The House of Wittgenstein : a family at war Part 12

The House of Wittgenstein : a family at war -

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62. THE THREAT OF WAR 252 "You have my entire confidence." LW to Samuel Wachtell, 7/24/1939, WMGA, pc.253 "Dr Indra said that no one would dare." Samuel Wachtell, Internal Memorandum, 8/17/1939, WMGA, pc.253 "In the matter of the origins of the Wittgenstein family." Kurt Mayer to Gauamt fur Sippenforschung der NSDAP, Vienna, 2/10/1940, copy, pc.254 "I have no knowledge as to whether personal belongings." PW completed form: Aliens' Questionnaire, p. 3, Statements of a.s.sets and Liabilities as of 12/31/1944, signed 8/17/1945, pc.

63. VALUABLE Ma.n.u.sCRIPTS 255 "Acbtung! Panzer, marscb!" "Acbtung! Panzer, marscb!" Kurt Meyer, p. 1. Kurt Meyer, p. 1.256 "I was bright enough to a.s.sert loud." JSt to Brian McGuinness, John and Jerome s...o...b..rough, 3/12/1999, pc.257 "The liner Manhattan Manhattan, which docked at New York." Dudley Harmon, "About the Town," WP WP, 10/3/1939, p. 12.258 "In order to lend particular weight." Friedrich Plattner, Scbnellbrief Scbnellbrief 'to Hans Heinrich Lammers, 1/9/1940, copy, pc. 'to Hans Heinrich Lammers, 1/9/1940, copy, pc.

64. COLD WAR 259 "There "There is no place I can find rest." is no place I can find rest." Es gibt aucb bier keine Oase in der man sicb ausruben konnte & icb kann aucb niemandem in meiner Umgebung wirklicb nutzlicb sein. So Gott will finde icb, wenn icb bier bleiben muss, irgendeine nutzlicbe Bescbaftigung Es gibt aucb bier keine Oase in der man sicb ausruben konnte & icb kann aucb niemandem in meiner Umgebung wirklicb nutzlicb sein. So Gott will finde icb, wenn icb bier bleiben muss, irgendeine nutzlicbe Bescbaftigung MSt to LW, 1940, GBW MSt to LW, 1940, GBW260 "I have done fairly well in the administration." JSt to LW, 12/2/1944, GBW.

65. A FAMILY REUNION 262 "I would go to see him with joy." MSt to LW, 9/1940, GBW.262 "Paul's friend (with her children)." Ibid.

66. BENJAMIN BRITTEN 262 "In the afternoon." Benjamin Britten, Diary, 2/14/1929, quoted in Mitch.e.l.l and Reed, vol. 2, p. 828, n. 1.262 "We went and had a long talk." Peter Pears to Elizabeth Mayer, 7/4/1940, quoted in ibid., p. 826.263 "I called Mr. Wittgenstein." Hans Heinsheimer to Benjamin Britten, 7/2/1940, quoted in ibid., p. 826.263 "I pulled off the deal with Wittgenstein." Benjamin Britten to Elizabeth Mayer, 7/29/1940, quoted in ibid., p. 834.263 "I've been commissioned by a man." Benjamin Britten to Beth Welford, 6/26/1940, quoted in ibid., p. 831.264 "This is a truly amazing work." Eugene Goossens to Hans Heinsheimer, 9/27/1940, quoted in ibid., p. 874, n. 5.264 "A nice place with a view to the bay." Das Haus ist sebon gelegen mit der Aussicbt aufeine Meeresbucbt, hat einen bubscben Garten, in dem icb im nacbsten Jahr Erdbeeren und Ribisel zu zieben gedenke, und, was das Wicbtigste ist, bis zum Badestrand sind es nur io Minuten zu gebenl Das Haus ist sebon gelegen mit der Aussicbt aufeine Meeresbucbt, hat einen bubscben Garten, in dem icb im nacbsten Jahr Erdbeeren und Ribisel zu zieben gedenke, und, was das Wicbtigste ist, bis zum Badestrand sind es nur io Minuten zu gebenl PW to Rudolf Koder, 7/31/1941, pc. PW to Rudolf Koder, 7/31/1941, pc.264 "playing against the noise of your orchestra." PW to Benjamin Britten, 7/31/1941, Britten-Pears Archive.264 "I'm having a slight altercation." Benjamin Britten to Ralph Hawkes, 7/23/1941, quoted in Mitch.e.l.l and Reed, vol. 2, p. 956.264 "Wittgenstein is being stupid." Peter Pears to Elizabeth Mayer, 8/23/1940, quoted in ibid., p. 957, n. 6.265 "In the museum in Vienna I have seen." PW to Benjamin Britten, 7/31/1941, Britten-Pears Archive.265 "to hear Wittgenstein wreck my Diversions." Diversions." Benjamin Britten to Albert Goldberg, 1/20/1942, quoted in Mitch.e.l.l and Reed, vol. 2, p. 1014. Benjamin Britten to Albert Goldberg, 1/20/1942, quoted in Mitch.e.l.l and Reed, vol. 2, p. 1014.265 "A one-armed pianist, whose right sleeve." Linton Martin review, Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/17/1942.265 "Wittgenstein is playing his piece on Friday." Peter Pears and Benjamin Britten to Antonio and Peggy Brosa, 3/10/1942, quoted in Mitch.e.l.l and Reed, vol. 2, p. 1024.266 "I felt I wanted to see him." MSt to LW, March-April 1942, GBW

67. THE WITTGENSTEINS' WAR 266 "Thought: it would be good and right." LW, MS 120, 1/4/1938, quoted in Monk, p. 387.266 "turned white as a sheet." Dr. R Grant to Georg von Wright, undated, pc.267 "My soul is very very tired." LW to Rowland Hutt, 11/27/1941, GBW. tired." LW to Rowland Hutt, 11/27/1941, GBW.267 "an ingenious departure from standard practice." Dr. R Grant to Georg von Wright, undated, pc.267 "It goes very near me." MSt to LW, c. c. end of September 1944, GBW. end of September 1944, GBW.268 "I like her very much although." MSt to LW, 3/14/1944, GBW.268 "a d.a.m.ned inefficient bunch of dolts." JSt to Joan Ripley, 9/13/1999, pc.268 "some b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a Canadian General." Brian McGuinness, John s...o...b..rough obituary, Independent Independent, 6/4/2002.270 "went about for ten years shouting 'Heil Hitler!' " Zehnjahre lang hat er Heil Hitler gerufen. Zehnjahre lang hat er Heil Hitler gerufen. PW to Rudolf Koder, 1/6/1957, pc. PW to Rudolf Koder, 1/6/1957, pc.270 "In Austria we do not take Herr Wittgenstein seriously." Wir in Oesterreich nehmen Herrn W. nicht ernst. Ein cholerischer Neurastheniker, reich, anma.s.send und als Pianist miserabel. Wir in Oesterreich nehmen Herrn W. nicht ernst. Ein cholerischer Neurastheniker, reich, anma.s.send und als Pianist miserabel. Friedrich Wuhrer to Siegfried Rapp, 12/26/1949, quoted in Siegfried Rapp to Ottakar Hollmann, 12/1/1956, quoted in Suchy, Janik and Predota, p. 119. Friedrich Wuhrer to Siegfried Rapp, 12/26/1949, quoted in Siegfried Rapp to Ottakar Hollmann, 12/1/1956, quoted in Suchy, Janik and Predota, p. 119.

68. ROADS' END 272 "It seems that my sister Gretl gave me." Aus ihr gebt hervor, lab mir mane Scbwester Gretl wieder eine falsche Nachricbt gegeben bat, als sie sagte, Mining erkenne niemand mebr. Es ist schrecklicb fur micb, widersprechende Nachricbten zu erhalten. Bitte lab Dicb durcb neimand beeinflufien & scbreib mir nacb wie vor die Wabrheit, so wie Du sie weifit. Bitte verlafi Dicb nicht auf das Urteil meiner Scbwester Gretl, es ist viel zu temperamentvoll. Aus ihr gebt hervor, lab mir mane Scbwester Gretl wieder eine falsche Nachricbt gegeben bat, als sie sagte, Mining erkenne niemand mebr. Es ist schrecklicb fur micb, widersprechende Nachricbten zu erhalten. Bitte lab Dicb durcb neimand beeinflufien & scbreib mir nacb wie vor die Wabrheit, so wie Du sie weifit. Bitte verlafi Dicb nicht auf das Urteil meiner Scbwester Gretl, es ist viel zu temperamentvoll. LW to Rudolf Koder, 3/2/1949, GBW. LW to Rudolf Koder, 3/2/1949, GBW.273 "I haven't done any work since." LW to Norman Malcolm, 5/17/1949, GBW.273 "I don't want to die in America." Malcolm, p. 77.274 "I am thinking of going to Vienna." LW to Jean Rhees, 11/28/1949, GBW.274 "My eldest sister died very peacefully." LW to Georg Henrik von Wright, 2/12/1950, GBW.275 "Great loss for me and all of us." Grosser Verl.u.s.t fur micb und alie. Grosser als icb geglaubt batte. Grosser Verl.u.s.t fur micb und alie. Grosser als icb geglaubt batte. LW, MS 138, 2/10/1949, quoted in HW2, p. 38. LW, MS 138, 2/10/1949, quoted in HW2, p. 38.275 "I am going to work now as I have." Ray Monk interview with Joan Bevan,quoted in Monk, p. 577. 275 "Many happy returns!" Ibid.275 "Someone who dreaming says." LW, On Certainty On Certainty, point 676, p. 90.276 "For a time I really believed that Paul would get over his att.i.tude." MSt to LW, May 1942, GBW.

69. THE END OF THE LINE 278 "I think I am going to have a great deal." Trevor Harvey to MD, 8/19/1959, BL.278 "familiarity with these works has bred." Review, The Times The Times, 10/31/1950.279 "You don't build a house." PW to Siegfried Rapp, 6/5/1950, quoted in Suchy, Janik and Predota, p. 172.279 "I had imagined that there might be." Siegfried Rapp to Ottakar Hollmann, 12/1/1959, quoted in ibid., p. 118.279 "You are overrating me by far." PW to Leonard Kastle, 6/13/1960, University at Albany, Special Collections.280 "I was sure that he would have hated." MSt to LW, 6/1942, GBW.280 "I believe that she wants to make peace." Icb glaube, sie will gleicbsam von ibrer Seite Friede machen & in sicb alie Bitterkeit, die docb existiert baben mufi, ausloscben. Icb glaube, sie will gleicbsam von ibrer Seite Friede machen & in sicb alie Bitterkeit, die docb existiert baben mufi, ausloscben. LW to Rudolf Koder, 8/23/1949, GBW. LW to Rudolf Koder, 8/23/1949, GBW.280 "since it is possible that at a later date." PW to Konrad Bloch, 6/26/1939, WMGA, pc.280 "The following was not originally intended." PW, Testament Appendix, 1/31/1945 [sic] [sic], p. 1, WMGA, pc.280 "Paul is in Oxford with the Denekes." Paul ist jetzt mit den Denekes in Oxford, & icb erbielt neulicb eine sebr selfsame mir ekelerregende Einladung von Miss Deneke, sie dort wahrend Pauls Anwesenbeit zu besucben. ?a.s.s, & warum, icb diese Einladung weder annebmen kann, nocb will, babe icb ibr gescbrieben. Icb bin sicber, dafi die Einladung der Miss Deneke nicbt in Pauls Auftrag gescbrieben war. Icb glaube vielmebr, dafi sie eine Zusammenkunft berbeifubren wollte, & mein Bruder ibr die Erlaubnis gab, micb einzuladen, was sie, ibrer Dummbeit entsprecbend, in der dummsten Form getan bat. Paul ist jetzt mit den Denekes in Oxford, & icb erbielt neulicb eine sebr selfsame mir ekelerregende Einladung von Miss Deneke, sie dort wahrend Pauls Anwesenbeit zu besucben. ?a.s.s, & warum, icb diese Einladung weder annebmen kann, nocb will, babe icb ibr gescbrieben. Icb bin sicber, dafi die Einladung der Miss Deneke nicbt in Pauls Auftrag gescbrieben war. Icb glaube vielmebr, dafi sie eine Zusammenkunft berbeifubren wollte, & mein Bruder ibr die Erlaubnis gab, micb einzuladen, was sie, ibrer Dummbeit entsprecbend, in der dummsten Form getan bat. LW to Rudolf Koder, 2/22/1949, GBW LW to Rudolf Koder, 2/22/1949, GBW281 "He was sitting in a dressing gown." MD, "Memoirs," vol. 2, p. 80.281 "I kept out of contact with my brother." PW to Rudolf Koder, 10/7/1953, pc.282 "That our house in the is not." PW to Rudolf Koder, 5/21/1955, pc. "Selig sind die Toten." "Selig sind die Toten." Words of the final chorus of Brahms's Words of the final chorus of Brahms's Ein Deutscbes Requiem Ein Deutscbes Requiem, taken from Revelation 14:13.282 "As a personal friend Paul Wittgenstein." Harvey, "Paul Wittgenstein: A Personal Reminiscence," in The Gramophone The Gramophone, June 1961, p. 2.282 "Loyalty to his friends was part." MD, "Mr. Paul Wittgenstein. Devotion to Music."

POSTSCRIPT 283 "a stern, incomprehensible." Ripley, "A Memory of My Father," pc.


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ALEXANDER WAUGH has been chief opera critic at both the Mail on Sunday Mail on Sunday and the and the Evening Standard Evening Standard, and is also a publisher, cartoonist, and award-winning composer. He is the author of Fathers and Sons Fathers and Sons (a history of his literary antecedents), (a history of his literary antecedents), Time Time, and G.o.d. G.o.d. He reviews regularly for national newspapers and magazines and has made television programs for the BBC. He reviews regularly for national newspapers and magazines and has made television programs for the BBC.

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