Philaster Part 24

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p. 85, l. 2. A] at the first.

l. 5. A--H] dangers.

l. 7. A] dares.

l. 12. A, B and C] You all are.

l. 17. A _omits_] Fear. A] mee thoughts.

l. 21. A] with such a woing jesture and puicke looks.

l. 22. A _omits_] him.

l. 27. A] his ends.

l. 29. A] To things so opposite, so bound to put.

l. 31. A _omits_] of mine.

l. 32. A _omits_] Of.

l. 35. A] that will not have your dens withstood.

l. 37. A, B and C] pa.s.sions.

l. 38. A] into.

l. 40. A and B] Oh it is well.

p. 86, l. 5. A] dos so ill become.

l. 14. A] Injury.

l. 15. A] found to be so great.

l. 24. A] Both, or I do. A, B and C] by heaven.

l. 25. A] if I not calmely die injoy them both.

l. 28. H] give.

l. 40. A and B] I can indure it.

p. 87, l. 1. A] saw yet.

l. 2. A--H] dreadfully.

l. 3. A] speake.

l. 4. A--D] horrible.

l. 7. A] a womans tongue.

l. 10. A] you that beg.

l. 11. F and G] unprice.

l. 17. F] The love.

l. 22. A _omits_] doth. B--E] doe.

l. 26. A] might have.

l. 35. A _omits_] The G.o.ds.

l. 36. A] the worthier, and the better blest.

l. 39. A] unwelcom'd.

p. 88, l. 5. A--G] true loves.

l. 9. B--H] fountaines.

l. 11. A] as much againe.

l. 13. A] bred in the vayle.

l. 16. A] eye.

l. 17. A] make them.

l. 23. A] the course.

l. 24. A] it yeelded him his life.

l. 30. A] me thoughts.

l. 32. A] whom was glad.

l. 33. F and G] The truliest. F] gentle.

l. 36. A] Enter woman. In A and B this stage-direction occurs after l. 37.

l. 38. A for 'La.' _reads_] Woo.

l. 39. A] Phylaster doe.

p. 89, l.4. A, B and C] the voyce of G.o.d. l.5. A] yet I doe not hide my selfe. l.13. Folio has a full-stop at end of line. l.14. A _omits_] for my sake do. l.16. A] Enter Pharamont and a woman. ll. 19 and 20. A]

the deare love within my heart. l.21. A] if I shall have an answer or no, derectly I am gone. l.23. A] To what? what would he have answer. B--E _omit_] an. l.25. A--D] forbare. l.29. A] though it lie. l.31. A, B and C] And by the G.o.ds. l.32. A] if then. l.35. A _omits_ this line, though the words 'Pha. You' are printed as turn-over words at the foot of the page.

p. 90, l.I. A] nothing. l.5. A] so much. ll. 7 and 8. A] but wert the Church at the high Altar. l.9. A] injurie. l.10. A. _omits_] Sir. l.12.

A and B _omit_] Phi. l.16. A _omits_] But. l.17. A, B and C] but yet.

l. 19. A] before our hearts bee so, then if you please. l.21. A--E]

dreaming forme. l.23. A] your thoughts. l.28. A] and his boy, called Bellario. l.31. A] thy owne. l.33. A _reads_ 'Boy' for 'Bell.' here and throughout the play. l.34. A] And I am onely yet some thing. l.35.

A--H] were apt. l.37. A] crafty.

p. 91, l.6. A] bear'st. l.7. A] claps. A _omits_] yet. l.8. A] but when judgement comes no rule those pa.s.sions. l.17. A _omits_] grown. l.30.

A] dos plead. l.32. A] knowst. l.33. A] dos call. l.34. B] dwellest.

p. 92, l.5. A] your loves, your sighes. l.7. B--H] heaven. A] Exit boy. l.8. C] Lord. l. II. A] I must see. l.12. A _omits_] Phi. l.18.

A] before in my life. l.20. A] I'le hound at her. Madame. F] Heer's on boulted, I'le bound at her. l.21. In A the words 'Enter Gallatea' occur after the word 'fault' in l.19. l.25. A] y'are. l.26. A _omits_] but.

1. 28. A] those two I onely barre. l.32. A] Couch. l.33. A] a play and a banquet. ll.34 and 35. A] to make you blush, this is my owne hayre, and this face. l.36. A--D and F] a peny painting. l.37. A and H]

wardrop. G] wardrope. l.38. A] the jealous silke-mans wife curse our doing.

p. 93, l.l.A] You much mistake me Lady. l.2. Folio _misprints_ _Pha_. For _Gal_. After this line A _adds_] Pha. Y'are very dangerous bitter, like a potion. _Gal_. No sir, I do not mean to purge you, though I meane to purge a little time on you. l.8. A and B] Cardus. A] about five. l. II. A]

and Conger. A] they are dullers. l.12. A] the vitall anymales. l.13. A]

all this time. 11. 16 and 17. A] Shee's daintie, and must be courted with a shewer of gold. l.19. A] What ha you. l.20. A] you'd have silver fort. l.21. A] a worse time sir. l.23. A] gold safe for you. A _adds_] She slips behind the Orras. II. 25 and 26. In place of these two lines A] _Gal_.

Shes comming sir behind, Will ye take white money yet for all this. _Exit_.

l.-27. A] If there be but two such in this Kingdome more. B--H] If there be but two such more in this Kingdome. l.28. A] ene. l.31. A] would breed. l.39. A] doe not call you Lady.

p. 94, l.I.A--G] talke an houre. l.5. A] your lip. l.6. A] time enough. l.8. A--D] and red enough. l.10. A) twend Cherries dyde in blush. l. II. A] deepe beames. I.14. A] sweete looker on. A] these blessings. l.15. A. _adds as a stage-direction_] They kisse. l.18. A _omits_] off. l.19. A] it may be a number without Probatum. l.20. A]

by such neate Poetrie. l.26. A] but you. l.28. A] now you ha don't before me. l.29. A] And yet. l.31-A] never. l.34. A] ye. l.36. A--H and Folio] this is all.

p. 95, l. 5. A] my masculine imagination.

l. 7. B] mine honor.

l. 9. A] my other.

l. 10. A] Sir _Timen_ a schoolemaister.

l. 11. A] keepe.

B and C _add_] Madam.

l. 14. Folio] apoplex?

l. 15. A _omits_ 'And' and 'Sir.'

l. 17. A] tied toot.

l. 19. A _omits_] Look well about you, and you may find a tongue-bolt.

l. 21. A and B] whether.

l. 24. A _omits_ the second 'I dare not.'

l. 27. A] give wors.h.i.+p to you thoughts.

l. 28. A] y'are.

l. 29. A] I shall visit you.

l. 30. A] most uncertaine.

l. 34. A] Exit ambo.

B] Exeunt.

l. 35. A] the Orras.

l. 38. A] Dowsabell.

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