The Paston Letters Volume Iii Part 7

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The Baron of Dudley is in the Towre; what shal come of hym, G.o.d wote.

The Erle of Dorsete is in warde with the Erle of Warrwyk.

Hit was seyd, for sothe, that Harpere and ij. other of the Kynges chamber were confedered to have steked the Deuk York in the Kynges chamber; but hit was not so, for they have clered theym therof.

But London upon the same tale areysen, and every man to harneys on Corpus Christi even, and moche adoo there was.

Syr William Oldhall a bydeth no lenger in Seyntwery than the Chef Juge come, for that tyme he shal goo at large, and sewe all his maters himself, &c.

The Baron Dudley hath appeched many men; but what they ben, as yet we can not wete. Sir Phillyp Wentworth was in the feld, and bare the Kynges standard, and kest hit down and fled. Myn Lord Norffolk seyth he shal be hanged therfore, and so is he worthy. He is in Suffolk now. He der not come abought the Kynge.

Edmond Stendale was with Wenlok there in the feld, and ffowly hurt.

Fylongley is at home at his owen place with his wyf, and shal doe ryght weel; but we have a greet losse of his absence this terme, for hit wole be longe er he come this terme, I am a ferde.

Alle the Lordes that dyed at the jorney arn beryed at Seynt Albones.

Other thinges ben non here, but ye shal sene by Thomas Scales lettre the rewle of the Frenshemen, &c.

G.o.d spede us weel in our matres this terme, I praye to G.o.d, who have yow in his kepyng, &c.

W. B.

[Footnote 32.2: [From Fenn, i. 104.] This letter relates entirely to occurrences after the battle of St. Albans. The writer here only signs with his initials, but from the facsimile given by Fenn of his 'W. B.,' he can be clearly identified with William Barker.]



_To oure right trusti and welbelovid John Paston, Esquier._

_The d.u.c.h.esse of Norfolk._

[Sidenote: 1455 / JUNE 8]

Right trusti and welbelovid, we grete you hertili weel. And for as muche as it is thought right necessarie for divers causes that my Lord have at this tyme in the Parlement suche persones as longe unto him, and be of his menyall servaunts, wherin we conceyve your good will and diligence shal be right expedient, we hertili desire and pray you that at the contemplacion of thise oure lettres, as our special trust is in you, ye wil geve and applie your voice unto our right welbelovid cosin and servaunts, John Howard and Syr Roger Chambirlayn, to be Knyghts of the s.h.i.+re, exorting all suche othir as be your wisdom shal now be behovefull, to the good exployte and conclusion of the same.

And in your faithful attendaunce and trewe devoyre in this partie, ye shal do unto my Lord and us a singlere pleasir, and cause us herafter to thank you therfore, as ye shal holde you right weel content and agreid, with the grace of G.o.d, who have you ever in his keping.

Wreten in Framlyngham Castel, the viij. day of June.

[Footnote 34.1: [From Fenn, i. 96.] From the time of year at which it was written, this letter must refer to the parliamentary election of 1455.]




[Sidenote: 1455 / JUNE 11]

Thanks him for his letter sent from London. Bokkyng writes that a writ of _ravishment de garde_ is taken, and Wentworth's counsel 'call sore upon the action of 200 marks in the Common Pleas, and John Andreus is ready there, and writs of _capias_ ayenst John Porter as well as ayenst Sir Thomas.' Begs him to hasten to London, as there is great labour against our intent. Wentworth has got Debenham, Radclyff, and others in my Lord's house against us. Would rather he were at London two days too early than too late; for he trusts no man's wit so much as Paston's.

Castre, 11 June.

[The references in this letter to the affair of the wards.h.i.+p, and to the actions against John Porter and Sir Thomas Howes, all show that it belongs to the year 1455.]

[Footnote 34.2: [From MS. Phillipps, 9735, No. 269.]]



[Sidenote: 1455(?)]

. . . . . J. FASTOLF.

More overe, cosyn, I pray yow concyder ... that yff the plees for the mater ye [wit off] may be engroced be tyme or the Courtys remefe, hyt may stand yn more suertee; and ellys hyt wille stand yn a jubardye as to alle that hathe be spended and doon heere before. And therfor, savyng your better avice, I had lever ye were at London a weke the rather and tymelyer then a weke to late. I pray yow doth somwhate aftyr my councell as I wolle do by youres.

[Footnote 35.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This is only the mutilated postscript of a letter without any address, though it was doubtless directed to John Paston. The anxiety expressed that Paston should be in London in good time corresponds so closely with the contents of the preceding letter that we may refer this to the same period, especially as both the preceding letter and this are in the handwriting of William Worcester. The matter, which was to be engrossed before the Courts removed, had reference probably to the wards.h.i.+p of Thomas Fastolf of Cowhawe. --_See_ No. 292 following.]



_The copy of a Letter sent to John Paston be the Undir-Shreve[36.2] of Norff._

[Sidenote: 1455 / JUNE 19]

Ryght worchepfull Sir, I recomaund me on to you, &c. And, Sir, as for the eleccion of the Knyghts of the s.h.i.+re here in Norffolk, in good feyth her hath ben moch to do; nevir the latyr, to lete yow have knowlech of the demenyng, my Master Berney, my Master Grey and ye had grettyst voyse, and I purpose me, as I woll answer G.o.d, to retorne the dieu eleccion, that is aftir the sufficiente, yow and Mastir Grey; nevir the latyr I have a master.

Wretyn at Hederset, the Thursday next befor Midsomer.



[Footnote 36.1: [From Fenn, iii. 432.] The evidence of date in this letter is the same as in No. 288. Notwithstanding Pryce's efforts, not one of the persons named in this letter was actually elected, the knights returned for Norfolk in 1455 being the Duke of Norfolk's nominees, Sir Roger Chamberlain and John Howard. --_See_ Nos. 294 and 295 following.]

[Footnote 36.2: _s.h.i.+eve_ in Fenn is almost certainly a misreading.]


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