Philaster Part 20

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_Di_. How now!

_Meg_. Others took me, and I took her and him At that all women may be ta'ne sometimes: s.h.i.+p us all four my Lord, we can endure Weather and wind alike.

_King_. Clear thou thy self, or know not me for Father.

_Are_. This earth, How false it is? what means is left for me To clear my self? It lies in your belief, My Lords believe me, and let all things else Struggle together to dishonour me.

_Bell_. O stop your ears great King, that I may speak As freedom would, then I will call this Lady As base as be her actions, hear me Sir, Believe [y]our hated bloud when it rebels Against your reason sooner than this Lady.

_Meg_. By this good light he bears it hansomely.

_Phi_. This Lady? I will sooner trust the wind With Feathers, or the troubled Sea with Pearl, Than her with any thing; believe her not!

Why think you, if I did believe her words; I would outlive 'em: honour cannot take Revenge on you, then what were to be known But death?

_King_. Forget her Sir, since all is knit Between us: but I must request of you One favour, and will sadly be denied.

_Phi_. Command what ere it be.

_King_. Swear to be true to what you promise.

_Phi_. By the powers above, Let it not be the death of her or him, And it is granted.

_King_. Bear away the boy To Torture, I will have her clear'd or buried.

_Phi_. O let me call my words back, worthy Sir, Ask something else, bury my life and right In one poor grave, but do not take away my life and fame at once.

_King_. Away with him, it stands irrevocable.

_Phi_. Turn all your eyes on me, here stands a man The falsest and the basest of this world: Set swords against this breast some honest man, For I have liv'd till I am pitied, My former deeds are hateful, but this last Is pitifull, for I unwillingly Have given the dear preserver of my life

[_Offers to kill himself_.]

Unto his Torture: is it in the power Of flesh and blood, to carry this and live?

_Are_. Dear Sir be patient yet, or stay that hand.

_King_. Sirs, strip that boy.

_Di_. Come Sir, your tender flesh will try your constancie.

_Bell_. O kill me gentlemen.

_Di_. No, help Sirs.

_Bell_. Will you Torture me?

_King_. Hast there, why stay you?

_Bell_. Then I shall not break my vow, You know just G.o.ds, though I discover all.

_King_. How's that? Will he confess?

_Di_. Sir, so he says.

_King_. Speak then.

_Bell_. Great King if you command This Lord to talk with me alone, my tongue Urg'd by my heart, shall utter all the thoughts My youth hath known, and stranger things than these You hear not often.

_King_. Walk aside with him.

_Di_. Why speak'st thou not?

_Bell_. Know you this face my Lord?

_Di_. No.

_Bell_. Have you not seen it, nor the like?

_Di_. Yes, I have seen the like, but readily I know not where.

_Bell_. I have been often told In Court, of one _Euphrasia,_ a Lady And Daughter to you; betwixt whom and me (They that would flatter my bad face would swear) There was such strange resemblance, that we two Could not be known asunder, drest alike.

_Di_. By Heaven and so there is.

_Bell_. For her fair sake, Who now doth spend the spring time of her life In holy Pilgrimage, move to the King, That I may scape this Torture.

_Di_. But thou speak'st As like _Euphrasia_ as thou dost look, How came it to thy knowledge that she lives in Pilgrimage?

_Bell_. I know it not my Lord, But I have heard it, and do scarce believe it.

_Di_. Oh my shame, is't possible? Draw near, That I may gaze upon thee, art thou she?

Or else her Murderer? where wert thou born?

_Bell_. In _Siracusa_.

_Di_. What's thy name?

_Bell. Euphrasia_.

_Di_. O 'tis just, 'tis she now, I do know thee, Oh that thou hadst died And I had never seen thee nor my shame, How shall I own thee? shall this tongue of mine E're call thee Daughter more?

_Bell_. Would I had died indeed, I wish it too, And so I must have done by vow, e're published What I have told, but that there was no means To hide it longer, yet I joy in this, The Princess is all clear.

_King_. What have you done?

_Di_. All is discovered.

_Phi_. Why then hold you me?

_Di_. All is discovered, pray you let me go.

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