A List of Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.'s Publications (1887) Part 4

A List of Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.'s Publications (1887) -

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Thoughts for the Times. Fourteenth Edition. Crown 8vo, 5_s._

Unsectarian Family Prayers. New Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 1_s._ 6_d._

_HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel._--Works. Complete in Twelve Volumes. Large post 8vo, 7_s._ 6_d._ each volume.

_HEATH, Francis George._--Autumnal Leaves. Third and cheaper Edition.

Large crown 8vo, 6_s._

Sylvan Winter. With 70 Ill.u.s.trations. Large crown 8vo, 14_s._

Hegel's Philosophy of Fine Art. The Introduction, translated by BERNARD BOSANQUET. Crown 8vo, 5_s._

_HENNESSY, Sir John Pope._--Raleigh in Ireland. With his Letters on Irish Affairs and some Contemporary Doc.u.ments. Large crown 8vo, printed on hand-made paper, parchment, 10_s._ 6_d._

_HENRY, Philip._--Diaries and Letters of. Edited by MATTHEW HENRY LEE, M.A. Large crown 8vo, 7_s._ 6_d._

_HINTON, J._--Life and Letters. With an Introduction by Sir W. W. GULL, Bart., and Portrait engraved on Steel by C. H. Jeens. Fifth Edition.

Crown 8vo, 8_s._ 6_d._

Philosophy and Religion. Selections from the Ma.n.u.scripts of the late James Hinton. Edited by CAROLINE HADDON. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 5_s._

The Law Breaker, and The Coming of the Law. Edited by MARGARET HINTON. Crown 8vo, 6_s._

The Mystery of Pain. New Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 1_s._

Homer's Iliad. Greek text, with a Translation by J. G. CORDERY. 2 vols.

Demy 8vo, 24_s._

_HOOPER, Mary._--Little Dinners: How to Serve them with Elegance and Economy. Twentieth Edition. Crown 8vo, 2_s._ 6_d._

Cookery for Invalids, Persons of Delicate Digestion, and Children. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, 2_s._ 6_d._

Every-Day Meals. Being Economical and Wholesome Recipes for Breakfast, Luncheon, and Supper. Seventh Edition. Crown 8vo, 2_s._ 6_d._

_HOPKINS, Ellice._--Work amongst Working Men. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo, 3_s._ 6_d._

_HORNADAY, W. T._--Two Years in a Jungle. With Ill.u.s.trations. Demy 8vo, 21_s._

_HOSPITALIER, E._--The Modern Applications of Electricity. Translated and Enlarged by JULIUS MAIER, Ph.D. 2 vols. Second Edition, Revised, with many additions and numerous Ill.u.s.trations. Demy 8vo, 25_s._

_HOWARD, Robert, M.A._--The Church of England and other Religious Communions. A course of Lectures delivered in the Parish Church of Clapham. Crown 8vo, 7_s._ 6_d._

How to Make a Saint; or, The Process of Canonization in the Church of England. By the PRIG. Fcap 8vo, 3_s._ 6_d._

_HUNTER, William C._--Bits of Old China. Small crown 8vo, 6_s._

_HYNDMAN, H. M._--The Historical Basis of Socialism in England. Large crown 8vo, 8_s._ 6_d._

_IDDESLEIGH, Earl of._--The Pleasures, Dangers, and Uses of Desultory Reading. Fcap. 8vo, in Whatman paper cover, 1_s._

_IM THURN, Everard F._--Among the Indians of Guiana. Being Sketches, chiefly anthropologic, from the Interior of British Guiana. With 53 Ill.u.s.trations and a Map. Demy 8vo, 18_s._

_JACCOUD, Prof. S._--The Curability and Treatment of Pulmonary Phthisis. Translated and edited by MONTAGU LUBBOCK, M.D. Demy 8vo, 15_s._

Jaunt in a Junk: A Ten Days' Cruise in Indian Seas. Large crown 8vo, 7_s._ 6_d._

_JENKINS, E., and RAYMOND, J._--The Architect's Legal Handbook. Third Edition, revised. Crown 8vo, 6_s._

_JENKINS, Rev. Canon R. C._--Heraldry: English and Foreign. With a Dictionary of Heraldic Terms and 156 Ill.u.s.trations. Small crown 8vo, 3_s._ 6_d._

The Story of the Caraffa: the Pontificate of Paul IV. Small crown 8vo, 3_s._ 6_d._

_JOEL, L._--A Consul's Manual and s.h.i.+powner's and s.h.i.+pmaster's Practical Guide in their Transactions Abroad. With Definitions of Nautical, Mercantile, and Legal Terms; a Glossary of Mercantile Terms in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish; Tables of the Money, Weights, and Measures of the Commercial Nations and their Equivalents in British Standards; and Forms of Consular and Notarial Acts. Demy 8vo, 12_s._

_JOHNSTON, H. H., F.Z.S._--The Kilima-njaro Expedition. A Record of Scientific Exploration in Eastern Equatorial Africa, and a General Description of the Natural History, Languages, and Commerce of the Kilima-njaro District. With 6 Maps, and over 80 Ill.u.s.trations by the Author. Demy 8vo, 21_s._

_JORDAN, Furneaux, F.R.C.S._--Anatomy and Physiology in Character.

Crown 8vo, 5_s._

_JOYCE, P. W., LL.D., etc._--Old Celtic Romances. Translated from the Gaelic. Crown 8vo, 7_s._ 6_d._

_KAUFMANN, Rev. M., B.A._--Socialism: its Nature, its Dangers, and its Remedies considered. Crown 8vo, 7_s._ 6_d._

Utopias; or, Schemes of Social Improvement, from Sir Thomas More to Karl Marx. Crown 8vo, 5_s._

_KAY, David, F.R.G.S._--Education and Educators. Crown 8vo. 7_s._ 6_d._

_KAY, Joseph._--Free Trade in Land. Edited by his Widow. With Preface by the Right Hon. JOHN BRIGHT, M.P. Seventh Edition. Crown 8vo, 5_s._

*** Also a cheaper edition, without the Appendix, but with a Review of Recent Changes in the Land Laws of England, by the RIGHT HON. G. OSBORNE MORGAN, Q.C., M.P. Cloth, 1_s._ 6_d._; paper covers, 1_s._

_KELKE, W. H. H._--An Epitome of English Grammar for the Use of Students. Adapted to the London Matriculation Course and Similar Examinations. Crown 8vo, 4_s._ 6_d._

_KEMPIS, Thomas a._--Of the Imitation of Christ. Parchment Library Edition.--Parchment or cloth, 6_s._; vellum, 7_s._ 6_d._ The Red Line Edition, fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, 2_s._ 6_d._ The Cabinet Edition, small 8vo, cloth limp, 1_s._; cloth boards, 1_s._ 6_d._ The Miniature Edition, cloth limp, 32mo, 1_s._

*** All the above Editions may be had in various extra bindings.

Notes of a Visit to the Scenes in which his Life was spent.

With numerous Ill.u.s.trations. By F. R. CRUISE, M.D. Demy 8vo, 12_s._

_KETTLEWELL, Rev. S._--Thomas a Kempis and the Brothers of Common Life.

With Portrait. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 7_s._ 6_d._

_KIDD, Joseph, M.D._--The Laws of Therapeutics; or, the Science and Art of Medicine. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6_s._

_KINGSFORD, Anna, M.D._--The Perfect Way in Diet. A Treatise advocating a Return to the Natural and Ancient Food of our Race. Third Edition.

Small crown 8vo, 2_s._

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