Friction. Part 21

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Man, she had it bad.

"Good to see you again, too, E.J.-under better circ.u.mstances. Last time you were busy charging Valente and some of his men, so we really didn't get to meet properly." Logan held out his hand, and E.J. gripped it firmly. "I wanted to thank you. For all of your help."

E.J. shook his head. "It was all Sarah. We were just the backup team this time."

She blushed a little more, but when she caught his stare, her eyes narrowed. She was ready to square off-it was good to know that Sarah smitten with love was still Sarah-so he took a different approach, reaching for her hand and lifting it to his mouth for a light kiss.

"Sarah, you look breathtaking. And I am so proud of the work you did out there. I imagine Logan is, too." He cast a knowing look in Logan's direction, hoping the man did indeed appreciate the jewel he had found in Sarah.

Her jaw practically dropped and it was all he could do to keep a straight face at her reaction, but it was also true. Sarah was beautiful under normal circ.u.mstances, but dressed in a simple white sundress, softened by love and the golden lights that illuminated the yard, she was stunning.

He reached over for Lori's hand, not wanting her to feel ignored. Lori knew they were just having fun, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to treat her like any gentleman should treat the lady he was out with.

She scooted up beside him, squeezing his fingers, and offered her friendly congratulations to everyone. E.J. smiled down at her, glad she didn't mind hanging out with his friends. Another voice broke into the mix.

"Don't worry, Logan, Sarah is resistant to that suave southern charm."

E.J. c.o.c.ked an eyebrow as Ian walked up behind, landing a firm grip on Logan's shoulder, reintroducing himself as well, and receiving Logan's hearty congratulations on his impending fatherhood. Ian was in rare form himself, it seemed.

"So, Logan, are you looking for a job? I think we could put in a word for you."

Logan just shook his head and looked at Sarah, smiling slightly before turning his attention back to Ian. E.J. barely heard as Logan politely declined Ian's offer, and the conversation turned to babies and various shoptalk. Normally he would have laughed at how the two men wanted to talk about babies and Sarah kept bringing the conversation back to work, but right now he just wanted to escape. He wanted to leave before everyone started telling him, as couples were wont to do, that he should start thinking about making a permanent match with someone. And Lori was stroking his wrist in a most intriguing manner....

And while he was happy for his friends, he was enjoying his life just the way it was. No marriage or babies for him. He'd dodged that bullet once, and didn't intend to get serious about anyone anytime soon. No sir-ee. No sir-ee.

The party picked up, champagne flowing freely, music carrying through the humid summer night. Ian and Sage made their happy announcements to everyone's applause, and E.J. thought the moment was just right to sweep his date up to their room for a party of their own.

As he whispered in Lori's ear, feeling her lean into him in a way that said she had no objections whatsoever to his plans, he hooked his arm around her shoulders and kissed her in such a way that she was already moaning softly into his mouth, but he didn't feel quite as thrilled as he'd antic.i.p.ated.

What did he expect?

He saw many women, and some excited him more than others. Everyone was different, and he couldn't expect more than was being offered. It was easier to push any doubts away and forge ahead. And that's what he told himself as they rose and headed to his room. He was calling it a night for now.

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