The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 100

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74.--1. The edition of Marco Polo in preparation by Klaproth is announced in the part of June, 1824 of the _Journal Asiatique_ pp. 380-381.

"M. Klaproth vient de terminer son travail sur _Marco Polo_, qui l'a occupe depuis plusieurs annees....

"La nouvelle edition de _Marco Polo_, que notre confrere prepare, contiendra l'italien de Ramusio, complete, et des Notes explicatives en bas des pages. Elle sera accompagnee d'une Carte representant les pays visites ou decrits par le celebre Venitien."

--See also on this edition of Klaproth, the _Bulletin des Sciences historiques, antiquites_ etc., juin 1824, art. 580; the _Jour. des Savans_, juillet 1824, pp. 446-447, and the _Jour. As._ of 1824-1828: _Recherches sur les Ports de Gampou_. Klaproth's materials for this edition were sold after his death Fr.200 to the bookseller Duprat; See _Cat. des Livres composant la Bib. de M.K._, II'e Partie, No. 292.

75.--2. Marco Polos Beskrivelse af det ostlige asiatiske Hoiland, forklaret ved C.V. Rimestad. Forste Afdeling, indeholdende Indiedningen og Ost-Turkestan. Indbydelseskrift til den aarlige offentlige Examen i Borgerdydskolen i Kjobenhavn i Juli 1841.

Kjobenhavn, Trykt hos Bianco Luno. 1841, 8vo, pp. 80.

76.--3. Marco Polo's Resa i Asien.

Small ppt. square 12mo, pp. 16; on p. 16 at foot: Stockholm, tryckt hos P.G. Berg, 1859.

On the t.i.tle-page a cut ill.u.s.trating a traveller in a chariot drawn by elephants.


1. SALVIATI, Cavalier LIONARDO. _Degli Avvertimenti delta Lingua sopra'l Decamerone_. In Venezia, 1584.

Has some brief remarks on Texts of Polo, and on references to him or his story in Villani and Boccaccio.

2. MARTINI, MARTINO. _Novus Atlas Sinensis_. Amstelodami, 1655.

The Maps are from Chinese sources, and are surprisingly good. The Descriptions, also from Chinese works but interspersed with information of Martini's own, have, in their completeness, never been superseded. This estimable Jesuit often refers to Polo with affectionate zeal, identifying his localities, and justifying his descriptions. The edition quoted in this book forms a part of Blaeu's Great Atlas (1663). It was also reprinted in Thevenot's Collection.

3. KIRCHER, ATHANASIUS. _China Ill.u.s.trata_. Amstelodami, 1667.

He also often refers to Polo, but chiefly in borrowing from Martini.

4. MAGAILLANS, GABRIEL DE (properly _Magalhaens_). _Nouvelle Description de la Chine, contenant la description des Particularites les plus considerables de ce Grand Empire_. Paris, 1688, 4to.

Contains many excellent elucidations of Polo's work.

5. CORONELLI, VINCENZO. _Atlante Veneto_. Venezia, 1690.

Has some remarks on Polo, and the ident.i.ty of Cathay and Cambaluc with China and Peking.

6. MURATORI, LUD. ANT. _Perfetta Poesia, con note di_ SALVINI. Venezia, 1724.

In vol. ii. p. 117, Salvini makes some remarks on the language in which he supposes Polo to have composed his Book.

7. FOSCARINI, MARCO. _Delia Letteratura Veneziana_. Padova, 1752. Vol. i.

414 seqq.

8. FOSCARINI, MARCO. _Frammento inedito di, intorno at Viaggiatori Veneziani_; accompanied by Remarks on Burck's German edition of Marco Polo, by TOMMASO GAR (late Director of the Venice Archives). In _Archivio Storico Italiano_, Append. tom. iv. p. 89 seqq. [See _Bibliography_, supra 8-8, p.


9. ZENO, APOSTOLO, _Annotazioni sopra la Biblioteca dell' Eloquenza Italiana di Giusto Fontanini_. Venezia, 1753.

See Marsden's Introduction, _pa.s.sim_.

10. TIRABOSCHI, GIROLAMO. _Storia della Letteratura Italiana_. Modena, 1772-1783.

There is a disquisition on Polo, with some judicious remarks (iv. pp.


11. TOALDO, GIUSEPPE. _Saggi di Studj Veneti nell' Astronomia e nella Marina_. Ven. 1782.

This work, which I have not seen, is stated to contain some remarks on Polo's Book. The author had intended to write a Commentary thereon, and had collected books and copies of MSS. with this view, and read an article on the subject before the Academy of Padua, but did not live to fulfil his intention (d. 1797).

[See _Cicogna_, II. p. 386; vi. p. 855.]

12. LESSING. _Marco Polo, aus einer Handschrift erganzt, und aus einer andern sehr zu verbessern: (Zur Geschichte und Litteratur_ ... von G.E.

Lessing. II. _Beytrag_. Braunschweig, 1773, 8vo, pp. 259-298.)

13. FORSTER, J. REINHOLD. _H. des Decouvertes et des Voyages faits dans le Nord_. French Version. Paris, 1788.

14. SPRENGEL, MATHIAS CHRISTIAN. _Geschichte der wichtigsten geographischen Entdeckungen_ &c. 2nd Ed. Halle, 1792.

This book, which is a marvel for the quant.i.ty of interesting matter which it contains in small s.p.a.ce, has much about Polo.

15. ZURLA, Abate PLACIDO. Life of Polo, in _Collezione di Vite e Ritratti d'Ill.u.s.tri Italiani_. Padova, 1816.

This book is said to have procured a Cardinal's Hat for the author. It is a respectable book, and Zurla's exertions in behalf of the credit of his countrymen are greatly to be commended, though the reward seems inappropriate.

16. ----, ----. _Dissertazioni di Marco Polo e degli altri Viaggiatori Veneziani_, &c. Venezia, 1818-19, 4to.

17. 18, 19. QUARTERLY REVIEW, vol. xxi. (1819), contains an Article on Marsden's Edition, written by John Barrow, Esq.; that for July, 1868, contains another on Marco Polo and his Recent Editors, written by the present Editor; and that for Jan. 1872, one on the First Edition of this work, by R.H. Major, Esq.

20. ASIA, _Hist. Account of Discovery and Travels in_. By HUGH MURRAY Edinburgh, 1820.

21. STEIN, C.G.D. Rede des Herrn Professor Dr. Christian Gottfried Daniel Stein. (Gesprochen den 29sten September, 1819.) _Ueber den Venetianer Marco Polo_. Pages 8-19 of _Einladung zur Gedachtniszfeier der Wohlthater des Berlinisch-Kollnischen Gymnasiums_ ... von dem Direktor Johann Joachim Bellermann. Sm. 8vo, s.d. [1821].

22. KLAPROTH, JULIUS. A variety of most interesting articles in the _Journal Asiatique_ (see ser. I. tom. iv., tom. ix.; ser. II. tom. i. tom.

xi. etc.), and in his _Memoires Relatifs a l'Asie_. Paris, 1824.

Klaproth speaks more than once as if he had a complete Commentary on Marco Polo prepared or in preparation (e.g., see _J. As._, ser. i. tom. iv. p.

380). But the examination of his papers after his death produced little or nothing of this kind.--[Cf. supra, p. 573.]

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