The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 86

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Marsana_, 1835, 4to.

28 PARIS Former Library of Baron C. Walckenaer Latin.

A miscellaneous volume, containing an imperfect copy of Pipino's version. Present locality not known.

_Table in the G.T._


29 LUXEMBURG City Library, No. 50 Latin.

Volume containing several works; and among them _Marchi_ (Pauli) _Veneti Liber Narrationum Morum_, etc.

Paper; written 1448 by Tilman Pluntshe, "canonicus ecclesie SS.

Chresanti et Darie monasterii Eyfflic."

_Pertz, Archiv_, viii. 594.


30 BRUSSELS Royal Library, No. 9309 French.

Derives from the Paris 5631 and 2810 and the Stockholm MS., 14th century.

_G. Raynaud, Romania_, xi. pp. 429-430.


31 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. X. Codd. Lat. 72 Latin.


Formerly belonged to the Monastery of St. John's _in Viridario_ at Padua, to which it was presented by John Marchanova, Doctor of Arts and Medicine, 1467. Paper, 4to. (It is mentioned by Marsden as at Padua, p.



32 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. X. Codd. Lat. 128 Latin.

Another of Pipino's. Paper, 4to, of 15th century.


33 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. VI. Codd. Ital., 56 Italian (Ven. dialect).

A rude translation of Pipino's version, written late in the 15th century

Also contains a translation of the same Pipino's Tract, _De Locis Terrae Sanctae_. Belonged to T.G. Fa.r.s.etti. Paper, folio.


34 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. VI. Codd. Ital., 208 Italian (Ven. dialect).

Corresponds to the Venetian edition of 1496, but even more inaccurate, with absurd interpolations.

The volume contains also Odoric, A. Ca' da Mosto, V. da Gama, Columbus, etc., being of the beginning of the 16th century.

Paper, 4to. Belonged to Morelli.


35 VENICE Museo Civico, _Coll. Cicogna_, No. 2389, now 2408.


+Paper, large 4to; belonged to Gian-Giuseppe Liruti, and after to E.A.

Cicogna; contains also Odoric, published by G. Venni in 1761, and other matter.

This is the MS. noticed at vol. i. _Int., Ramusio's Italian Version_, p. 102, as containing several pa.s.sages found in no other text except Ramusio's Italian. Written in 1401 by the Notary Philip, son of Pietro Muleto of Fodan (or Fogan?)[4] in Friuli, whilst studying Rhetoric at Padua.

*[_H. Cordier_, _Odoric_, pp. xci.-xcii.]

36 VENICE Library of Count Dona delle Rose Italian, with a Venetian tinge.

It begins: "Quegli che desiderano d'entendere le maraviglose chose del mondo de l'Asia de Armenia persia e tartaria dell indie et diverse parti del mondo legano questo libro et intenderano quello chel n.o.belle citadino Veneciano Miss. Marcho Polo," etc., and end: "Explicit liber Millionis civis Veneciarum. Expleto ad CCCCXLVI mensis setembris die vigesimo-octavo."

These extracts indicate that it belongs to the same type as the Sloane MS. No. 6, in our list.

Note by Comm. Nicol Barozzi, Director of the Museo Civico at Venice.

37 FERRARA Public Library, No. 35n (336, N.B. 5) Italian, with a Venetian tinge.

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