The Paston Letters Volume Vi Part 4

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[Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 19]

This indenture made the xix. day of August, anno xix^o [witnesseth][17-3]

that I, Richard Lee, have delivered to Mr. John Russhe thes parcellis folowyng of plate [and][17-4] of silver:--

First, a bason and an ewer with iij. combis in a skochyn.

Item, a silver potte.

A layer of silver, parte gilte with an acorne on the knoppe.

A gilte stonding couppe ponsid with a cover.

A chasid pece with a cover aparte gilte.

ij. playne pecys.

ij. deppe diss.h.i.+s.

x. sponys.

A white playne coppe with a starre in the botom with a cover.

A standing coppe gilte with a cover.

A candellstik of silver with a sokette.

A trevett of silver.

A salt of silver with a brokyn cover.

A cover for a playn pece, the knoppe gravid with armys.


_Endorsed_--'Plate of William Paston left with John Russhe, the xiij.

day of Sept., a^o xix^o.'

[Footnote 17-2: [Add. MS. 27,451, f. 2, B.M.]]

[Footnote 17-3: Omitted in MS.]

[Footnote 17-4: Erased.]



[Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 21]

Suer dydynges arn com to Norwyche that my grandam is dyssessyd, whom G.o.d a.s.soyle. Myn uncle had a messenger zesterday that she shuld not escape, and this day cam a nother at suche tyme as we were at for my brother Water, whom G.o.d a.s.soyle! Myn uncle was comyng to have offered, but the last messenger retornyd hym hastely, so that he toke hys hors incontynent to enforme more of owr hevynes. My syster ys delyverd, and the chyld pa.s.syd to G.o.d, Who send us Hys grace.

Dokkyng told me sekretly that for any hast myn uncle shuld ryde by my Lady of Norffolk to have a iij. skore persons, whyther it is to convey my grandham hyder or nowght he cowde not sey; I deme it is rather to put them in possessyon of some of her londes.

Wretyn the Saterdaye the xxi. daye of August, anno E. iiij^ti xix^o.

[Footnote 18-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is neither signed nor addressed, but is in the handwriting of Edmund Paston, and is endorsed by John Paston the younger, 'Dies mortis A. P.']




[Sidenote: 1479 / AUG. 26]

Declaration by Robert Mill, John Hobbes, John Claryngton, Thomas Davy, John Brygge, John Watyr, and William Parson, tenants of the manor of Marlyngford, before the Abbot of St. Benet's, John [R]adclyf Fywater,[19-2] Mr. John Smyth, Robert Ippeswell, William Lomnor, John Paston, Esq., William Yelverton, senior, John, alderman, William b.a.s.t.a.r.d, gentleman, and William Fuller, that they have always held of the manor in the name of Agnes Paston, daughter, and one of the heirs of Edmund Bery, Knt., and in her name only, till [21 Aug.] before St. Bartholomew Apostle, 19 Edw. IV., when her son, William Paston, desired them to attorn to him without showing writing or evidence.

Done in the parlour of John Cooke, 26 Aug., 19 Edw. IV. _Signed_: 'Thomas, Abbot of Seynt Benettes of Hulme.'--'J. Radclyff Fytzwauter.'--'John Smyth, clerk.'--'Robert Ipeswell.'--'Will.

Lomnor.'--'W. Yelverton.'--'John Cook.'--'Will'm b.a.s.t.a.r.d.'--'Will.


[Footnote 19-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]

[Footnote 19-2: John Radcliff, son and heir of Sir John Radcliff, called Lord Fitzwalter in No. 450 (vol. iii.). He was summoned to Parliament as Lord Fitzwalter in the first year of Henry VII.]



[Sidenote: 1479 / AUG.]

Memorandum, uppon the presse at the ferther ende is a box with ij. or iij. bondellis with evydence off Oxenhed and Hawteyn.

Memorandum, that ther is rollis tytelyd uppon them 'Contra Willelmum Pas[ton],' and they be owther uppon the presse, or on the cowntre, or on the shelffe by the cowntre, or ellys in the cowntre on ... that syde next the shelffe.

To enquire, off myn, oncle William, off Jane, off my grauntd[ames]

wylle, and whoo wrot itt, and whether she be buried or noo, and who were present at hyr wylle makyng, and iff she spoke ... . . owte off her londes.


Off the Kynge, The Chaunceler, Milorde Chamberleyn, Sir Thomas Mongomere, Mi Lorde Cardynall, Master Bele, and hys clerke, ffor my faderes wille.

[Footnote 19-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] These memoranda are in the handwriting of Sir John Paston. From the inquiry whether Agnes Paston was yet buried the date is evidently in August 1479.]

[[To enquire, off myn, oncle William _text unchanged: superfluous comma after "myn"?_]]



[Sidenote: 1479, or earlier]

Plesith it your mastress.h.i.+p to witte that I sende you a boxe with evidence of Baktons londes, weche plesith it you to delyver to my master, Sir John, so that I may have my money that is behynde. And as for Sporle, I sende you an endenture of the bercars[20-2] and iij.

obligacions eche of v. marke. And as for any endenture of the wode sale I made non, but a noote breefely of the effecte, wech I sende you, as I tolde my mastre at Cristemas, and that tyme he seide to me he was the better plesid, and so I ded no more therto; and an obligacion of C_li._ weche they be bounde to hym to performe ther ther covinauntes; weche remayneth in the handes of the veker of Sporle. And I send you also ij.

billes of the parcell of the wode sale, bothe the wynter sale and the somer sale, wherof the veker of Sporle and William Halman have the other parties of them, as he comaunded hym selfe at the begynnyng. And lete my countrelle doo what hym liste. I fynd hym a trewe man; he dothe as he hath reported that he shuld go on my harond, and so I undrestond from the[m] he hath do; but thow I have lost a frende of hym in that quarter, I have mo frendes in that contre the[n] hee, etc. Mastres, it were goode to remembre your stuffe of heryng nough this fisshyng tyme. I have goten me a frende in Lestoftot to helpe to purvey me of an vij. or viij.

barell, and shal not stonde me upon above vj_s._ viij_d._ a barell, so that he may have money nough in the begynnyng, ye shal do more nough with xl_s._ then ye shal do at Cristemes with v. marke. The fisshyng at Yermouth wol not be so goode as it wolbe at Leystoft, for the haven wol not prove yette, etc. Almyghty G.o.d kepe you. Wrete this daye.

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