Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence Part 31

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Life as a sea, life as a battle, life as a river

in which you must always paddle your

own canoe upstream, life as a hill-climbing

contest--all these a.n.a.logies have their

weaknesses. But life as a game is a true


The President concluded with a glowing

tribute to our university.



Evading the police by sliding down a

rope fire escape from a hotel window, Jo-

seph Matus, charged with robbing a lum-

ber jack of $125, escaped the police

temporily only to be arrested an hour

later at the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.

Paul depot.

Ignited by the breaking of an electric

lamp, a tank of whiskey containing 7,705

gallons exploded and threw Francis Tab,

120 W. 139th St., thirty feet against the

opposite wall at the E. J. Jimkons Com-

pany, 40th street this morning.

Fire of unknown origin started in the

big lumber yards owned by Charles John-

son at 763 Clinton Avenue, yesterday aft-

ernoon. The yards and one million feet

of lumber were totally destroyed. The

entire district between Mitch.e.l.l street and

the South River was in danger of total

destruction, according to fire Chief Casey.

Fire starting in a shed on West street

caused the total destruction of the First

Baptist church and the death of two fire-

men killed by falling walls. Loss $120,-


Trade war is the only probable result

of the abrogation of the Russian treaty,

was the statement of the Hon. Frank J.

Blank, secretary of State, before a large

and enthusiastic audience at the opera

house last evening. 1800 people packed

the building to overflowing.

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