The Paston Letters Volume Iv Part 32

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Please it your maistershyp to wyte, uppon Satourday last, Mayster Wyll.

Paston and I werre with my Lord the Byshoppe of York, and enformyd hys Lordshyp of the entre that was made at Haylesdon in the Duk of Suffolks name. And my Lord asked of ous whether the C. marc wer payd or not, and we awnswered that it was payd many day a goon. And than he sayd, 'I dar swer uppon a boke that the d.u.c.h.esse of Suffolk hath no knowlych therof.'

And so he comaundyd ous to a wayte uppon hym, for he wold be at London a yen uppon Tewysday next; and soo we have non awnswer as yet.

Item, I have spoken with Mayster Robert Kent for your maters, and byddeth that ye shold not dowte therof; and as for the neglygens of your wytnes, Mayster Robert sayth it ys but a, and shall be no hurt. And the copys therof wer deliveryd or than I cam hom from Parker ys hands, and that causyd me to spake no word to hym therof.

Item, the Lord Scales sayd at a soper wher as he soped within thys iiij.

nyztys that he wold ryde home and enter in ij. fayre maners in hys contray, and desyred Stanhope that shall wed Gernyngham ys suster to ryde with hym. I suppose it be to entre in to Caster and Cotton; wherfor maketh wache be tyme, for it ys mery to plede in possession, &c.

Item, I have send you an unce of myvers (?) by the beror of thys letter, and thay cost me iiij_s._ iiij_d._

Item, your gesseren[169.1] and gaunteletts shall be send hom by the next caryours, for ther be non hyre yete, &c. No more to you at thys tyme.

The Holy Trynyte have you in Hys kypyng. Wryten at London uppon Tewysday next after Seynt Anne.

By youre servaunt,


[Footnote 168.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is sufficiently apparent from the reference in the beginning to 'the entry made at h.e.l.lesden in the Duke of Suffolk's name.']

[Footnote 169.1: A sleeveless coat of mail.]



_To my ryght worschipful husband, John Paston, be this delyverd in hast._

[Sidenote: 1465 / AUG. 7]

Right wurchepfull husbond, I recomaund me to you. Please it you to wete that I sent on Lammesse day[169.3] to Drayton, Thomas Bonde and Sir James Gloys to hold the court in your name, and to clayme your tytill; for I cowde gete none other body to kepe the court, ner that wuld go theder but the seide Thomas Bonde, be cause I suppose thei were a ferd of the pepill that shuld be there of the Duke of Suffolks parte. The said Thomas and James, as the Duke of Suffolks men, that is to sey, Harlesdon, the parson of Salle, Mayster Phillip and William Yelverton, the which was styward, with a lx. persones or more be estymacion, and the tenauntes of the same town, sum of hem havyng rusty pollexis and byllys, comyn in to the maner yard to kepe the courte, met with them, and told them that thei were comyn to kepe the court in your name, and to clayme your t.i.till. Wherfore the seid Harlesdon, with ought any mor words or occasion yovyn of your men, comytted the seid Thomas Bonde to the kepyng of the new Baly of Drayton, William Dokett, seyng that he shuld go to my lord and do his herand hym self, notwithstandyng that Sir James dede the erands to them, and had the words; wherfor thei toke the seid Thomas with ought occasion. Thei wuld have mad the seid Thomas to have had the words, and the seid James told hem that had hem, because he was the more pesibill man, whan afterward thei bade avoyde, and sithen led forth Thomas Bonde to Cossey, and bownde his armes be hynde hym with whippe cord like a theffe, and shuld have led hym forth to the Duke of Suffolk, ner had be that I had spokyn with the juges in the morwyn or thei yede to the s.h.i.+rehous and enformed hem of such ryottes and a.s.saugthis as thei had mad up on me and my men; the baly of Cossey and all the Duke of Suffolks councell beyng ther present, and all the lerned men of Norffolk, and William Jenney and my[che] pepill of the contre; the juge callyng the baly of Cossey befor them all, and yaffe hym a gret rebuke, comaundyng the shereffe to se what pepill thei had gadred at Drayton; which came after to Helesdon to se the pepill ther, with weche [pe]pill he held hym wele content; and fro thens he rode to Drayton to se ther pepill, which wer avoyded or he came. And ther he desired to have delivered the seid Thom. Bonde to hym; and thei excusid hem and seid thei had send hym to the Duke of Suffolk. Notwithstandyng, afterward thei sent hym to Norwhich to hym, desiryng hym that he shuld delivere hym not withought he mad a fyne, be cause he trobilled the Kynges lete; for which thei mad l ... . to juges. But after that I understod it, I sent Danyell of Mershlond and Thomas Bonde[170.1] to enforme the juges how the seide Thomas was entreted amonges hem, and so he ded. And the juges were gretly ... . . with the Dukes men, and forwith comaunded the sheryf to delyver the seide Bone withoute any fyne m[aking], seyng that he out non to make. And in goode feythe I founde the juges ryght gentell and forborable to me in my matres, notwithstandyng the Duckes councell had made her compleynt to them or I come in ther werst wice, noysyng us of gret gatheryng of peopell and many riotes thynges don be me and your men. And after I enformed the juges of ther untrouthe and of ther gidyng, and of our gidyng in like wice. And after the juges undrestod the trouthe he gave the baly of Cossey befor me and many other a pa.s.syng gret rebuke, seyng without he amended hes condicion and governaunce, thei wuld enforme the Kynge and helpe that he schuld be punyschet. And wher as ye avyced me ... . .

a felaschip to kepe the coorte at Drayton with easy cost, it was thought be your councell it wer better otherwise, and not to gather no people, for it was told me that the Dukes men had to the nombre of v. C. men, and your councel avised me to gete a felischip to kepe my place at Heylesdon, for it was told me that they schuld come and pulle me out of the place, weche cauced me to kepe the place the strenger at that tyme.

And as for kepyng of any coort for you at Drayton, I can not wete how it cowde be brought a boute withoute helpe of other but if there schuld growe gret inconvenyence of it. And at the a.s.s[izes] ... . made gret labor to endite your men, notwithstandyng it was letted. And as for the writtes of replevyn, they were delyverd openly be for the juges to the scheryf, and also other writtes wech Jamys Gresham brought; and aftre that Ric. Calle spake with the high scheref for the servyng of hem. And so he promysed to serve it and to send men of hes owne to serve it; and so he sent ij. of his men with Ric. Lynsted, and with ij. of Scheperdes to Cossey for the schepe. And ther they wer answer that Yelverton cleymeth the properte, and so wer they answerd in all other places wher as any catell was. And so they departed and come to the scheryf and enformed hym; and I undrestande the scheryf taketh it for an answere; notwithstandyng I send hym word withoute that Yelverton had ben ther in hes owne persone he myte not cleyme the properte, and aviced hym to be ware what retorne he made that he were not hurte by it. And so he hathe made no retorne yet. What he wul doo I wat ner. He is stylle in this contre yet and schal be this iiij. or v. dayes, but your councell thynketh it were well don that ye gete an _allias_[172.1] and a _pluries_ that it myght be sent don to the scheryf and than he can mak non excuse but nedys ... . .[172.2] it well (?) to make a retorne as he wol abide by. I can not wete how the catell woll be goten ayen withoute other processe be had more than we have yet.

Item, on Tuesday next comyng schal the sescions of the pees be at Wolsyngham. What schal be do ther I wot not yet; for as for any indytementes that we schuld labor a yenst them it is but wast werk; for the scheryf ner the jerrours wol no thyng do ayenst them.

Item, wher as ye desire to knowe what gentelmen wolde do for you at this tyme, in goode feythe I founde Herry Greye, Lomnor, Alblastre, Wer ... . (?), Berney of Redham, Skyppewith, and Danyell of Merchelond, ryght weele disposed to you ward at this tyme in helpyng and in zevyng ther goode avice to me for suche maters as I had to doo. Ye schal have more pleyne undrestondyng of all thynges her after than I may write to you at this tyme.

Item, the _supersedias_[172.3] and the _supplicavit_[172.3] is delyverd to Alblastre and to Wechyngham, and they have mad out bothe warantes and _supersedias_;[172.4] nevertheles ther is non servyd yet.

Item, I received the box with the writt and the letter that Berney sent to me on Friday last and non er [_no earlier_].

Item, as for the pris of malte it is fallen here sore, for it is worthe but ij_s._ viij_d._ j. quarter at Yermoth.

Item, as for your wolle, I may selle a stoone for xl_d._, so that I wol geve halfe yere day of payment. I prey you sende me word how I shal do in this matre and in all other, &c. And G.o.d kepe you. Wreten in haste the Wednesday next aftre Lammes daye.



[Footnote 169.2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This is another of the series of letters relating to Paston's dispute with the Duke of Suffolk about Drayton and h.e.l.lesdon in 1465.]

[Footnote 169.3: August 1.]

[Footnote 170.1: At this point the letter is continued in a different ink upon a new sheet of paper, which was formerly st.i.tched to the first sheet. A line which was formerly covered by the sewing shows that Margaret Paston intended at first to have written: 'to the justice, and he ... . . (_five words illegible, the paper being cut_) thei toke the seid Thomas with ought warant, afftre trobillyng of the lete.']

[Footnote 172.1: So in MS.]

[Footnote 172.2: A word illegible.]

[Footnote 172.3: So in MS.]

[Footnote 172.4: _Supersedeas_ is a writ to stay certain proceedings; _supplicavit_ a writ for taking surety of the peace when violence is threatened by any one.]

[[I may selle a stoone for xl_d._ _printed in roman (non-italic) type_]]



_To my cosyn, Margaret Paston, at Heylisdonn._

[Sidenote: 1465 / AUG. 7]

I recomaund me to you. And as for the letter that I send yow touchyng John Russe, I will that ye and your counsell see it openly; and kepe this bille to your self or to some secret frend of yours. And I pray yow remembir ij. thynges; on, if ye fynd hym in any maner wise disposed to leve his bargeyn, take it at his offer, and take ayen the writyng that he hath of that bargeyn, or a writyng of his owne hand of relesyng his bargeyn to me; for peraventure at this tyme he woll be glad to leve his bargeyn, as I undirstand, and whanne he sethe that I have peas he wolle calle theron ayen. Wherfore I pray yow werk wisely herin, for he may in no maner wise aske the money of me and kepe his bargeyn, for he hathe divers tymes desired me to have take of hym more (?) therfore.

Another, as sone as ye may, or ye breke this mater with John Russe, make due serche with the fermours at Akthorp what mony Russe hath reseyved ther in my tyme, that is to sey, for Mighelmes the first, the ij., iij., iiij. yeres of Kyng E., of whech he hath reseyved ij. payments, that is xij_li._ at the lest, or er the maner was trobelid by Jenney or Yelverton. And I deme that he hath reseyvid some sithen, but that he kepith counsell.

Item, for as moch as Sir Thomas Howes gaderid for the x.x.xix. yere of Kyng Herry, the seid John Russe woll, under colour of that surmytte, that he reseyvid in my tyme was therfore, wherfore ye must make a serche what he hath reseyvid sith Sir John Fastolff dyed, and what tyme; and therupon ye shall undirstand what he hath reseyvid for me, and what for hym; and in case he hathe reseyvid xii_li._, and Richard hath payd hym his dute as he promised, thanne growyth nat to John Russe past iiij. or v_li._; notwithstanding fare fayre with hym and resonabilly, so that he leve his bargeyn, and lend hym the remnaunt of the xx_li._ upon suerte for xx_li._ He desireth to have outher his dewte or borowyng at this tyme.

Item, he that shall speke with the fermours of Akthorp, whos name is Langham, he must inquere generally what mony he hath payd to all men sith Sir John Fastolff dyed, and see his billes of payment, and take therof a t.i.telyng. Ric. Calle hath a bille of parcellis of every mannes ferme, and he can serche this best, in case he be not to favorabill to John Russe, wherfore I remitte this to your discrecion; but I suppose John Russe woll telle yow what he hath reseyvid for hand bifore this tyme wretyn by his seying what he had reseyvid, and I suppose and he remembird that he seid to me, he wold not aske his mony in this forme; nevirthelesse it shall do good, so he leve his bargeyn by this meane.

I mervyll that I here no tidyngges from yow hough ye have do at the a.s.sisses. The berer of this letter is a comon carier, and was at Norwich on Satirday, and brought me lettirs from other men, but your servaunts inquere nat diligently after the comyng of cariers and other men. Wretyn at London the Wednesday next after Lammes day.

Ye shall have lettirs of me this weke.


[Footnote 173.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is sufficiently clear from the reference to accounts of the 4th year of Edward IV., that this letter cannot be earlier than 1465, which is the last year of the writer's life.]



_To my mastresse, Margret Paston, James Gresham and Ric. Calle._

I recomaund me to yow, and have reseyvid ij. lettirs from John Russe, wherin he remembirth me that I shuld owe hym xix_li._, or therupon, for divers parcelles whech he seith he shuld have deliverid in to myn hows, wherof he seith xiiij_li._ was deliverid in to myn howse ij. yere g[oon], and that I had a bille deliverid me therof, and the remnaunt sithen, and desireth of me payment of the seid xix_li._ Wherfore I certi[fye] yow as I undirstand in the mater; ye may lete John Russe come to yow and take such a direccion in the mater as reason and trought woll. I lete yow wete that abought ij. yer goo the seid John Russe deliverid me first a bille of the seid xiiij. [_li._], and I examined the parcelles; and as I remembir xj_li._ was my dewte, wherof the certeyn somme is writen in my blak book of foreyn reseytes that yere, and the remnaunt was Ric. Calles dewte, wherof he was allowed, savyng apart was Elys dewte. And as for the seid xj_li._, I offerid the seid John Russe payment in hand at that tyme, and desired hym he shuld no more send in to myn howse, and warnyd yow and Richard that ye shuld no more stuffe take in to myn hows without ye peyd in hand, nowther of hym ner of non other. And the seid John Russe prayd me to remembir that I had grauntyd hym the maner of Akthorp in Leystoft, at a certeyn prise, as it apperyd by writyng undir my seall, and desired me that I wold take the seid somme in party of payment. And I told hym that as for such mony that shuld com from hym for that lond, I wold take it of hym and ley it up by the self, that I myght purchase other lond therwith, bicause I wold lesse Fastolffs lyvelode for the college, but I wold pay hym his dewte without any stoppage. And he thanne desired me to take that same xj_li._, and ley it up to the same use, seying to me that it was as good to do so as I for to take it hym, and he to take it me ayen. And thus he and I agreed, and departed, and thanne he prayd me to take more chafar of hym, whech I denyed. And nough I merveyll what shuld cause hym to aske mony for that dewte; neverthelesse I deme he supposith that he coud not opteyne his bargeyn by me, bicause of the trobill that it standyth in; and for that or for some other cause he repentyth his bargeyn and woll nomore of it. Wherfore send for hym, and take James Gresham or some of your frends and Richard Calle, and fele what he menyth; and if ye can fynd hym disposed to leve his bargeyn yet, though I myght kepe stille the seid mony I wold he shuld not lese therby. Nevirthelesse if he woll refuse his bargeyn, thanne take ayen the writyng that he hath of that bargeyn and a writyng of his hand that he dischargyth me of the graunt that I mad hym of that same bargeyn. And thanne loke that ye enquere what mony he hath reseyvid of the seid maner in my tyme, wherof the ferme is vj_li._ yerly whech I suffird hym to occupie to his owne use by fors of the seid bargeyn all my tyme; and aftir the parcellis cast what I have had of hym; abbate therof the mony that he hath reseyvid of the seid maner, and also as moch of the xiiij_li._ as the seid Ric. Calle and Elys owen, wher of he is alowid; and thanne see that the seid John Russe be content of the remnaunt of his parcellis that is dew by me, but loke ye pay non other mennes dewtes.

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