The Paston Letters Volume Iii Part 6

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The Lord Clyfford.

Rauff Percy.


Tresham and Josep.

The inony [_enemy's_] batayle was in the Market-place, and the Kynges standard was pight, the Kynge beynge present with these Lordes, whos namys folwe:--

The Duke of Bokyngham. } The Duke Somyrcete. } The Erle Devyns.h.i.+re. } The Erle of Northeombirlond. } The Erle Stafford. } The Erle Dorcete. } The Lord Clyfford. } The Lord Ros. }

With many Knyghtes and Squyeriz, to the noumbre in alle that faught that day iij^ml. [3000], and it was done on Thursday last past atwyx xj. and xij. at mydday.

The namys of the Lordes that were on the othir party shewyn here aftyr:--

The Duke of York. } The Erle of Salysbury. } The Erle of Warwyk. } The Lord Clynton. } Sir Robert Ocle. }

With many otheriz, to the noumbre of v^ml. [5000] men.

And Sir Rober Ocle tok vj^c. [600] men of the Marchis, and tok the Market-place or ony man was war; than the larum belle was ronge, and every man yed to harneys, for at that tyme every man was out of ther aray, and they joynid batayle anon; and it was done with inne di. [i.e.

_one half_] houre, and there were slayn the men, whos namys folwyn:--

The Duke Somyrcete. } The Erle Northombirlond. } The Lord Clyfford. } The Lord Clynton. } Sir Bartyn at Wessyll. } Babthorpe and hese sone. } Cotton, Receyvour of the Duchye.} Gryphet, Ussher of Hall. } Herry Loweys. } Wyllyam Regmayde. } John Raulyns. Asple. } Harpour, Yoman of the Croune. }

With many othir men, to the noumbre of iiij^c [400], and as many or mo hurt. The Kynge was hurt with an harwe in the necke. The Duke of Bukkyngham hurt, and fled in to the Abbey. The Erle Devyns.h.i.+re hurt. The Erle Stafford and Dorcetyr gretly hurt. Fylongley faught manly, and was shet thorwe the armys in iij. or iiij. placys.

The Duke of Norfolke come a day aftyr the jurney was done with vj^mll.

[6000] men.

And the Erle of Oxinford also.

The Erle of Shrewysbury, } Lord Crumwelle, } And Sir Thomas Stanley, }

with x^mll. [10,000] men were comynge.

The Kynge with all the Lordes come to London to Westmenstyr on Fryday, at vj. of clocke at aftyr none, and London went a generalle processyon the same day.

[Footnote 29.1: [From MS. Phillipps, 9735, No. 278.]]



_Unto my wors.h.i.+pfull and welbeloved cosyn, John Paston, be this lettre delivred in hast._

[Sidenote: 1455 / MAY 25]

Right wors.h.i.+pfull and entierly welbeloved Sir, I recommaunde me unto you, desiring hertly to here of your welfare. Furthermore lettyng you wete, as for such tydinges as we have here, such [_these_] thre Lordes be dede, the Duke of Somerset, the Erle of Northombrelonde, and the Lord Clyfford; and as for any other men of name, I knowe noon save only Quotton of Cammbriges.h.i.+re. As for any other Lordes, many of theym be hurt; and as for Fenyngley, he lyveth and fareth well, as fer as I can enquere, &c.

And as for any grete multytude of people that ther was, as we can tell, ther was at most slayn [x][31.2] vj. score. And as for the Lordes that were with the Kyng, they and her men wer pilled and spoyled out of all their harneys and horses; and as for what rule we shall have yit I wote nett, save only ther be made newe certayn officers.

My Lord of Yorke, Constabil of Englande; my Lord of Warweke is made captayn of Calyes; my Lord Burgchier is made Treasorer of Englande; and as yit other tydinges have I none.

And as for our soverayn Lorde, thanked be G.o.d, he hathe no grete harme.

No more to you at this tyme, but I pray you send this lettyr to my Maistresse Paston, when ye have sene hit; preyng you to remembre my systir Margrete ageyne the tyme that she shal be made nonne.

Written at Lamehith, on Witsonday, &c.

By your cosyn,


[Footnote 31.1: [From Fenn, i. 100.] This letter relates to the first battle of St. Albans and the changes which took place immediately after it.]

[Footnote 31.2: In the original letter, the x is struck out, and vj. placed after it in the same line.--F.]




[Sidenote: 1455 / MAY 28]

Thanks him for his pains in speeding his causes at London this term.

Understands the Sheriff of Norfolk's officers are at Norwich, and now the writ of attaint is sent home by William Barker, which Fastolf sends again to Paston that he may consult with the Sheriff or his officers what to do. Both William Barker and Seffrey (_sic_) Spyrlyng are now at Norwich, and one of them, if need be, shall wait on Paston.

Castre, 28 May.

'And I trust to G.o.d, as the world goeth now, the said attaint shall do right well.'

[The postscript of this letter seems to refer to the change of administration after the battle of St. Albans. As to the action of attaint sued by Fastolf, see Nos. 268 and 276.]

[Footnote 32.1: [From MS. Phillipps, 9735, No. 255.]]



_To William Worcester, be this lettre delyvered in hast._

[Sidenote: 1455 / JUNE]

Sir, I recomaunde me to yow; and as for tydyngs, ye may enforme myn mayster, there is non but that he hath knowleche of, but that the Kyng, the Quene, and the Prynce remeven to Hertford to morwen withought faute; myn Lord York to the Fryres at Ware; myn Lord Warwyk to Hunesdon; the Erle Salysburye to Rye; and there they shall abyde to tyme the Parlement be gynne.

The Duk Buk is come inne, and sworn that he shal be rewled, and draw the lyne with theym; and ther to he and his brethern ben bounde by reconysaunce in notable summes to abyde the same.

The Erle of Wylts sent to the Lordes from a place of his, called Peterfeld, a lettre desyring to know if he shuld come, and abyde abought the Kynges persone as he dede be fore; and if he shuld not, than that they wold lycence hym to goon in to Erland, and leve there upon his landes, &c., and before this don, the Lordes were advysed to have made hym to don as the Duk Buk hath don, and no more; but what that wolle falle now therof, no man can telle as yet.

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