The Paston Letters Volume Vi Part 14

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[Footnote 50-4: Head of the bedstead.]

[Footnote 52-1: Opposite this paragraph is written in the margin in John Paston's hand: 'C. marke. Solut' E. P. _l._ marke.']

[Footnote 52-2: Halliwell explains 'gaudees' as 'the larger beads in a roll for prayer.' According to Palsgrave they represented the _Paternoster_.]

[[wherof oon is covered the hole bedde _punctuation unchanged: missing comma after "covered"?_

[48-5] [48-6]

_in the body text, footnote markers 5 and 6 are reversed, but see text and footnotes_]]



_To my ryght worchepfull modyr, Margaret Paston._

[Sidenote: 1482(?)]

Ryght worchepfull modyr, in my most humble wyse I recomand me to yow, besechyng yow of your dayly blyssyng. And when I may, I wyll with as good wyll be redy to recompence yow for the cost that my huswyff and I have put yow to, as I am now bond to thank yow for it, whyche I do in the best wyse I can. And, modyr, it pleasyd yow to have serteyn woordys to my wyff at hyr depertyng, towchyng your remembrance of the shortness that ye thynk your dayes of, and also of the mynd that ye have towardes my brethryn and systyr your chyldyr, and also of your servauntes, wher in ye wyllyd hyr to be a meane to me, that I wold tendyr and favore the same. Modyr, savyng your plesure, ther nedyth non enbasatours nor meanys betwyx yow and me; for ther is neyther wyff nor other frend shall make me to do that that your comandment shall make me to do, if I may have knowlage of it; and if I have no knowlage, in good feyth I am excuseabyll bothe to G.o.d and yow. And, well remembred, I wot well ye ought not to have me in jelusye for one thyng nor other that ye wold have me to accomplyshe, if I overleve yow; for I wot well non oo man a lyve hathe callyd so oft upon yow as I, to make your wylle and put iche thyng in serteynte, that ye wold have done for your sylff, and to your chyldre and servauntes. Also at the makyng of your wylle, and at every comunycacyon that I have ben at with yow towchyng the same, I nevyr contraryed thyng that ye wold have doon and performyd, but alweyso ffyrd my sylff to be bownde to the same. But, modyr, I am ryght glad that my wyff is eny thyng your favore or trust; but I am ryght sory that my wyff, or eny other chyld or servaunt of your shold be in bettyr favore or trist with yow then my sylff; for I wyll and must forbere and put fro me that, that all your other chyldre, servauntes, prestys, werkmen, and frendys of your that ye wyll ought bequethe to, shall take to theym. And thys have I, and evyr wylbe redy on to, whyll I leve, on my feyth, and nevyr thought other, so G.o.d be my helpe, Whom I beseche to preserve yow and send yow so good lyff and longe, that ye may do for youre sylff and me aftyr my dyssease; and I beshrewe ther hertys that wold other or shall cause yow to mystrust, or to be unkynd to me or my frendys.

At Norwyche, thys Monday, with the hand of your sone and trwest servaunt,


[Footnote 54-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter, which was undoubtedly written during the later years of Margaret Paston, may be conveniently placed after her will.]

[[but alweyso ffyrd my sylff _text unchanged: error for "alweys offyrd"?_]]



_To my wurshepfull and tendrest maister, John Paston, Esquyer._

[Sidenote: 1482 / APRIL 10]

Righ wurshepfulle, one of my most kyndest and tenderest, and undeserved most contynuell maister, I recomaunde me to you. And where your trusty maistershep willeth me to come to Norwich, pleas it you I may not; for ever, as in long tyme pa.s.sed, on Thursday in Esterne Weke, begynne Maister Heydons courtes and letes, the vieu of the halfyere of the houshold accompte, the closyng up fynally of th'accomptes of alle baillievs, so that the resceyvour may make his fynall accompte, which wille extende in alle to xiiij. dayes and more; and to this season is my duete, and elles I shulde not faill your pleasure.

Moreover, pleas it you, my Lord Riviers in his owne persone hath bene atte Hikelyng, and his counseill lerned, and serched his fees for his homages, among which ye be for Begvyles pasture in Somerton, and, I suppose, Wynterton, late Sir John Fastolfes; my maistres your modre for Mawtebyes in Waxham; wherein I beseche you previde, for I have done therein hertofore, asfer as I myght, &c. What it meneth, my lord is sette sore to approwement and husbondry. His counseill hath tolde him he may sette his fynes for respite of homage at his pleasure, &c.

I besech you my maistresse may have worde of this. And oure blessed Lord ever mutte preserve you, and be your governour and defender.

Wreten at Thorplond, this Wednesday in Esterne Weke, fallyng the x. day of Aprill, anno E. iiij^ti xxij.

Your servaunt,


[Footnote 55-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]



[Sidenote: 1482 / OCT. 9]

Grant by Margaret Paston to her son Edmund and his wife Catherine and to Robert their son, of an annuity of five marks out of the manor of Freton, Suffolk, with power to distrain for payment.

9 Oct. 22 Edw. IV.

[Footnote 56-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]



_To my right wors.h.i.+pfull master, John Paston, in haste._

[Sidenote: 1482(?) / NOV. 1]

Right reverent and wors.h.i.+pfull sir, in my moste umble vice, I recomaunde me unto yow, as lowly as I can, &c. Plese you to wete, John Howes, Alexander Qwharteyn, John Fille, with the parson and the newe myller of Marlyngforthe, have goten Thom' At Welles carte of Estetodenham, fermour to myn uncle William Paston, Herry Hervy of Meelton Magna, fermour and baly to my seide uncle, Ric. Barkers carte of the seide towne of Meelton, late fermour, and yette is in daunger to[57-1] my seide uncle, and William Smythes carte of Brandon juxta Bernham Broom, late fermour and baly, and also in daunger to[57-1] my seide uncle, on Monday and Twesday last past, caryed a wey from Merlyngforth in to the place at Seint Edmondes in Norwich, xij. of yowr greete plankes, of the weche they made vj. loodes, beryng a bowte the seide cartes, bowes and gleves, for feere of takyng a wey. Sir, as for yowr servauntes of Marlyngforth, they withholde her catell and hem selfe bothe from the coorte, and come not within the lords.h.i.+p, nor make noon attornment, exept Thom' Davy and John Water, weche absentyng of the tenauntes is to them a greet hurt and los, for lak of sedyng ther londes with ther wynter corn; besechyng you for G.o.des sake to remembre som remedy for them.

My Lady Caltorp hath ben at Geppeswich on pilgry mache, and came homward be my Lady of Norffolk, and ther was moche communicacion of yowr mater be twix you and myn uncle, seyng to my Lady Caltorp, ye nede not a gonne to London, ye myght have an ende at home; rememberyng to my seid Lady Caltorp of the mocion that he made towchyng the maner of Sporle, promyttyng to my lady to abyde that, and to write and seale as largely as any man wol desire hym. And at his departyng from my lady he was not mery, what the cauce was I wot not [but he was not mery of your departyng].[57-2] My Lady Calthorp desireth me to write to yow to have ende, for he intendes largely to have a peace with yow, as he seth; but truste hym not to moche, for he is not goode.

My mother in lawe thynketh longe she here no word from you. She is in goode heele, blissed be G.o.d, and al yowr babees also. I mervel I here no word from you, weche greveth me ful evele; I sent you a letter be Brasiour sone of Norwiche, wher of I here no word. No more to you at this tyme, but Almyghty Jesu have you in Hes blissed kepyng.

Wreten at Norwich, on Allowmes Day at nyght.

Be yowr servaunt and bedewoman,


Sir, I prey yow, if ye tary longe at London, that it wil plese to sende for me, for I thynke longe sen I lay in yowr armes.

[Footnote 56-2: _Ibid._ This letter, it will be seen, must have been written before the death of Margaret Paston in 1484, and from what is stated in No. 953, it is certainly not earlier than 1479.

The date, moreover, must be between 1480 and 1482, for it is stated that the outrages here complained of occurred on the Monday and Tuesday before the letter was written; and in the next letter we find that there was a new outrage of the same description on Friday. If Hallowmas Day, the date of this letter, was a Wednesday, the year must be 1480, if a Thursday 1481, and if Friday 1482. We are rather inclined to think it was the latter.]

[Footnote 57-1: 'In danger to' signifies either in debt or otherwise responsible to another person.]

[Footnote 57-2: These words are crossed out in the MS.]


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