont, Thrasiline, 'Leon', Thrasiline, Cleremont, 'Leon' and Thrasiline respectively. l. 19. A _omits_] Exeunt. l. 20. A]

shufle. A _omits_] Exeunt. l. 21. A] Enter Phylaster, Princesse, Boy, in prison. B--H omit] and. l. 22. A, B and C] Nay faith Philaster. l.23. B]

forbeare, were wondrous well. l.24. A] and Bellario. l. 25. A] shut. A _omits_] as now from Earth. l. 27. A] the truest ones. l. 29. A] forgive me, and. p. 132, l. 2. A--G] Should I outlive you. A] I should out live.

B--H] I should then outlive. l. 3. A] come. l. 4. A--H] shall close. l. 6.

A] waste by time. B] waste by limbs. l. 7. A--G] that ever. A] ever liv'd.

1. 10. A] houre behind it. l. 15. A] Kingdome. l. 17. A] Every just maiden. l. 19. A] My deerest, say not so. l. 21. A] woman. l.26. A]

Why? what. l. 28. A] life no whit compared. l. 32. B] your pardon.

1. 36. A gives this speech to 'Prin.', i.e., Arethusa.

p. 133, l. 1. A] Enter the King, Leon, Cle., Tra. and a guard. B--H _omit_] and. l. 3. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 4. A]

Plotforme. 1. 8. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 9. A _adds_] Exit Tra. 1. 12. A] to lose it. A--E] lightly. A after the word 'lightly' adds stage-direction] aside. l. 14. A] stocke. l. 17. A] weightier. l. 18. A]

the heate. l. 20. A] and leaves them desolate. l. 24. A] Enter Phi., Princesse, Boy, with a garland of flowers on's head. B--H _omit_ the first 'and.' l. 16. A] shal. l.27. A] Epethelamon. A _omits_] of these lovers.

l. 18. F] But have lost. l. 30. A _omits_] on. l. 31. A] Caedor. l. 32. A]

mountaines. 1.35. A] free from the firver of the Serian starre. B--G]

Sirian. l.37-A, B and C] deliver. A] that issues.

p. 134, l. 1. A--D] pleased. l. 2. A] base, under branches, to devour.

1. 4. A] did choake. B--D] choake. l. 5. A] brakes, rud, thornes. A--G]

the Sun. l. 6. A _omits_] even. A] roote. A] um there. l. 7. F _omits_] a.

B and C] gentler. A] has. l. 9. A] never to be unarmde. l. 10. A, B and C] number. A _omits_] holy. A] ore. l. 11. A] has. F _omits_] n.o.ble.

1. 12. A] worthy king. l. 15. A, B and C] For now there. l. 17. A]

bitter threats. l. 19. A--E] struggled. l. 22. A] where you. l. 28. A]

Metour. l. 32. A] of venge-in. l. 33. A] chaft amongst. B--E]

Chast. B--G] among. l. 35. A] looke from me. l. 37. A] that I have left. l. 38. F] There is. A _omits_] that. l. 40. A] For death to me can be life.

p. 135 l. 1. A] as long as. l. 4. A] ore by. l. 8. A _omits_] dear.

1. 9. A] you are. A after this line _adds_] That feedes upon the blood you gave a life to. l. 14. A] a shame. l. 15. F] Pelican. l. 17. A _omits_]

with purest. l. 32. A, B and C] that by the G.o.ds it is a joy. l. 37. A _omits_] you.

p. 136, l. 1. A _omits_] Fearing. A] For the Lord Phylaster. l. 2. A]

fellowes. l. 6. A _omits_ this line. l. 7. A] 2 Mes. B and C] Arme, arme, arme, arme. l. 8. A] take these Citizens. l. 9. A] them. l. 12. A _omits_] Exit with Are., Phi., Bell. l. 16. A] Exit King, Manet Leon, Cle.

and Tra. l. 18. A] by al the G.o.ds. l. 25. A] you lackes. B] ye lacks.

1. 26. A] Skin. A] see you. B] have ye. l. 28. A] brave new. l. 29.

A] My kinde Countrimen. l. 33. A] sawce. l. 34. A] flush amongst um, and ill speeding. 11. 34 and 35. A] have injurious raine. A _omits_]

unbound. 11. 35 and 36. A] in rafine freeze. A] moth. l. 38. A] preases.

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