Black Bartlemy's Treasure Part 50

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"Aye!" I nodded. "'Tis a pity Fate hath chosen you so ill a companion."

"Indeed and so it is!" says she, and turns her back on me. And so we sat awhile, she with her back to me and I gloomy and despondent hearkening to the howling of the wind.

"You eat no supper!" says I at last.

"Neither do you!"

"I am not hungry!"

"Nor I!"

Myself (speaking after some while, humbly): Have I angered you?

She: Mightily!

Myself: Aye, but how?

She: By your idle, foolish talk, for if I grow thoughtful sometimes why must you ever dream me repining against my lot? To-night, hearkening to this dreadful tempest I was full of grat.i.tude to G.o.d that He had brought us to this safe harbourage and set me in your companions.h.i.+p. And if my heart cry out for England sometimes 'tis because I do love England. Yet my days here are too full of labour for vain grieving and my labour, like my sleep, is joy to me. And there is no man I love in England--or anywhere else.

Myself (and more humbly than ever): Why then I pray you forgive me, comrade.

At this she looks at me over her shoulder, frowning and a little askance.

"For indeed," says I, meeting this look, "I would have you know me ever as your comrade to serve you faithfully, seeking only your friends.h.i.+p and nought beyond; one you may trust unfearing despite my ungentle ways."

And now I saw her frown was vanished quite, her eyes grown wondrous gentle and her lips curving to a smile; and so she reached out her hand to me.

And thus we two poor, desolate souls found great solace and comfort in each other's companions.h.i.+p, and hearkening to the roar of this mighty tempest felt the bonds of our comrades.h.i.+p only strengthened thereby.

When my lady was gone to bed I, remembering Adam's journal, took it out, and drawing the candle nearer fell to examining the book more closely. It was a smallish volume but very thick, and with very many close-written pages, its stout leathern covers battered and stained, and an ill-looking thing I thought it; but opening it haphazard, I forgot all save the words I read (these written in Adam's small clerkly hand) for I came on this:

May 10.--Glory be and thanks unto that Providence hath been my salvation and poured upon unworthy me His blessing in that I this day have fought and killed this murderous rogue and detestable pirate, Roger Tressady.

Here followed divers accounts of his labours, his discovery of these caves and many cunning devices day by day until I came on this:

May 28.--To-day a storm-beat pinnace standing in for my island, and in it Abnegation Mings and divers others of Bartlemy's rogues, survivors (as I judge) of that cursed s.h.i.+p "Lady's Delight." They landed, being fifteen in all and I in great fear and distress therefore. They leaving their boat unwatched I stole thither and to my great joy found therein a watch-coat and bonnet, 3 muskets, 2 swords, 5 pistols with powder and shot, all of which did hide among the rocks adjacent (a cunning hiding-place) where I may fetch them at my leisure, Providence aiding.

May 29.--This day 1 hour before dawn secured arms, powder, etc., and very grateful therefore.

May 30.--To-day set about strengthening and fortifying my door since, though Roger Tressady is dead, there be other rogues yet to slay, their evil minds being full of l.u.s.t for Black Bartlemy's Treasure and my blood. And these their names:

A true list of these rogues each and every known to me aforetime in Tortuga, viz.:

My enemies. My equipment against the same.

Abnegation Mings (Mate of A determined mind.

the "Vengeance" galley) 3 Musquets with powder and shot Benjamin Galbally a-plenty.

Jasper Vokes 2 Swords.

Juliano Bartolozzi 1 Axe.

Benjamin Denton 2 Pikes.

Pierre Durand 5 Pistols.

John Ford A chain-s.h.i.+rt.

James Ballantyne Izaac Pym Robert Ball William Loveday Daniel Marston Ebenezer Phips A boy and one woman.

June 1.--This day, waked by a shot and the sounds of lewd brawling, I to my lookout and mighty alarmed. Upon the sands a fire and thereby a woman and 6 or 7 of these rogues fighting for her. She, poor soul, running to escape falls shot and they to furious fight. But my hopes of their destroying each other and saving me this labour vain by reason of Abnegation Mings bringing them to accord. Thereafter they to drinking and singing of this lewd piratical rant of theirs. Whereupon I tried a shot at them with my long-barrelled arquebus to no purpose.

Have made me some ink and do answer very well.

June 2.--Went a-hunting three of my destroyers, viz. the rogues Galbally, Vokes and Bartalozzi. But they well-armed and keeping always in company did no more than harm Vokes in the leg by a bullet, and so to my fort and mighty downcast. Began to make myself a chair with arms. This day also wrote me out divers parchments thus:




and of these parchments 13 (the boy being already dead), with every rogue his name fair writ that they might know me for man of my word and leave me and my treasure in peace.

June 3.--The weather hot and I out after my bloodthirsty enemies. Came on the French rogue Durand and him sleeping. Removed his firearms and kicked him awake. He to his sword and I to mine. Took him in quarte at the third pa.s.sado through the right eye--a shrewd thrust. Tied a parchment about his neck and so to my refuge very full of grat.i.tude.

June 4.--To-day, guided by Providence, surprised Izaac Pym gorging himself on wild grapes. Spying me he whips out his pistol, but I fired first. Tied a parchment about his neck and so left him.

June 5.--Evil days for me since these murderous rogues keep ever together now and on their watch against me day and night. My great chair finished and all I could wish it.

June 9.--This night the moon full they a.s.saulted my fort with huge halloo and many shot, battering my door with a great log for ram. But I shooting one and wounding others they left me in peace.

June 10.--All this day ventured not abroad fearing an ambuscado. And lighting a fire within my inner cave the smoke showed me how I might hide from my bloodthirsty foes an need be.

June 11.--My would-be slayers camped all about my refuge and howling for my blood, though keeping well out of my line of fire. So I to making me a ladder of ropes whereby to come at my new-found sanctuary.

Determine to make this my bedchamber.

June 12.--My cruel enemies yet raging about me ravening for my blood and I very fearful. Have taken down my bed to set it within my secret chamber.

June 13.--This morning early the rogue Benjamin Denton, venturing within my fire-zone, took a bullet in his midriff, whereof he suddenly perished.

June 14.--This morning having gotten all my furniture into my secret chamber do find myself very comfortable. But my stores beginning to run low do put myself on half-rations.

June 15.--My murderers very silent with intent to lure me to my death but I--

The rest of this page was so stained and blotted that I could make nothing of it save a word or phrase here and there as:

... secret pa.s.s ... pit of black water and very ... fear of death ...

head over ears ... to my chin so that I ... miserably wet ... on hands and knees being determined ... wonderful beyond thought for here ...

tlemy's Treasure ... very great ... this gold I saw was ... emeralds, diamonds and ... pearls a-many ... through my fingers ... like any poor crazed soul. For here was treasure greater ... moreover and wealth undreamed ... shaft of ... suddenly ... the valley ... sore annoyed I stood to ... he knelt ... seeking the water ... turned ... our knives ... through my forearm but I ... broke short against my chain-s.h.i.+rt and I ... beneath the armpit. So back by the secret way to bind up my hurt and behold again my treasure.

Here my candle dying out and I in the dark, I laid the book aside and presently got me to sleep.

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