Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence Part 29

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loon. Then she ran up to Policeman

Brown, who was standing at the corner of

97th st. and Sixth-av and told him that a

robber had gone into the saloon. The po-

liceman ran into the saloon, but found the

man had left by the back stairs. The po-

liceman followed up two flights of stairs

leading to the roof, on the run, where he

found Weber hiding behind a chimney.

Weber refused to give his address.

After watching until she saw the robber

taken away in the paddy-wagon, the

doughty young woman disappeared. Her

name is unknown.


A burglar dressed in a Salvation Army

uniform was arrested for attempting to

burglarize Walter White's home, 16 West

62nd st. at about two o'clock last night.

He gave his name as Julius Woll and his

address as 129 23rd ave.

The caretaker at Walter White's said

he was awakened at 1 o'clock by the noise

of bureau drawers opening and he at once

phoned to the station. An officer came

and found the would-be burglar under the

bed. After considerable scuffling the man

was arrested and taken to the station.

The Salvation Army denied any connec-

tion with the prisoner but the landlady at

his address said he had two uniforms and

always wore one. He also carried a

prayer book under his arm whenever he

left his room. She also said that he had

resided in her house for six weeks and

owed four weeks board; also that he had

not been there for two weeks. Inquiry

proved that he was out regularly until

three or four in the morning.


The wedding of Mr. James Henry,

1463 Seventh Street, and Miss Sarah

Jones, last night at the home of the bride's

parents, at 316 North Johnson Street, was

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