The Paston Letters Volume Vi Part 35

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_To myn ryght worchypfull cosyn, Sir John Paston, knyght._

[Sidenote: 1488-1492 / MARCH 4]

Cosyn Paston, I recommend me to you and wn to myne good ladie your wiff.

As for your mater betwyx you and your wncle,[150-2] I have shewid it soe to my ladie of Norffolk and to hym, that it is agreed yee to entre in to Marlyngford and all other maners in debate in your name, and to kepe your courtes, sell your wodis, and to doo therwith as with your own.

Wherupon I avise you, as soone as ye may, send som discrete man to kepe your courtis and to lette your fermys and selle your wodis to your most avayll. Your presens theer shall bee costly, and what is bee heende in the fermourz or tenauntz handez sethyn the rekenyng last be ffor myne ladiez servauntz and yourz, that thei bee warnyd kurtesly to paie it by a day, except in ony wise I avyse you nat to make ony thretis to ony fermour or tenaunt, for ony dealing affor this tyme, but to gett in fayernesse till I speke with you; and in ony wyse that yee nor ony your servauntz have noon wordis in this mater, but that it is agreed bee myne ladie you to have your peasebill possession. And as for Huntingffeldis, as yee have beffore ocupyed, ocupie still without noyse. I pray you folowe myne avise in this. I have hadde laubour, I trust thorowe your cause it shall nat be in vain _laboraverunt_, and suffyr this bill hyddyr too to speke to your sellf in privite, and to noon other. How yee and myne ladie, and in what sylk or clooth yee will have these tweyn yong innocentis[150-3] maried inne, iff it shuld bee purveyed at London to send me word, or ellys at Norwich, as it shall please you and myne ladie, ther after I shall applie me. For it must bee ordyrd be you in the yong husbondis name. Your penauns off your wncles mater shall yee knowe whan I kom hoome. Ther is non other meane but to sell your wodis and tymber in all your manors to your most avayll, except theere as it kan nat bee forborn for diverse causys. And iff you list to command mee ony thyng in these partyez, send me word be myn servaunt, berer heerof.

Wretin the iiij^th day off March.

Your own to his powr,


[Footnote 150-1: [Add. MS. 33,597, f. 9.] This letter must be addressed to the later Sir John. The manor of Marlingford belonged to Agnes Paston, who died about the same time as her grandson the first Sir John, and her right accordingly descended to his brother John, who was knighted at the battle of Stoke, 16th June 1487. His claim was disputed for a time by his uncle, but some arrangement was come to, apparently before the year 1493. (_See_ No. 1056.)]

[Footnote 150-2: William Paston, son of the judge.]

[Footnote 150-3: Probably Sir John Paston's eldest son and a daughter of Sir Robert Clere. (_See_ No. 1056.)]



_To my rigth wurchypful master, Sir John Paston, Knyth, in hast._

[Sidenote: 1494 / NOV.]

Memorandum, that thes be the namys that war mad Knytes of the Bath, the Thwrsday be for Alhalow Day.

Fyrst, My Lord Herry, Duke of Yorke.

My Lord Haryngton, Lord Marcas sun.[151-2]

My Lord Clyfford.

My Lord Fyvaren.

My Lord Dakyr of the Sowth.

My Lord Strange. Lord Stranges sun.

Sir John Arundell of the West.

Sir Water Grefyth of Lonkaschyre.

Sir Jarveys a Clyffton of Yorkechyre.

Sir Roberd Harcorth of the West.

Sir Edmund Trayford.

Sir Herry Marney of Es.e.xe.

Sir Roger Newborow.

Sir Raff Rither of Yorkechyre.

Sir Thomas Bawd of Harforth chyre.

Sir John Speke.

Sir Houmfrey Fulford.

Sir Roberd Lytton.

Sir Pers Egecome.

Sir Roberd Clere.

Sir Thomas Fayrefaxe.

Sir Richard Knythley.

Sir Wyllem Cheke.

Also Master Robert Southwell is Hey Schreve of Norffolke.

Memorandum, that saforn is at xvj_s._ j_li._ the lowest price.

Also, the Kynge and the Qwene went crowned on Halowmesse Day last; and my Lord of Schrewsbery bare my Lord Harry, Duke of Yorke, in hys harmys; and x. byschopis, with myters on ther hedes, goyng be for the Kyng that day rownd a bowt Westmynster Hawle, with many odyr gret astates.

Sir, ther hath be so gret cownsell for the Kynges maters, that my Lord Chawnsler kept not the Ster Chawmber thys viij. days, but one day at London, on Sent Lenardes Day.

Be yowre pore prest and servaund,


The lowest pryse of saforn is xvj_s._

Item, the Knytes of the Bath.

Item, the Knytes of the Schyre.

Item, of recordes a yenst me.

Syr, ther hath record a yenst me, Syr John Seyve, Vecry of Barton, John Anond, Richard Elwyn of Wytton, John Bowlond of Totyngton, sumnor, whech arne all forsworyn on the Crwsifyxe a yenst me.

[Footnote 151-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter gives the list of the Knights of the Bath made on the occasion of Henry the King's second son being created Duke of York in 1494.]

[Footnote 151-2: Thomas Grey, son of Thomas Grey, first Marquis of Dorset, who succeeded his father in 1501.]

[[Sir Thomas Bawd of Harforth chyre _s.p.a.cing unchanged_]]



_To our right honorable and especyall good maister, Ser John Paston, Knyght, this letter be delyvered in hast._

[Sidenote: 1495 / JULY 11]

Right wurchipfull ser, we recomaund us onto your good maisters.h.i.+p, sertefyeng you that Robart Albon of Yermouth with many more of our neybors, this Saterday arn comen hom from Caunterbury. And Robart Albon hath spokyn with the English captayns of the Kynges rebellys ther, part of theym that arn takyn; and Robart Albon and his company seith that ther wer takyn and slayn to the noumbre of vij^xx., wherof were v.

captayns, iiij. of them he named, oon Mounford, Whyght, Belt, and Corbett: he coude nott telle the fyfft capteyns name. And they told hym that they have apoynted to have a town of strength, for they wold an had Sandwich, and the countre had nott a resistid them. And so Belt seid on to Robart Albon he wyst weell that he was but a deed man, and for asmoche as he wist that he was of Yermouth, he shewid hym that they woll have Yermouth or they xall dye for it, as Robart seyth to us.

And this is a mater of trewth, and therfore we desyre and pray your good maisters.h.i.+p, that we may have your myghty help of ayde and socowr, and that it woll please you to comon with Maister Mayer of Norwiche, to meve hym of hys sokour, but in especyall that we may have your maisters.h.i.+p amongs us, with suche strength of your good councell, as your maisters.h.i.+p shall thynk most best for the Kynges pleasur, and for the sewyrtye of us alle; for we putt us in devyr to furnysh the town with all that we can doo, for we know noon oder but that they may be here by possybylyte this nyght or to morow att nyght at the ferdest. No more to you, but Jesu preserve you.

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